Areas of Exchange Flashcards
Insects - Tiny holes that can both open and close; they are located on the side of the insect
Gill filaments
Fish - small divisions in the gills of fish that allow for larger surface area
Gill lamellae
Fish - Little protrusions on gills that increase surface area.
Fish - the hard covering above the gills that move outwards to allow water to flow past
Human - a tube lined with collagen that allows air to pass into the lungs
Order of airways in humans
Trachea -> Bronchi -> Bronchioles ->Alveoli
Plants - Holes on the bottom of plants to allow for gas exchange (can open and close)
Plant Adaptations
Waxy cuticle to help prevent water loss; Stomata close in the day to prevent water loss; short diffusion distance
Insect Adaptations
Cuticle to help prevent water loss;
spiracles can both open and close;
have trachea going into tracheoles for direct gas exchange;
abdominal pumping to get gas moving through spiracles; bristles on spiracles to prevent evaporation
Human Adaptations (Gas exchange)
Large surface area inside lungs; diaphragm changing volume of lungs; intercostal muscles helping increase/decrease lung volume; short diffusion distance
Fish Adaptations (Gas exchange)
Large surface area inside the gills; counter current flow to maximise diffusion (taking away oxygenated blood); operculum to protect the gills; short diffusion distance
Xerophytic Plant (in dry conditions) Adaptations
Curled leaves with stomata inside;
Less stomata;
Stomata in pits that trap moist air changing conc. gradient;
Hairs on epidermis to trap air
Tidal Volume of Breath
Volume of air in each breath
Ventilation rate
Breaths per minute
Forced expiratory volume
Max air breathed out in 1 second
Forced vital capacity
Max volume of air to breathed out forcefully after a deep breath