Biosocial Gender Flashcards
A mismatch between biological anatomy and their gender identity
Develops because of an interaction between bio and social factors
Genes increase the likelihood of GD
Life events determine whether the predisposition develops into GD
Brain sex theory
GD develops as a result of brain abnormality
Part of the brain forms incorrectly
Males - certain part of the brain is female like
Biological fault
Result of genetics and imbalance of naturally occurring hormones in the womb
Post mortems on 6 male to female transexuals
BSTC in the brain was female sized
Compared against a control of non GD males with abnormal hormone levels who’s BSTC was normal sized
Could of changed size as a result of taking hormones prior to the sex change
DES theory
Exposure to synthetic hormones during pregnancy
DES was used to prevent miscarriages until dangerous side effects where noticed
Studied the effect of DES in 500 sons of mothers who took the drug
Online focus group
Around the world
Documentation of side effects
1/3 indicated they suffered from GD
Could be influenced by the exposure to the DES
Bio social
An interaction
GD would be moderated through psychosocial processes
They would of been nurtured in a way that increased the risk further
Psychoanalytic model
Failure to revolve the Electra/Oedipus complex during phallic stage
Failure to identify with an appropriate parent
Little evidence - GD people come from all different backgrounds
Found a link between mothers with a personality disorder having children with GD
Behavioural model
Develops through imprinting and conditioning
Failure to imprint durning critical period
Imprinting on the wrong parent
Behavioural ao2
All men who imprinted on their mother would be dysphoric
Silly idea - single mothers with non GD sons
Cognitive model
Gender identity is established by 3
In early adolescence teenagers consolidate their gender understanding and would develop GD
Cognitive ao2
Many transexuals report symptoms of GD from a very early age
Incorporates both nature and nurture
Does not pigeon hole gender as a product of socialisation or biology
Recognition of multiple forces
Not deterministic or reductionist
Considers bio is not a sufficient explanation and that it is an interaction that contributes to GD onset
Test card
GD Brain sex theory Transecuals DES theory Kerlin Bio social Psychoanalytic model Lothstein Behavioural Behavioural ao2 Cognitive Cognitive ao2 Holistic