Block 1 - Respiratory Flashcards
What is Bottle 620?
How would you describe this?
620 Lung: Lobar pneumonia
* Classic (typical) pneumonia of an entire lobe; primarily caused by pneumococci
* Characterized by inflammatory intra-alveolar exudate, resulting in consolidation
* Can involve the entire lobe or the whole lung
Lung Anatomy?
Respiratory Pathologies?
What is Bottle 518?
What pathology is this?
518 Lung: Lipoid pneumonia
The gross appearance of a lipid pneumonia is that in which there is an ill-defined, pale yellow area on the lung. This yellow appearance explains the colloquial term “golden” pneumonia.
Macroscopically, there is parenchymal consolidation that has a characteristic yellowish discoloration due to the accumulation of lipid in the alveoli.
What is Bottle 684?
684 Lung: suppurative bronchopneumonia
**The cut surface of this lung demonstrates the typical appearance of a bronchopneumonia with areas of tan-yellow consolidation. Remaining lung is dark red because of marked pulmonary congestion. Bronchopneumonia (lobular pneumonia) is characterized by patchy areas of pulmonary consolidation. These areas become almost confluent in the left lower lobe on the bottom left of the photograph.The areas of consolidation are firmer than the surrounding lung.
At higher magnification, the pattern of patchy distribution of a bronchopneumonia is seen. The consolidated areas here very closely match the pattern of lung lobules (hence the term “lobular” pneumonia).
What is Bottle 702?
**702 Lung: Miliary tuberculosis
When the immune response is poor or is overwhelmed by an extensive infection, then it is possible to see the gross pattern of granulomatous disease seen here. This is a “miliary” pattern of granulomas because there are a multitude of small tan granulomas, about 2 to 4 mm in size, scattered throughout the lung parenchyma. The miliary pattern gets its name from the resemblence of the granulomas to millet seeds.
What is Bottle 654 Lung?
**654 Lung - Tuberculous bronchopneumonia and emphysema
Here is the gross appearance of a lung with tuberculosis. Scattered tan granulomas are present, mostly in the upper lung fields. Some of the larger granulomas have central caseation. Granulomatous disease of the lung grossly appears as irregularly sized rounded nodules that are firm and tan. Larger nodules may have central necrosis known as caseation–a process of necrosis that includes elements of both liquefactive and coagulative necrosis).
What is Bottle 531 Lung?
531 Lung: Tuberculosis
On closer inspection, the granulomas have areas of caseous necrosis. This is very extensive granulomatous disease. This pattern of multiple caseating granulomas primarily in the upper lobes is most characteristic of secondary (reactivation) tuberculosis. However, fungal granulomas (histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis) can mimic this pattern as well.
What is Bottle 635 Lung?
**635 Lung: Bronchiectasis
This is another form of obstructive lung disease known as bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis occurs when there is obstruction or infection with inflammation and destruction of bronchi so that there is permanent dilation.Once the dilated bronchi are present, as seen here grossly in the mid lower portion of the lung, the patient has recurrent infections because of the stasis in these airways. Copius purulent sputum production with cough is typical.
What is Bottle 555 Lung?
555 Lung: Severe diffuse fibrosing alveolitis, pulmonary embolus
What is Bottle 1730 Lung?
1730 Lung: adult RESP distress syndrome (A.R.S.S)
What is bottle 543 Lung?
**543 Lung: status asthmaticus
These lungs appear essentially normal, but are normal-appearing because they are the hyperinflated lungs of a patient who died with status asthmaticus.
What is Bottle 612 Lung?
**612 Lung: pulmonary emphysema
On cut section of the lung, the dilated airspaces with emphysema are seen. Although there tends to be some scarring with time because of superimposed infections, the emphysematous process is one of loss of lung parenchyma, not fibrosis.
There are two major types of emphysema:
Centrilobular (centriacinar): primarily the upper lobes. Occurs with loss of the respiratory bronchioles in the proximal portion of the acinus, with sparing of distal alveoli. This pattern is most typical for smokers.
Panlobular (panacinar): involves all lung fields, particularly the bases. Occurs with loss of all portions of the acinus from the respiratory bronchiole to the alveoli. This pattern is typical for alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency.
What is Bottle 657?
**657 Honeycomb lung
Regardless of the etiology for restrictive lung diseases, many eventually lead to extensive fibrosis. The gross appearance, as seen here in a patient with organizing diffuse alveolar damage, is known as “honeycomb” lung because of the appearance of the irregular air spaces between bands of dense fibrous connective tissue.
What is bottle 1479 Lung?
1479 Lung: bronchial carcinoid