Biological Molecules Flashcards
Non-reducing sugar
A sugar that does not reduce in the Benedict’s test (will give a negative result)
Benedict’s Test
Test for reducing sugar- place into warm water bath and wait 5 minutes - if it goes from blue to brick red it is positive
Acid Hydrolysis (+ Benedicts)
Boil HCl with solution before neutralising acid then do Benedicts as normal (for non-reducing sugars)
Emulsion Test
Add ethanol - mix - add water and then mix; wil create a cloudy white EMULSION if lipids are present otherwise stays transparent
Biuret’s Test
Add biuret’s and mix - if it turns purple then it is positive for protein as opposed to staying blue for negative
R - group
Repeating group in a polymer
A glycerol with 3 fatty acid tails
Lactose = …
Galactose + Glucose
Maltose = …
Glucose + Glucose
Sucrose = …
Fructose + Glucose
Glycosidic bond
Covalent bonds that link sugars to other groups
Attracts water
Repellent of water
Mono unsaturated fatty acid
A single fatty acid not saturated by hydrogen
Two types of glucose
Alpha-glucose and beta-glucose
Difference between alpha glucose and beta glucose
Alpha glucose has its -OH group on the right below the carbon ring rather than above like in beta glucose
Amylose Structure
A type of starch - 1-4 glycosidic bonds with alpha glucose (not branched)
Cellulose structure
1-4 glycosidic beta glucose bonds which are unbranched (straight)
Glycogen structure
1-4 and 1-6 glycosidic alpha glucose bonds that are highly branched
Passing out food that hasn’t been digested
End product inhibition
When the final product inhibits an enzyme involved in the initial reactions
Competitive inhibitor
A molecule that binds directly to the active site of an enzyme that isn’t the desired molecule
Non-competitive inhibitor
A molecule that binds to a different site that permanantly alters the shape of the active site
Inorganic Ions
Atoms with a charge that do not contain carbon
Amylopectin Structure
Type of starch - 1-4 and 1-6 glycosidic bonds with alpha glucose (branched)
Nucleotide Derivative
A modified form of a nucleotide (ATP)
A specialised type of channel protein used for the diffusion of water