Biosystematics and Animal Development Flashcards
Arthropod clade that includes spiders, horseshoe crabs, and scorpions.
Sister group of pancrustaceans, includes centipedes and millipedes
Clade that includes crustaceans and hexapoda
Class of Sea Spider
Class of Horseshoe Crabs
Class that includes spiders, scorpions, ticks, and harvestmen
Order of Harvestmen / Daddy Long Legs
Order of Spiders
Order of Scorpions
Order of Ticks/Mites
Class that includes lobsters, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, and krill
Class that includes all insects
Term for insects that undergo complete metamorphosis
Term for insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis
Term for the excretory organs of Myriapods and Pancrustaceans
Malpighian Tubules
Analagous to hemoglobin but in arthropods and utilizes copper for its prosthetic group
Eusocial insect order that includes bees, ants, wasps, and hornets [holometabolous]
Insect order that includes flies and mosquitoes [holometabolous]
Insect order that includes butterflies and moths (fuzzy antennae) [holometabolous]
Insect order that includes dragonflies
Insect order that includes beetles who have elytra (fireflies and ladybugs included) [holometabolous]
Insect order that includes termites
Insect order that includes praying mantises
Insect order that includes grasshoppers and crickets
Insect order that includes stickbugs
Insect order that includes cicadas, aphids, plant hoppers, leaf hoppers, and bed bugs. Divided into heteroptera and homoptera.
Insect suborder that includes cicadas, aphids, and leafhoppers
Insect suborder that includes bed bugs
Mammalian order of bats
Mammalian order of mice, beaver, squirrels, and capybaras
Mammalian order of rabbits, hares, and bunnies
Mammalian order of hedgehogs, moles, and shrews
Mammalian order of anteaters, sloths, and armadillos
Mammalian order of humans, monkeys, chimps, gorillas, lemurs, and orangutans
Mammalian order of elephants
Mammalian order of cats, dogs, and bears
Mammalian order of odd toed ungulates (Zebra, Horse, Hippos, and Rhinos)
Mammalian order of even toed ungulates included dolphins (0 toes) (Camels, Pigs, Cattle, Giraffes)
Mammalian suborder of dolphins
Mammalian suborder of artiodactyla without dolphins
Most basal animal phylum
In porifera, water is drawn into what cavity
In porifera, water flows out of what cavity
In porifera, what term describes the flagellated phagocytic cells
The two layers of cells in sponges are separated by what?
T/F: There are specialized cells for gas exchange in Porifera
What cells in porifera are named after their pseudopodia?
What clade encapsulates all animals
What clade encapsulates all animals with tissue?
What is the most basal eumetazoan?
What term describes animals with two germ layers?
What extra germ layer is present in triploblastic animals compared to diploblastic animals
What clade of cnidaria includes hydras, jellyfish, and cnidaria?
What clade of cnidarians include anemones and corals
What order of jellyfish contains jellyfish?
What order of jellyfish contains box jellies?
What order of Medusozoa only exist in their polyp form?
What is the name for the rows of cilia used for locomotion in comb jellies?
Comb jellies have two retractable tentacles covered in what sticky cells?
What is the most basal bilaterian?
How do organisms from acoela reproduce?
Which of the following is the outgroup?
a) Lophotrochozoa
b) Ecdysozoa
c) Deuterostoma
c) Deuterostoma
What is the crown of ciliated tentacles for feeding in some Lophotrochozoa called?
What is the distinctive larval stage of some Lophotrochozoa called?
Trochophore larva
What are the ciliated regions of the dead-end tubules of protonephridia called?
Indicate all of the following that are functions of protonephridia
a) Excreting water
b) Osmoregulation
c) Waste Excretion
What group of flatworms reproduce through budding and have around 100 species?
What group of flatworms have eyespots called ocelli and reproduce through fission?
Planarians (Rhabditophora)
What class of tapeworms includes blood flukes which cause schistosomiasis?
Tapeworms have a hook end called their ___ and units of ____ which function in reproduction
Scolex ; Proglottids
What is the intermediate host for trematodes? (Main host is human)
Snails (Gastropods)
Rotifers are
a) Pseudocoelomates
b) Aceolomates
c) Coelomates
a) Pseudocoelomates
Syndermata are the first phylum to possess what feature?
