Block 5 Condensed Flashcards
What are the endorsements that you will commonly have to make as a CFI?
- Wind endorsements
- Pre-solo aero. knowledge
- Pre-solo flight training
- Solo flight (90 days)
- Solo xc
- Solo flight in Class B
- Written deficiencies
What endorsements must you make to SOLO a student?
A3 pre-solo knowledge
A4 per 61.87c pre-solo flight training
A6 per 61.87n solo flight
How do you know when your student is ready to SOLO?
- tie the tasks to the requirements*
1. FARs - Meets 61.87
2. Overall Criteria - Recognizes and CORRECTS errors
- Consistency/no need to review basic things
- Maintain orientation/Basic nav
- Has a level of CONFIDENCE
3. Specific Criteria - Private Pilot ACS tasks (pertaining to Solo)
- TIMELY and CORRECT round-out/flare (ex. probs not smooth, but that’s ok)
- Add basic radio communications
4. Endorsements - A3 pre-solo knowledge
- A4 pre-solo flight training 61.87c
- A6 solo flight 61.87n (starts 90 day clock)
What endorsements must you make for SOLO XC authorizations?
A9 per 61.93c 1+2 solo cross-country (the privilege to fly xc)
A10 per 61.93c 3 solo cross country (privilege to fly solo xc on THAT ROUTE on THAT DAY)
How do you know when your student is ready for SOLO XC?
- FARs
- Meets 61.93 - Overall Criteria
- Know location within 3nm
- Consistency
- Confidence - Specific Criteria
- Private Pilot ACS tasks (pertaining to Solo XC) per 61.93
- Add ….other things you think important not covered there - Endorsements
- A4 solo flight 61.87n (within the 90 day clock)
- A9 Solo cross country (training CFI, houses A6 and A7)
- A10 Solo XC Flight
- A10 Route endorsement (any CFI)
- A11 need to already have A9
What endorsements must you make for repeated solo cross-country authorizations?
A11 - 61.93b 2
Repeated solo xc flights not more than 50nm from point of departure
A7 - 61.87p
If first 90-day period (A6) has expired
How do you know when your student is ready for repeated solo cross-country?
Consider currency AND proficiency
What endorsements must you make to recommend a student for Private Pilot certification? (PPC)
A1 - Prereqs for practical test Part 61 and 61.39a 6 i + ii (2 cal months prep)
A2 - Written Deficiencies
A33 - Flight proficiency/practical test 61.103/107/109
How do you know when your student is ready for Private Pilot certification? (PPC)
- Meets FARs
- 61.103/105/107/109 - Overall Criteria
- 61.43 - Specific Criteria
- ACS for cat/class - Endorsements
- 8710
- A1 2 cal. months prep
- A2 written deficiencies
- A33 flight proficiency/practical tests (61.107/109)
* not A32*
* different reqs for those graduating under examining authority*
What endorsements must you make to recommend a student for Commercial Pilot certification? (CPC)
A1 - 2 cal. months prep (prereqs for practical test Part 61 and 61.39)
A2 - written deficiencies
A35 - Flight proficiency/practical test 61.123/127/129
How do you know when your student is ready for Commercial Pilot certification? (CPC)
- Meets FARs
- 61.123/125/127/129 - Overall Criteria
- 61.43 - Specific Criteria
- ACS - Endorsements
- 8710
- 2 cal months prep
- Written deficiencies
- FAR 61.127/129
What are the differences in the ground training and flight training requirements between FAR Part 61 and Part 141 for a Private Pilot? (PPC)
Part 141 flight - 35 hour (20 dual) required for PPC
Part 61 flight - 40 hours needed
What are the differences in the ground training and flight training requirements between FAR Part 61 and FAR Part 141 for a Commercial Pilot? (CPC)
141 flight - it is impossible to get you CPC without an instrument rating. Dual for instrument is built into total time (190 hrs) to get CPC in 141 world.
141 ground - 100 hours CPC
What must be covered during the Private Pilot Single Engine Land Practical Test?
- ACS required tasks
At least:
- 1 knowledge
- 1 risk management
- ALL skill elements
- Task elements the applicant was deficient on the knowledge test
What must be covered during the Commercial Pilot Single Engine Land Practical Test?
- ACS required tasks
At least:
- 1 knowledge
- 1 risk management
- ALL skill elements
- Task elements the applicant was deficient on the knowledge test
What flexibilities does the examiner have when conducting a practical test under the Private ACS and Commercial Pilot ACS? (3)
”..has the discretion to modify the POA in order to accommodate unexpected situations as they arise.”
