biology EXAM #3 pt.4 Flashcards
Photosynthesis is the process that
Photosynthesis converts
It happens in the
Plants and other
Plants use the energy of …….. = _________
converts solar energy into chemical energy
light energy to the chemical energy of food
autotrophs are the producers of the biosphere
sunlight to make organic molecules from water and carbon dioxide= PHOTOAUTOTROPHS
Photosynthesis occurs in
plants, algae, certain other protists, and some prokaryotes
Organisms (bacteria) in hydrothermal vents use
Produce energy (food) mediated by
Bacteria use
chemicals coming from these places
chemical reactions, use chemicals as source of energy
water, dissolved carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide to create sugar and sulfur compounds1
-Obtain their organic material from :
-Are the…
-Some _____________________; others, called ______________, __________________
-Almost all heterotrophs, including humans, depend on:
other organisms
consumers of the biosphere
Some eat other living organisms; others, called decomposers, consume dead organic material or feces
photoautotrophs for food and O2
Earth’s supply of fossil fuels was formed from
Fossil fuels are
Researchers are exploring methods of
the remains of organisms that died hundreds of millions of years ago
being consumed faster than they are being replenished
using the photosynthetic process to produce alternative fuels
Leaves are the major
Chloroplasts are found mainly in
Each mesophyll cell contains ____ chloroplasts
CO2 enters and O2 exits the leaf through microscopic pores called _______
locations of photosynthesis in plants
cells of the mesophyll, the interior tissue of the leaf
A chloroplast has an envelope of
__________ are connected sacs in the chloroplast that compose a third membrane system
These may be stacked in columns called ____
Chlorophyll, the pigment that gives leaves their green color, resides in the ______________
two membranes surrounding a dense fluid called the stroma in mitochondria = matrix
thylakoid membranes
Photosynthesis is summarized as
Chloroplasts split water into _____________, incorporating the :
6 CO2 + 12 H2O + Light energy → C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2 O
hydrogen and oxygen, incorporating the electrons of hydrogen into sugar molecules
Photosynthesis is a redox process where water is ________, carbon dioxide is _______
Photosynthesis is an ________ process; the energy boost is provided by:
Photosynthesis consists of two processes:
water is oxidized, carbon dioxide is reduced
endergonic; light
The light reactions
The Calvin cycle or C3
The light reactions occur :
The Calvin cycle
Occurs in the:
Forms :
in the grana (granum), in thylakoids
H2O, release O2, produce ATP, and form NADPH
sugar from carbon dioxide, using ATP for energy and NADPH for reducing power
The light reactions convert
Light - Is a form of ______________, also called:
Electromagnetic energy travels
Wavelength is
solar energy to the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH
electromagnetic energy, also called electromagnetic radiation
in rhythmic waves
the distance between the crests of waves and determines the type of electromagnetic energy
The visible light spectrum includes
Includes the wavelengths (380nm to 750 nm) that
The other wavelenghts are
Light also behaves as thought it consists of
The electromagnetic is the
the colors of light we can see
produce the colors that we see and that drive photosynthesis
screened out by the atmosphere
discrete particles, or PHOTONS
entire range of electromagnetic energy, or radiation
Pigments are
Different pigments absorb
Wavelengths that are not absorbed are
Leaves appear green because
substances that absorb visible light
different wavelengths
reflected or transmitted
chlorophyll reflects and transmits green light
The spectrophotometer is a
An absorption spectrum is a
machine that sends light through pigments and measures the fraction of light transmitted at each wavelength
graph plotting a pigment’s light absorption versus wavelength
The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a suggests that
An action spectrum profiles the
violet-blue and red light work best for photosynthesis
relative effectiveness of different wavelengths of radiation in driving a process
The action spectrum for photosynthesis is
Accessory pigments, such as chlorophyll b, broaden the
The difference in the absorption spectrum between chlorophyll a and b is due to a
broader than the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll
spectrum used for photosynthesis
slight structural difference between the pigment molecules
Chlorophyll a is the
Chlorophyll b is an
Other accessory pigments absorb
Other pigment is
main photosynthetic pigment
accessory pigment
different wavelengths of light and pass the energy to chlorophyll a
In the last decade, two other forms of chlorophyll were discovered—______________________—that absorb:
The cyanobacterium, Chroococcidiopsis thermalis, uses
chlorophyll d and chlorophyll f; higher wavelengths of light
chlorophyll f in place of chlorophyll a in shaded conditions
When a pigment absorbs light, it goes from a
When excited electrons fall back to the
In isolation, some pigments also
ground state to an excited state, which is unstable
ground state, excess energy is released as heat
emit light, an afterglow called fluorescence
A photosystem is composed of a
The reaction-center complex is an
reaction center surrounded by a number of light-harvesting complexes
association of proteins holding a special pair of chlorophyll a molecules and a primary electron acceptor