Block 4 Flashcards
Define Altitude Engine
A type of engine that uses a turbocharger to generate Sea Level Pressure in its intake manifold, up to its critical altitude, at which point power will start to decrease.
Define Flight Time
When an aircraft moves under its own power for the purpose of flight and ends when the aircraft comes to rest after landing
Define Pilot in Command
The person who: 1. Has the final authority and responsibility for the operation and safety of the flight; 2. Has been designated as pilot-in command before or during the flight; and 3. Holds the appropriate category, class, and type rating, if appropriate, for the conduct of the flight.
What is the difference between normal and utility categories?
- Normal: No aerobatics, no more than 60 degrees of bank
- Utility: Limited aerobatics, spins, banks of 60-90 degrees
What conditions determine the takeoff and 50 foot speed for a single engine airplane?
Does a stall warning horn device have to be installed on an aircraft?
What is the difference in spin recovery requirements between normal, utility and acrobatic airplane categories?
- Normal a/c: Limited to 1 turn or 3 seconds spins for recovery
- Utility a/c: Recoverable at any point of spin, up to 6 turns
Can your student as a Private Pilot perform preventative maintenance on an airplane?
Yes….but not 121, 135 etc ? (43.3)
What is the difference between major repair and preventative maintenance?
- Major Alterations to the airframe, powerplant, propeller or appliance
- Preventative MX is limited to 31 things
What maintenance inspections are required for an airplane that an FBO rents to individuals who are not conducting any flight instruction?
- Annual
What maintenance inspections are required for an airplane that is being used for flight instruction?
- 100 hour
What items/areas must be included in a annual or 100-hour inspection?
43.15 appendix D
What must be included in all maintenance record entries?
- Description of the work performed
- Date of completion
- Signature/cert of person approving return to service
Who can authorize an aircraft’s return to service after a repair, alteration or inspection?
- Administrator (FAA)
- A+P/IA
- Repair Station
- When the manufacturer or pilot perform preventative mx
Does an aircraft that is on a Progressive Maintenance Program have to have an annual inspection?
- No as long as all phases are complete within 12 calendar months
Who is directly responsible for, and final authority as to the operation of an aircraft?
The PIC ?
What constitutes a careless or reckless operation?
- Careless is doing the wrong thing on accident or with ignorance
- Reckless is doing the wrong thing on purpose or knowingly
- 91.13
Can I file a report under the Aviation Safety Reporting Program to avoid FAA action due to the result of an accident?
- 25
- No filing a report will not protect you from enforcement action when it concern as accident
Can I give flight instruction to a student pilot in an aircraft with a single throw-over control wheel?
No - Only for Instrument Training
Can I fly an airplane without an operating oil pressure gauge?
No - this is required equipment under 91.205
Do I need an operating ELT in an aircraft that is being used for flight training?
Aircraft while engaged in training operations conducted entirely within a 50-nautical mile radius of the airport from which such local flight operations began do NOT need an operating ELT
Do I have to have an approved MEL for an aircraft?
If you are using an MEL for you a/c it must be approved by the FAA, it cannot just be something you made on your own
Can you as a CFI exercise any of its privileges without holding a valid medical certificate?
- Yes, but you cannot act as PIC or a Safety Pilot!
- 61.23
- 61.3
What are the guidelines for the application and qualification for a certificate or rating?
What are the implications of being involved with drugs /alcohol with a pilot’s certificate?
- 90 days to report
- Suspension or revocation
- 61.15
What is the duration of a temporary pilot certificate?
- 120 days or until you get the actual cert which supersede it
- 61.17
What is the maximum duration of a flight instructor certificate?
- 24 calendar months
- 61.19
What is the maximum duration of a 1st class medical certificate?
- Under 40 then 12 cal months and privileges expire
- 60 cal months your whole medical expires
How can your student replace their destroyed pilot certificate?
- Online or through the mail
- 61.29
Can a private pilot fly an airplane SOLO when they do not have the appropriate category /class rating on their certificate?
- Solo yes if they have been given an endorsement for having instruction required for PPL or CPL skill level
- “Cat/Class solo endorsement”
- 61.31 (d)
What is a high performance airplane?
- A/c with more than 200hp engine
- 61.31 (f)
What are the Pre-Requisites for taking a WRITTEN exam?
- Given adequate instruction or student has completed proper home study
- 61.35
What constitutes cheating on a FAA written exam? What are the consequences?
- Intentionally copying/removing a test, Giving/receiving a part/copy of a test, or False identity
- Prohibited from applying for any cert/rating or taking another test for 1 year
- 61.37
What are the Pre-Requisites for taking a FLIGHT test?
- Knowledge exam
- Logbook endorsement showing proper training was completed
- Hold a 3rd class medical
- Had training withing last 2 months of the practical test
What endorsements are required for a FAA PRACTICAL test?
- Knowledge test deficiency endorsement
What are the pre-solo flight training requirements for solo flight? (15 items abbreviated)
- Fundamentals of flight, stalls, emergencies, taxi, etc.
- 61.87
What are the Endorsements must be made before your student can make a Solo flight?
- Pre-solo make/model (a/c specific) endorsement
- Must get a new endorsement every 90 days
- Solo written exam endorsement
Who can issue a student pilot certificate?
- Designated pilot examiner
- Airman cert. representative (141)
- 61.85
What are the overall criteria that are used to evaluate a private or commercial pilot applicant’s ability to perform the required pilot operations? (4 main ideas)
- Performing tasks spcified in ACS within standards
- Mastery of a/c
- Proficiency and competency
- Sound judgement
- 61.43
What can be used in lieu of a flight review? (3 main)
- Pilot proficiency check
- Practical Test for additional cert/rating
- Satisfactory completion of a safety program
- 61.56
Your student has changed their address. What must they do with the FAA?
- Notify the FAA within 30 days
- 61.60
What are the requirements to add a class rating to a pilot certificate?
- Logged training time
- Endorsement
- Pass the checkride
- 61.63
Your student trains under FAR Part 141 but all certification is done through FAR Part 61. How can your private student who has 35 flight hours be certificated when they don’t meet FAR Part 61 (40 flight hours) requirements?
- They are covered under 61.71 (a)
- Must pass practical test within 60 days of graduation
What are the Aeronautical Knowledge requirements for solo flight? (3 main)
Logged instruction of:
- Applicable 61/91 regs
- Operation of airports to be used
- Made/madel a/c characteristics and limitations
- 61.87
What are the limitations of student pilots?
Cannot be PIC when - carry pax - carrying property for hire - for compensation - in furtherance of business - internationally - contradicting endorsements - 61.89
What constitutes an XC for student pilots?
- Landing at an airport over 25nm from where flight originated
- 61.93
What are the flight training requirements for a student pilot to go on a cross-country flight?
- Use of flight Instruments!!
- 2 way comm
- Performance charts
- Wx
- Estimating visibility in flight
- Emergencies
- Wind shear/wake avoidance
- Terrain
What endorsements must be made in order for your student to make a solo cross-country flight?
- ROUTE endorsement for that day
- CATEGORY/Make/Model endorsement
What are the Flight Training/Aeronautical Experience requirements for a Recreational pilot?
- 30 hours total (15 w/ an instructor, 3 hours solo, 2 xc)
- 61.98
LIMITS of a REC pilot? (3)
- 1 pax
- No comp/hire
- 50nm PIC
Eligibility for PPL?
- 17 years old
- English proficient
- Logbook endorsement from THEIR instructor
- Pass knowledge exam
- Meet aero. experience
- 61.103