Biology A2 Chapter 15 - Nervous Coordination and Muscles Flashcards
What are the two main forms of coordination in animals as a whole?
The nervous system and the hormonal system
What is the function of the nervous system?
To use nerve cells to pass electrical impulses along their length and then stimulate the target cell by secreting chemicals (neurotransmitters) directly onto them
Define the term neurotransmitter
One of a number of chemicals that are involved in communication between adjacent neurones or between nerve cells and muscles
What is an example of nervous coordination?
A reflex action, such as the withdrawal of the hand from an unpleasant stimulus
What is the function of the hormonal system?
To produce chemicals (hormones) that are transported in the blood plasma to their target cells
Why are hormonal responses long lasting and widespread?
The target cells have specific receptors on their cell surface membranes and the change in concentration of hormones stimulates them. This results in a slower, less specific form of communication
What is an example of hormonal coordination?
The control of blood glucose concentration
What are neurones/nerve cells?
Specialised cells adapted to rapidly carrying electrochemical changes called nerve impulses from one part of the body to another
What are the six components of a mammalian motor neurone?
Cell body, dendrons, axon, Schwann cells, myelin sheath, nodes of Ranvier
What is the function of the cell body in a motor neurone?
Contains all of the usual cell organelles, including a nucleus and large amount of RER. This is associated with the production of proteins and neurotransmitters
What is the function of dendrons in a motor neurone?
Extensions of the cell body which divide into smaller branched fibres called dendrites that carry nerve impulses towards the cell body
What is the function of the axon in a motor neurone?
A single long fibre that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body
What is the function of Schwann cells in a motor neurone?
They surround the axon, protecting it and providing electrical insulation. They carry out phagocytosis and play a part in nerve regeneration. They wrap themselves around the axon many times so layers of their membrane build up around it
What is the function of the myelin sheath in a motor neurone?
Forms a covering to the axon and is made up of membranes of Schwann cells. These membranes are rich in a lipid known as myelin
What is a neurone with a myelin sheath known as?
A myelinated neurone
What is the function of the nodes of Ranvier in a motor neurone?
Constrictions (gaps) between adjacent Schwann cells where there is no myelin sheath which allow nervous impulses to ‘jump’ from node to node
What do sensory neurones do?
Transmit nerve impulses from a receptor to an intermediate or motor neurone
What do motor neurones do?
Transmit nerve impulses from an intermediate or relay neurone to an effector, such as a gland or a muscle
What do intermediate or relay neurones do?
Transmit impulses between neurones, for example, from sensory to motor neurones
How is the movement sodium and potassium ions across the axon controlled (3 ways)?
- The phospholipid bilayer of the axon membrane prevents ions from diffusing across
- Channel proteins span the bilayer which allow facilitated diffusion at specific times
- The sodium potassium pump
What is the resting potential of the axon in humans?
Why can the axon be described as polarised at resting potential?
The inside of the axon is negatively charged relative to the outside
Describe the events that occur to create a difference in charge between the inside and outside of the axon
- Sodium ions are actively transported out of the axon by the sodium-potassium pumps
- Potassium ions are actively transported into the axon by the sodium-potassium pumps
- The active transport of sodium ions is more than the potassium, so 3 sodium ions move out for every 2 potassium in
- Although both ions are positive, outward movement of sodium is greater than the inward movement of potassium, creating an electrochemical gradient
- The sodium ions begin to diffuse back into the axon while the potassium ions begin to diffuse out
- However, most of the gates in the channels that allow potassium ions through are open, whilst sodium ones are closed
In terms of ions and charge, describe what happens during an action potential
- At resting potential some potassium voltage gated channels are open but sodium ones are closed
- The energy of the stimulus causes some sodium gates to open and sodium ions to diffuse into the axon through these channels along their electrochemical gradient, triggering a reversal in the potential difference across the membrane
- As sodium ions diffuse into the axon, more channels open, causing an influx of sodium ions
- Once +40mV is established the sodium ion channels close and potassium channels open
- With some potassium channels open, the gradient that was preventing outward movement of potassium ions is reversed, causing more channels to open. More diffuse out
- The outward diffusion of potassium ions cause an overshoot of the electrical gradient, with the inside being more negative than usual. The potassium channels close and the sodium-potassium pump causes sodium ions to be pumped out and potassium ions to be pumped in, -re-establishing -65mV