Block 3 Flashcards
nucleus (tractus) solitarius vs dorsal motor nucleus vs paramedian pontine reticular formation vs cerebellopontine angle contains?
CN 7/9/10; can help w/ vomiting -> CN8/9/10 vs CN 10 to send parasymp to heart, lungs, upper GI vs ipsi CN6 nucleus for horiz gaze vs CN5/7/8
CN reflexes: corneal/lac vs jaw jerk vs cough
5.1 -> 7 vs 5.3/masseter; jaw deviates towards lesion vs 10
Gerstmann syndrome
dom parietal cortex/angular gyrus -> agraphia, acalculia, finger agnosia, L/R disorient
Parinaud syndrome affects which part of brain? reticular activating system in midbrain?
dorsal midbrain. dec arousal & wakefulness like coma
restless leg syndrome assoc vs tx. acute dystonia vs regular dystonia tx?
iron defic, CKD vs DA ag -> pramipexole, ropinarole. benzotropine (M3 antag), diphenhydramine vs botulinum
MS dx vs tx
MRI = gold; periventricular white matter lesions space/time, oligoclonal bands, inc igG & myelin basic protein in CSF vs beta IFN, glatiramer, natalizumab, steroids
phys of cerebral edema. explain tramadol
from failed ADP dependent ion transporters. very weak opioid ag & “SNRI” for chronic pain, AE sero syndrome, dec sz threshold
what happens in cavernous sinus thrombosis vs cavernous sinus syndrome vs carotid sinus aneurysm?
proptosis, no CN 4/5.1/5.2/6 (tho this sinus also contains CN3 too) vs dec corneal & maxillary sensation, Horner, ophthalmoplegia, mass effect, carotid-cavernous fistula, infected cavernous sinus thrombosis vs asx or compressed CN6
red nucleus/pons lesion: decorticate vs decerebrate (opisthotonic) posturing
lesion above red nucleus/pons -> flex UE, extend LE vs lesion at or below red nucleus/pons -> extend both U/LE
labs vs tx of Guillain Barre. Charcot Marie Tooth
inc CSF protein, dec/absent DTR, endoneurial inflam vs support, plasma exchange, IVIG. AD CMT1A PMP22 dup -> no protein in periph n or myelin sheath -> foot deform & sensation
Friedrich ataxia
AR frataxin (iron binding protein) GAA on chrm 9 -> no lat corticospinal tract, DRG, spinocerebellar tract -> atax, DM, HCM, hammertoes, kyphoscoliosis
retinitis pigmentosa
genetic degen of retinal pig epith & photoreceptors -> optic disc pallor, bone spicule deposits, retinal vessel atten, nyctalopia, periph vision loss
Alz meds
galantamine, rivastigmine, donezepil +/- memantine; improves cog fxn but not dz process
cauda equina syndrome. what color CSF in subarach hem?
No L2 & below -> no knee & ankle reflexes, incont, saddle anesthesia; d/t hern disc or tumor. bloody or yellow; nimodipine to prevent more spasms; inc risk communic hydroceph
how to tx status epilepticus. causes vs labs for NTDs
acutely w/ IV BZD -> phenytoin for maintenance. carbamez & phenytoin, MTX, GDM vs inc AFP & AchE in amnio