Alimentary Canal
Syndermata contain specialized lophophores described by what term?
How do syndermata reproduce?
Syndermata include what parasites of arthropods with mouths of curved hooks and complex life cycles? (2 hosts)
Acanthocephalans have curved mouths described by what term?
What phylum of sessile organisms that have a hard exoskeleton containing pores that lophophores extend through, superficially resemble mosses and contain a coelom?
Lamp shells are apart of what phylum?
Mollusk trochophores utilize what kind of organ for waste excretion?
What kind of mollusks are created from unsegmented dorsal plates?
What class of mollusks do snails and slugs belong to?
What term describes the rotation of the visceral mass undergone by gastropods?
The radula has been lost in which of the following?
a) Chitons
b) Gastropods
c) Bivalves
c) Bivalves
Which class of mollusks do not have an open circulatory system?
What phylum an animals are constructed from many segmented body parts that each contain metanephridia?
What are the bristle-like processes that extend from the segmented body parts of annelids?
What extensions of the body segments consist of many chaetae?
What clade describes many marine annelids who had parapodia?
Leeches and Earthworm belong to what clade of annelids?
What substance is secreted by leeches as an anticoagulant?
What is the most basal arthropod class?
What term describes the unmarked node representing the most recent common ancestor of all organisms on a phylogenetic tree?
What term describes the lineage that diverges the earliest in a phylogenetic tree?
Basal Taxon
What term describes a group of organisms that share an intermediate common ancestor not shared by any other group?
Sister Taxa
What kind of clade signifies every descendant of a common ancestor + the common ancestor?
What kind of clade signifies some but not all of the the descendants of a common ancestor + the common ancestor?
What kind of clade signifies distantly related species and not a common ancestor?
What term describes a characteristic that originated in the ancestor of a taxon?
Shared Ancestral Character
What term describes a novel characteristic of a taxon?
Shared Derived Character
What principle of phylogeny explains that the simplest explanation (requiring the fewest evolutionary events) is more likely?
Maximum Parsimony
What term describes groups of similar cells that act as a functional unit?
What term describes successive mitotic divisions without cell growth between divisions?
What term describes the structure formed after the embryo undergoes cleavage as a hollow ball surrounding a cavity?
During what process following cleavage does the blastula develop embryonic tissues?
What term describes a body cavity formed from tissue derived from the mesoderm?
What type of coelom contains hemolymph (analogous to blood)
Which animal phyla have radial symmetry?
Cnidaria, Ctenophora, and Echinodermata
What type of cleavage do protostomes undergo?
Spiral Cleavage
The blastopore develops into the mouth in what kind of organism?
Determinate cleavage describes the production of cells of different sizes during cleavage that have their fates determined, which occurs in what type of organism?
In deuterostomes, cells produced by early cleavage still have the capacity to develop into a complete embryo, described by what term?
Indeterminate Cleavage
In what kind of organisms describing protostomes does the archenteron split two blocks of mesoderm which form the coelom?
In what kind of organisms, describing deuterostomes, does part of the archenteron lining form into the coelom?
The pouch that eventually develops into a gut that forms during gastrulation is described by what term?
The entrance to the archenteron is described by what term?
What network of hydraulic canals functions in locomotion and feeding in echinoderms?
Water Vascular System
The branching canal extensions of the water vascular system are described by what term?
Tube Feet
The opening of a Sea Star’s Water Vascular System is described by what term?
List all the common animals apart of Echinodermata
Seas Stars, Brittle Stars, Sea Urchins, Sand Dollars, Sea Lilies, Feather Stars, and Sea Cucumbers
List the four derived ancestral characters of all chordates
Notochord, Post-Anal Tail, Pharyngeal Slits, and a Dorsal Nerve Cord
In humans, the notochord forms into what?
Gelatinous Disks
What animals are Cephalochordates?
Lancelets have ___ during development that form segmented muscles, ___ filter feed food, and water that enters through the ____ exit through the ____
Somites ; Cirri ; Pharyngeal Slits ; Atriopore
What animals are Urochordates?
What gene is responsible for developing the forebrain?
What gene develops both the midbrain and forebrain?
What hox gene develops the hindbrain?
List 3 derived characteristics of vertebrates
Duplication of hox genes & transcription factors, the vertebrae, the neural crest
What is the most basal sister group of vertebrates?