”..has the discretion to
combine Tasks/elements as appropriate to testing scenarios.”
”..has discretion to sample as needed to ensure the applicant’s mastery of a Task.”
Ex: Evaluator may elect to suspend and later resume a scenario to assess certain tasks
A-8 of Private ACS
What are the EXAMINER responsibilities that are defined in the Private/Commercial Pilot ACS? (3)
- Determining that the applicant meets established standards (knowledge, skill and risk management)
- Meets experience requirements (verification)
- Develop a POA including all required areas of operation and tasks
What is “satisfactory performance” as defined in the Private/Commercial Pilot ACS? (vs CFI PTS)
- Demonstration of tasks within standards
- Mastery of a/c
- Proficiency and competency
- Sound judgement/ADM
- Single-pilot competence for a/c certified for single-pilot ops (CRM for other)
What is “unsatisfactory performance” as defined in the Private/Commercial Pilot ACS? (vs CFI PTS)
Applicant does not meet standards of any Task, or fails the Task and associated Area of Operation.
- Evaluator intervention to maintain safe flight
- Consistently exceeding tolerances
- Failure to exercise risk management
How does the CFI PTS testing Procedures differ from the Private/Commercial Pilot ACS?
- NOT all tasks evaluated
- The CFI PTS is not a stand alone document, it relies on the Commercial Pilot ACS
What must be covered during the CFI Single Engine Practical Test?
Applicant’s teaching ability, knowledge, and skill tasks selected by the Examiner.
Include the evaluation of:
- Ability to apply fundamentals of instructing
- Knowledge/ability to teach everything involved in a task
- Ability to perform within Commercial ACS standards WHILE giving effective instruction
- Ability to analyze/correct common errors related to Tasks covered
What are the special emphasis areas for the CFI PTS?
- Now the “Risk Management” areas in ACS
- Positive a/c control/exchange of flight controls
- Stall/spin awareness
- Collision/wake turb. avoidance
- TFRs
…other areas deemed appropriate to any phase of the practical test!
What is “unsatisfactory performance” as defined in the CFI PTS? (vs. PP or CP ACS)
Applicant does not meet standards of any Task, or fails the Task and associated Area of Operation.
- Not performing to Commercial Pilot skill level WHILE giving effective instruction
- Not providing effective instructional explanation while demonstrating a procedure/maneuver (not clear, concise, technically accurate or complete with out prompting from examiner)
- Examiner intervention to maintain safe flight
- Not scanning effectively to clear areas before/while maneuvering
What is the purpose of FAR 141?
- To improve efficiency and provide QUALITY flight training
(because you must meet standards and qualifications to operate 141 therefore the quality of training is better)
141 is NOT to reduce flight time
How does a school obtain a FAR Part 141 Pilot School Certificate?
(141. 5)
- Compliance with requirements
- 8/10 pass rate by course from most recent, and maintain this record of positive output
What is a provisional pilot school certificate?
(141. 7)
- If you have under 8/10 pass rate (ex: 4/5)
- Can only be issued ONCE
What is the duration of a pilot school certificate? How often may the FAA inspect a FAA Part 141 school?
(141. 17)
- Must be renewed every 24 cal months
(141. 21)
- Whenever/however often they want
What is a training course outline?
(141. 53/55)
- Contains a syllabus for each course
- Description of where all ground instruction will take place
What is examining authority?
(141. 65)
- Mean certification is based on satisfactory completion of the COURSE (not a test)
- Issued on a course by course basis
How does a FAR Part 141 pilot school obtain examining authority?
(141. 63)
- Must have 2 years as a school w/ 90 percent pass rate on all intermediate/final checks
WHEN can a part 141 school issue a graduation certificate?
(141. 95)
- Upon student’s completed of the approved course of training
Do all instructors of a FAR Part 141 pilot school have to have a flight or ground instructor certificate?
NO - there is a caveat
What are the student enrollment requirements for an approved pilot school?
- 93
- Enrollment Certificate filled out and sent to FAA
- Course Syllabus
- School SP and Ps
What must be contained in the training records of a FAR Part 141 pilot school?
- 101
- Date student enrolled
- Chronological log of attendance/training that took place
- Tests, names of tests, grades and results of tests taken
- If the student transferred
What does a solo endorsement allow your student to do?
Fly alone within a 25nm radius of the original departure point
Difference in providing Adequate Instruction vs. Excellent Instruction?
Adequate Instruction:
- Doing what is required and checking boxes
Excellent Instruction:
- Know your student and tailor each lesson
What must be on all endorsements?
- Date
- Name
- CFI number and expiration date
- Signature