Block 3 - Unit 1a & 1c Flashcards
________ prescribes and explains how to create and manage Air Force publications
AFI 33-360
The ________ is responsible for executing the publishing function.
________________ manages an organization’s portion of the Air Force’s official publication program
Publication/Forms manager
Promptly ____________ publications and forms when no longer needed
Publications series numbers correspond to __________areas.
____________assigns the publication control number and initiates a special review every ______________.
Publication/forms manager; 4 years
______ publications/forms are Air Force level documents
________ publications originate at MAJCOM, FOA, DRU, wing, base, or unit level and apply to all units under the control of the issuing headquarters.
________ has the authority to issue installation publications.
Installation Commanders
__________ is used for a unique publishing requirement involving many publications that affect a narrowly defined audience.
Special Publication Systems
__________ and ____________ are the two categories of Air Force publications that provide a descriptive way to determine if publication use is informational or mandatory
Directive; non-directive
________ publications are necessary to meet the requirements of law, safety, security, or other areas where common direction and standardization benefit the AF.
________ describe and guide the proper use of air and space forces in military action.
Doctrine documents
A(n) _______ is used if you want to direct action, ensure compliance, or give detailed procedures to standard actions across the AF.
_______ are and extension of instructions and usually contain examples for performing standard tasks.
_______ are used to add material to publications issued by higher headquarters
_______ publications are informational and suggest guidance that you can modify to fit the circumstances.
Any time a form or a publication is changes, it is announced in the _________________.
Product announcements (PA)
_____ publications must contain the banner statement “COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PUBLICATION IS MANDATORY” across the top of the title page.
____________ is a minimum of one organization level above the OPR and certifies the need for the publication, to include currency of information, and applicability to the AF.
Certifying officials
The ________ is responsible for posting product announcements to the e-pub website.
The ________ designates an individual within the office to serve as the Point of Contact for each publication and form.
Departmental forms are used AF wide or by more than one ___________
Individuals can order publications as a __________ or ________
Normal user or Designated OAR
The _________ is used to identify the individuals within organization that are authorized to obtain accountable and classified forms.
AF Form 1846
__________ is the second step to order a physical product.
Click Advanced Search
________ is a way to be notified by e-mail anytime there is a change to a publication or a series number.
Subscription services
There is no limit to the amount of ____________ you can have in a publication.
Administrative Changes
To order publications/forms you must go through.
The ________ is used by OPRs to make changes to publications/forms
AF form 673
What program establishes and maintains the list of all publications (currently in indexes) and provides updates as changes occur.
Publication Management Program
Who operates and maintains the e-pub website
Who makes sure publication conform to requirements and standards of AFI 33-360
The first two numbers of a publication refer to?
Series number
What type of publication pertains to everyone in the AF?
the objective of what program is to simplify and improve systems and procedure to enable AF personnel to carry out their daily operations as effectively and economically as possible
The Forms Management Program
What publicizes the availability of new, revised, or interim changes to Air Force Publications and forms?
Product announcements (PA)
Individuals can order pubs as a ____ or a ______.
normal user or designate OAR
The ______ is used to identify the individuals w/in organizations that are authorized to obtain accountable and classified forms.
AF form 1864
__________ is the second step to order a physical product.
Click Advanced search
__________ is a way to be notified by email anytime there is a change to a publication or a series number.
To order publications/forms you must go through _______ website.