Hagfishes are apart of what class?
Lampreys are apart of what class?
Where do most hagfish live?
Marine Environment
What type of lifestyle describes most lampreys?
List the 3 derived characteristics of Gnathostomes
Duplicated Genome (4x original chordates), Lateral Line System, Jaws
The most basal gnathostome group is what class?
Sharks and Rays
What mode of reproduction describes when eggs hatch outside the mother’s body
What mode of reproduction describes when eggs are nourished inside the mother and hatching causes birth
What mode of reproduction describes when organisms are born and developed inside the uterus
What term describes the common chamber in sharks where the reproductive, excretory, and digestive tract all open to the outside
What protective bony flap protects the gills in Osteichthyans?
Most fish maintain buoyancy by filling an air sac described by what term
Swim Bladder
What class describes Ray-Finned Fish?
2 derived traits of osteichthyans?
Swim Bladder, and Operculum
What term describes traits inherited from an ancestral character that have been mostly unchanged
An ancestral, primitive character trait
A shared, derived character that indicates common ancestry
A derived trait that evolved within a lineage
A shared ancestral trait that does not help in defining a specific clade
What class describes Lobe-Finned Fish?
2 Derived characteristics of Tetrapods
Limbs with digits, neck with two vertebra.
Lungfish are apart of what class?
What are the closest relating living ancestors to tetrapods?
Salamanders are part of what amphibian order?
What trait, common in Salamanders, describes when the sexually mature stage of an organism retains more juvenile characters
What term describes the evolutionary change in developmental events (such as sexual maturity)
What term describes the process where the loss of juvenile characters is developmentally delayed, and results in paedomorphosis?
What term describes the process where sexual maturity is developmentally accelerated and results in paedomorphosis?
Progenesis / Paedogenesis
What order of amphibians describe frogs and toads?
Pseudo-snake amphibians
Describe what organisms the term “amniote” encompasses
All tetrapods excluding amphibians
3 Derived characteristics of amniotes?
Amniotic egg, ventilation via rib cage, less permeable skin
What are the four extraembryonic membranes of an amniotic egg from outermost to innermost?
Chorion, Allantois, Amnion, and Yolk Sac.
Which extraembryonic layer functions in gas exchange?
Which extraembryonic layer functions in mainly waste disposal but its membrane participates in gas exchange
Which extraembryonic layer contains fluid that enables shock absorption?
Which extraembryonic layer provides nutrients for the organism?
Yolk Sac
Derived Characteristics of Reptiles?
Scales made of keratin, shelled eggs on land, internal fertilization, ectothermic
What kind of reptiles had a pair of holes on each side of their skull?
Which group of reptiles have lost the holes in their skulls behind the eye sockets?
What lizard-like reptile represents the only surviving group of lepidosaurs?
What order of flightless birds describes ostriches, cassowaries, and emus?
What is the only surviving class of synapsids?
The hole behind the eye socket on each side of the skull is described as what anatomical feature?
Temporal Fenestra
What group of mammals found in Oceania include platypus and echidnas, lays eggs, produce milk, but lack nipples?
What group of mammals including opossums, kangaroos, and koalas have a maternal pouch and an early form of placenta?
What class is usually described as placental mammals?
What mammalian order includes Manatees and Dugongs?
What mammalian order includes Hyraxes?
What term describes organisms that derive their heat from external sequences?
What term describes organisms that derive their heat from metabolism?
What kind of system involves heat transfer along an entire artery with veins flowing in the opposite direction to minimize heat loss
Countercurrent Exchange
In _____ thermogenesis, _____, given its distinct color from the presence of extra _____ utilizes ______ to generate heat instead of ATP from the proton motive force.
Nonshviering; Brown Fat; Mitochondria; Uncoupling Protein
All the energy an animal utilizes in a given time interval, measured as Joules or Calories per minute is described by what measurement?
Metabolic Rate
The minimum metabolic rate, exerted at all times by an animal at rest, on an empty stomach, not experiencing stress nor growing, is referred to as its _______
Basal Metabolic Rate
The higher the body size, the _____ the metabolic rate
The greater the body mass, the ____ the BMR : body size ratio
What major adaptation describes a physiological state of decreased activity and metabolism to decrease spent energy?
What term describes torpor during a long period of hotness / dryness?
