Bladder and Urethra (E1) Flashcards
What nerve(s) supply the bladder?
Sympathetic: Hypogastic Ns
Parasympathetic: Pelvic N
Somatic: Pudendal N (to sphincter and urethra)
What is the vascular supply of the bladder?
Main supply: Caudal vesicular artery (from vaginal/prostatic artery)
Cranial vesicular artery (from umbilical artery)
What are the types of urachal abnormalities? (2 common, 2 rare) Which is the most common?
Vesicouracheal diverticulum (most common)
Persistent urachus
Urachal cyst- rare
Urachal sinus- rare
How is a persistent urachus diagnosed? How is it managed?
Dx: Place contrast in umbilicus
Tx: Surgical removal of urachal tube
How is a vesicouracheal diverticulum diagnosed? How is it managed? Why is it important to treat it?
Dx: Positive contrast cystography
Tx: Partial cystectomny and diverticulectomy
Predisposes to uroliths and UTI due to urine pooling
What is the most common cause of bladder rupture? What are some other causes?
Most common: Trauma
Severe cystitis
Urethral obstruction
How could you diagnose a ruptured bladder (4 ways)?
Plain radiographs -Look for abdominal fluid, absence of bladder, decreased serosal detail
US - Look for free fluid, concurrent injuries (Can be used to guide abdominocentesis and determine source of injury)
Positive contrast urethrocystogram - MOST RELIABLE
Abdominocentesis- Urea in fluid = serum urea, CRE in fluid > serum CRE, high K in fluid
What are the indications of a tube cystotomy?
To stabilize a patient with LUT obstruction that cannot be catheterized
Bladder/urethral trauma or surgery
Long term for neurologic bladders (usually use a low profile tube cystotomy)
What suture do you place prior to making a stab incision for a tube cystotomy? Where do you make the incision? Which catheters can you use and which one does Betance prefer?
Purse-string suture Incision made between the purse strings
Foley (preferred) and Mushroom tip
What are the complications for a tube cytotomy? Are these common?
- Inadvertent removal (that’s why always use e-collar and abdominal bandage)
- Pet chewing on tube
- Breakage of mushroom tip
- Fistula formation after removal
- Urine leakage around the tube (usually caused by purse-strings being too lose)
High complication rate
What are the indications for a cystopexy? What are you “pexy”-ing (what to what)? How many lines of sutures do you make?
- Tube cystotomy
- Perineal hernia
- Urinary incontinence associated with pelvic bladder
Suture bladder wall to abdominal wall
2 lines of sutures (use 3.0 monofilament absorbable or non-absorbable)
What are the most common types of cystic calculi?
Calcium oxalate (most common)
How are cystic calculi diagnosed and what clinical signs are associated with them?
Dx: Plain radiographs, Pneumocystography, Double contrast cystography, US
CS: large thick bladder +/- palpable calculi, UTI common, other LUTD signs
What are the non-surgical management options for cystic calculi? Mention advantages and disadvantages for each.
(+) Way to remove stones without surgery
(-) Can irritate/traumatize bladder/urethra, may take several attempts, only for small stones, could cause urethral obstruction
Transurethral cystoscopy
(+) Way to remove stones without surgery
(-) Urethral irritation, may need to repeat often if there are multiple stones, only for small stones, not for smaller patients
Electrohydraulic lithotripsy
(+) Way to remove stones without surgery, can make the stones smaller so that other non-surgical removal could be done
(-) May not be available
Dietary modification
(+) Non-surgical, easily implemented
(-) Only works for certain stones, better as prevention not treatment
When is surgery indicated for cystic calculi? How is the procedure performed and how would you close (include suture options, patterns and closure techniques)?
- UT obstruction
- If no other medical/non-surgical options worked
Most common surgery = CYSTOTOMY
Either dorsal approach or ventral (better because can visualize ureteral orifices)
- Caudoventral midline approach
- Moisten lap sponges
- Empty bladder
(3a. ) (Drape prepuce) - Transect ventral ligament (dont touch lateral ligaments)
- Place stay sutures on lateral aspects and apex (for handling bladder)
- Stab incision at apex
- Extend incision with scissors
- Evert walls and inspect
- Remove calculi
- Pass urethral catheter, flush to ensure patency
(Submit urine, stones, and mucosal tissue for C/S)
- Close (see below)
- Leak test bladder
- Post-op rads
(Expect to heal 14-21 days post-sx)
Water tight - good apposition, invert tissye so you close serosa to serosa (encourages fibrin seal) if possible
Do not penetrate the lumen with the sutures
Avoid impingement of ureters
Always engage submucosa (layer of strength)
Suture: PDS, Monocryl, Vicryl, Dexon, Prolene, Nylon (NOT BRAIDED - dissolves in urine)
Patterns: Many patterns successful, no influence on bursting strength
- Most water tight: One or 2 layer inverting pattern - Cushing followed by Lambert
- One or 2 layer appositional pattern - Simple continuous in submucosa followed by simple continuous in seromuscular layer
- Simple continuous in submucosa followed by Cushing
Fill in the blanks
Detrussor muscle
Ureteral opening
Name the non-neoplastic bladder disease affecting the mucosa for which surgery is curative. A biospy confirms the diagnosis.
Is it more common in males or females?
Polypoid cystitis
What is the most common bladder tumor in the dog and cat?
What is the most common urinary tract tumor in the dog and cat?
Bladder (dogs and cats): Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC)
UT: Dog- TCC, Cat- Renal lymphoma
What is the typical signalment for dogs and cats who develop TCC?
Dogs: Older females (11y)
Cats: Middle-aged males