Biological theories II Flashcards
Eysenck’s biological model of personality and arousal
excitatory and inhibitory neural mechanisms regulated by ARAS. Extroversion and neuroticism are connected with arousal
excitatory mechanism
keep the individual alert, awake and aroused
inhibitory mechanism
keep the individual sleepy, drowsy and sluggish
ascending reticular activating system - ARAS - balance between the inhibitory and excitatory mechanisms produced level of physiological arousal at any given moment
Function of ARAS is to regulate the amount of information or stimulation that goes into the brain. It activates and deactivates higher parts of the brain - cerebral cortex- and is involved in maintaining alertness, concentration and controlling the sleep wake cycle
Eysencks biological model of personality
cortical arousal - Eysenck states that each individuals ARAS functions differently
ARAS that lets in lots of stimulation = introvert
ARAS that cuts brain off from stimulation = extrovert
Emotional arousal
High levels of emotional arousal = greater emotional lability = more neurotic
Lower levels of arousal = greater emotional stability = less neurotic
No evidence supporting this model, not conclusive
Gray’s BAS/BIS theory
Behavioural Approach System (BAS) - the approach motivation or the go. Sensitive to potential rewards and motivated to seek those rewards
Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS) - the avoidance motivation or STOP system, this is the systems that cause one to be sensitive to potential punishment and motivated to avoid those punishments nets
seeking reward and connection with positive emotions, anticipation of good events
High BAS - individual is impulsive
Low BAS - individual is not impulsive
Positive feelings involve activity in the LEFT frontal lobe of the cortex
Behavioural inhibition system inhibits movement towards goals and is responsive to cues of punishment or danger
High BIS - high trait anxiety
Low BIS - low trait anxiety
Research on cortical activity shows an increase in activity in the RIGHT frontal areas of the cortex when people are anxious, fearful or disgusted
Grays model and eysencks model of personality
eysencks extraversion and neuroticism dimensions can be mapped on BIA-BAS model
The two models are at a 45 degree angle to one another rather than aligned
High in extraversion and high in neuroticism = high in BAS
Someone high in BAS = high in extraversion but neither high nor low in neuroticism
Cloninger’s biological model of personality
4 temperament domains
1. Novelty seeking - impulsive behaviour and high activation level, high dopamine
2. Harm avoidance - cautious, careful, fearful and tense, inhibition, serotonin
3. Reward dependence- friendliness and seek social approval, behaviour maintenance and noreprinephrine
4. Persistence - persevere in behaviour despite obstacles, tiredness and frustration
3 character domains
1. Self-directedness - beliefs about independence, self-esteem, self-reliance and adapt behaviour in accord with goals
2. Cooperativeness - empathy, compassion, helpfulness and morality
3. Self-transcendence - connected with mystical experiences, faith and spirituality
Biological theories of personality weaknesses
no consistent evidence
Oversimplification of the brain