What term describes torpor during a long period of coldness?
Method of feeding for aquatic organisms where small organisms or food particles are strained from surrounding medium?
Filter Feeding
Method of feeding where organisms live on their source?
Substrate Feeding
Method of feeding where organisms suck nutrient-rich fluid from a living host?
Fluid Feeding
Methods of feeding where organisms eat large pieces of food?
Bulk Feeding
Order the Bird Digestive System (Mouth, Gizzard, Intestine, Anus, Stomach, Crop, Esophagus)
Mouth, Esophagus, Crop, Stomach, Gizzard, Intestine, Anus.
A carnivore is more likely to have ____, and pointed _____, and jagged _____
Canines; Incisors; Molars/Premolars
A herbivore is more likely to have broad, ridged _____, and absent _____
Molars, Premolars, and Incisors ; Canines
Which parts of the digestive system is typically longer in herbivores?
Cecum and Colon
Order the stomach of a ruminant
Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum, Abomasum.
What is the circulatory fluid for organisms with an open circulatory system??
What is the circulatory fluid for organisms with a closed circulatory system??
What kind of organisms have single circulation?
What kind of organisms have double circulation involving a systemic and pulmocutaneous circuit?
What kind of organisms have double circulation involving a systemic and pulmonary circuit?
Which organisms have a three-chambered heart?
Amphibians, Turtles, Snakes, and Lizards.
Which organisms have a four-chambered heart with a complete septum but the ability to direct blood flow away from the pulmonary circuit?
Alligators and crocodilians.
Which organisms have an incomplete septum?
Turtles, Snakes, and Lizards
What system of breathing is utilized by insects?
The trachea of insects exit through what external openings?
What organisms breathe through positive pressure breathing?
What organism utilizes parabronchi during their respiration?
Describe how the breathing of birds works.
Air is drawn into the posterior air sacs during inhalation, then exhalation pushes air into the lungs, then it’s inhaled into the anterior air sacs, and exhalation pushes it outside.
Describe how positive pressure breathing works.
Air is drawn into the organism, they close their mouths and nose, and then air is squished and pushed into the lungs.
What oxygen-storing protein allows diving mammals to stay underwater for so long without breathing?
What reflex is triggered by a fall into the water, and what occurs?
Diving Reflex ; Heart Rate decreases, blood flow to extremities is reduced.
What term describes organisms whose body temperature varies with the environment?
What term describes organisms whose body temperature is relatively constant?
What term describes organisms who aim to be isosmotic with their surroundings?
What term describes organisms who control internal osmolarity based on effects from their environment
Animals that cannot tolerate substantial changes in external osmolarity are ____ (most animals)
Animals that can tolerate substantial changes in external osmolarity are ____
Euryhaline osmoconformers include ____ and ____ while Euryhaline osmoregulators include ____ and ____
Barnacles and Mussels ; Striped Bass and some Salmon
Most marine invertebrates are osmo_____
Atlantic Lobsters keep what cation concentration way below its environmental concentration?
Which osmoregulatory strategy has evolved among fishes?
Having a hyperosmotic surrounding resulting in constant loss of water by osmosis, drinking seawater and manually excreting excess salts.
Which osmoregulatory strategy has evolved among chondrichthyes?
Having a hypoosmotic surrounding by containing tons of Urea and several other solutes in their tissue, experiencing an uptake of water, and excreting the water but never drinking it.
Chondrichthyes avoid denaturation of their proteins in tissue despite having high osmotic concentration through the presence of what substance?
TMAO (Trimethyl Amine Oxide)
Freshwater organisms must be osmo_____ and have a _____ environment
regulators ; hyposmotic
What organisms excrete a ton of dilute urine?
Freshwater Fish
What hormone is produced to initiate production of salt-secreting cells in Salmon when transitioning between Freshwater and the Sea?
What dormant state allows the invertebrate tardigrade to survive in states of desiccation?
What disaccharide replaces water to protect proteins and membrane lipids during anhydrobiosis?
Energy expenditure ____ as the osmolarity gradient with environment increases
What type of epithelium is utilized for moving particular solutes in specific directions
Transport Epithelium
In what bird are there transport epithelium and salt glands at the tip of their beaks?
What type of invertebrates primarily directly secrete Ammonia and why?
Marine ; It requires tons of water to be secreted with, but low energy
What type of organisms secrete Urea and why?
Terrestrial organisms who don’t have as great access to water, it takes more energy, also sharks.
What kind of nitrogenous waste is excreted by sharks?
What kind of nitrogenous waste is excreted by insects, gastropods, many reptiles, and birds? Why?
Uric Acid ; It’s nontoxic and requires no water, it requires lots of energy
Deposition of uric acid crystals cause joint inflammation in humans in a condition known as ____
_________ use beating cilia to draw interstitial fluid through cap cells into tubules which exit the body
_______ are excretory organs that collect fluid from the coelom
_____ are excretory organs that are dead-end tubules immersed in hemolymph connected to the digestive tract, and utilizes transport epithelium to direct the transport of solutes from the lumen to the tubule.
Malpighian Tubules
Mammals that live in deserts have more (short/long) (cortical/juxtamedullary) that result in (dilute/concentrated/intermediate) urine.
More, Juxtamedullary, Concentrated.
Birds have more (short/long) (cortical/juxtamedullary) nephrons that result in (dilute/concentrated/intermediate) urine.
More, Juxtamedullary, Intermediate
Semiaquatic mammals like beavers/muskrats have more (short/long) (cortical/juxtamedullary) nephrons that result in (dilute/concentrated/intermediate) urine.
Short, Cortical, Dilute
Freshwater Fish have more (short/long) (cortical/juxtamedullary) nephrons that result in (dilute/concentrated/intermediate) urine.
Short, Cortical, Dilute
Marine Fish who do not urinate often have (less/more) nephrons that result in (less/more) urine
less, less
What is the main function of kidneys in Marine Bony Fish?
To get rid of divalent ions (Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfate)
How is the concentration of monovalent ions maintained in Marine Bony Fish?
Through chloride cells which secrete NaCl and maintain concentration of Na+ and Cl-
What hormone is necessary for pair bonding in voles?
What hormone is necessary for Metamorphosis in Amphibians?
What neurosecretory cells secrete PTTH?
Corpora Cardiaca
What neurosecretory cells secrete JH?
Corpora Allata
What gland is targeted by PTTH, and what does it secrete?
Prothoracic Gland; Ecdysteroid.
What results from High Ecdysteroid, High Juvenile Hormone levels?
What results from Low Ecdysteroid, High Juvenile Hormone Levels?
What results from High Ecdysteroid, Low Juvenile Hormone levels?
Formation of a Pupa and Metamorphosis
What type of adaptation involves organisms each individual has both male and female reproductive systems?
What type of asexual reproduction is the growth of individuals from outgrowths sites on an existing one?
What type of asexual reproduction involves the splitting and separation of a parent organism into two individuals of approximately equal size
What type of asexual reproduction involves an egg developing into an organism without being fertilized?
In female insects, what sacs store sperm and keep them alive for extended periods of time?
What process describes what occurs after contact is made between the Jelly Coat of a sea urchin egg and the acrosome of the sperm?
Acrosomal Reaction
List three things that occur during the acrosomal reaction
Hydrolytic enzymes form a hole in the jelly coat, actin filaments form the acrosomal process, proteins on the surface of the process bind to plasma membrane receptors
During the acrosomal reactions, certain receptors are bound, triggering what other reaction?
Cortical Reaction
List all the events that occur as a result of the cortical reaction
Sodium ions enter the cell causing depolarization acting as a fast block to polyspermy (multiple-fusion), cortical granules near the cortex fuse with the plasma membrane, the contents of the granules clip off sperm-binding receptors, and they also cause formation of a fertilization envelope acting as a slow block to polyspermy.
What is the layer formed by the egg’s extracellular matrix near the plasma membrane?
Vitelline layer
What ion is present in the cell in high concentrations during formation of the fertilization envelope?
What layer is analogous to the vitelline layers in mammals?
Zona Pellucida
What cycle of physiological change in female mammals regulate reproductive cycles (but not primates)?
Estrous Cycle
What is the name for cells that make up a blastula
In this type of cleavage, yolk displaces the cleavage furrow but it still divides the egg entirely into halves
Holoblastic Cleavage
Which organisms undergo holoblastic cleavage?
Mammals, Amphibians, Echinoderms, and Annelids
In this type of cleavage, the volume is yolk is great and the cleavage furrow cannot pass through it. Only the region of the egg lacking yolk can undergo cleavage.
Meroblastic Cleavage
What organisms undergo meroblastic cleavage?
Insects, Birds, Reptiles, and many Fishes.
In what kind of organism does many rounds of mitosis occur without any cytokinesis, and then the nuclei migrate to the outer edges of the yolk and then grow cell membranes, surrounding a large yolk sac?
In what kind of organism is cleavage limited to only a small portion of the animal pole which results in the division between an upper cap and lower cap with an analogous hemocoel?
Drosophila undergo what specific type of meroblastic cleavage?
Birds undergo what specific type of meroblastic cleavage?
Which process during development involves the rearrangement of cells?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into skin?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into the adrenal medulla?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into nervous tissue?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into the intestinal lining?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into the reproductive lining?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into the excretory lining?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into the respiratory lining?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into Thyroid and Parathyroid glands?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into Thymus?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into most bones?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into most muscle?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into blood and lymphatic vessels?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into the kidney?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into the liver?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into the dermis of the skin?
What type of embryonic tissue forms into the adrenal cortex?
During frog gastrulation, an invagination forms on the dorsal end of the vegetal pole, creating the blastopore, what is the crease above the site of invagination termed?
Dorsal Lip
As the blastopore develops, a sheet of cell coming from the animal hemisphere is rolled into the dorsal lip and travels to the interior, what term describes this process?
During involution, the cells that are rolled inward eventually develop into what?
The Mesodermal and Endodermal layers
Animal cells from the animal pole that are not apart of involution begin to take shape and spread over the surface of the blastula and eventually develop into ____ during gastrulation
At the end of frog gastrulation, the circular blastopore surrounds a plug of yolk-filled cells called?
Yolk Plug
What happens to the blastocoel during gastrulation?
It disappears
What happens to the blastopore throughout the entirety of gastrulation
1) It forms when cells invaginate
2) It expands around like a ring encircling a sphere as more cells invaginate
3) Eventually, the ectoderm spreads over it and reduces its size until it’s just a lil yolk plug
What is the name for the upper layer of cells in chick preceding the start of chick gastrulation?
What is the name for the lower layer of cells in chick preceding the start of chick gastrulation?
During chick gastrulation, epiblast cells move towards the center and then inward, forming what structure at the surface of the epiblast?
Primitive Streak
What is the fate of hypoblast cells during chick gastrulation?
They become part of the extraembryonic yolk sac
Cells on the epiblast that do not move down towards the yolk eventually become ____
Cells on the epiblast that move halfway down and segregate laterally into the blastocoel eventually become ____
Cells on the epiblast that move to the bottom and displace the hypoblast eventually become ____
When a mammalian embryo has finished cleavage and reached the uterus it is referred to as a ____
Implantation of the embryo is due to a structure defined by the outer epithelial cells of the blastocyst, known as the ____
In the disk of cells formed by mammalian embryos, the inner cells are known as the ____
In the disk of cells formed by mammalian embryos, the outer cells are known as the ____
What term describes the pigmented marker of the dorsal side in a frog embryo opposite the point of sperm entry?
Gray Crescent
Which organisms gastrulation differs from the other two the most?
a) Humans
b) Chicks
c) Frogs
c) Frogsd
Which extraembryonic embryo layer is incorporated into the umbilical cord and forms blood vessels that interact with the placenta?
What process describes the formation of the brain and spinal cord in vertebrates?
The dorsal mesoderm forms a rod that extends along the dorsal side of chordate embryos termed the _____
Cells of the Notochord utilize induction to influence the ectoderm above to become what embryonic structure?
Neural Plate
During neurulation, the folds of the neural plate roll the neural plate up, converting it to what structure?
Neural Tube
In spina bifida, a condition that can be caused by a deficiency in folate, what fails to form properly?
Neural Tube
What does the neural tube eventually become?
The Brain and the Spinal Cord
What set of long-range migrating cells develops near the border of the Neural Tube and the above Ectoderm?
Neural Crest
What set of migrating cells develops into peripheral nerves, teeth, and skull bones?
Neural Crest
What set of long-range migrating cells is formed from the segregation of groups of mesodermal cells that form lateral to the notochord?
What set of migratory cells contributes to formation of vertebrae, ribs, and other repeated/segmented structures?