Bioethical Issues Flashcards
____ is an ethical dispute that requires the application of
ethical principles for its resolution.
Bioethical Issue
____ is a universally accepted principle that every human being enjoys the right to life.
____ precedes and transcends any authority of the laws of men.
____ argues inviolability of life ad infinitum.
____ attempts to calibrate the extent of respect and protection due to life.
____ sets boundaries.
____ requires the application of ethical principles to a certain ethical inquiry.
Bioethical Issue
____ is concerned with the interpretation or application of the law to certain given facts.
Legal Issue
____ is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability.
An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is usually called a ____.
The term abortion most commonly refers to the ____ of a human pregnancy.
induced abortion
____ is also called as “suction curettage”
Suction Abortion
Suction abortion is done during the ____.
1st trimester - 16 weeks
Different Methods of Surgical Abortion
The abortionist begins by dilating the cervix, then he inserts a suction curette consisting of a hollow tube with a sharp tip into the cervix and then into the uterus. The suction machine tears the developing baby apart, sucks the pieces through the tube and deposits them into a bag.
Suction Abortion
Dilation and Curettage (D&C) abortion is done during the ____.
1st trimester
Different Methods of Surgical Abortion
A sharp looped knife or curette (sharp curettage) is inserted into the uterus to scrape its walls. Then, the lodging baby is cut apart and its bodily parts are removed and checked for completeness.
Dilation and Curettage (D&C)
Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) abortion is done during the ____.
1st half of 2nd trimester (13-20 weeks)
Different Methods of Surgical Abortion
Usually the abortionist cuts off one or more of the baby’s limbs and waits until he or she bleeds to death before proceeding with the abortion. In case of larger babies, big forceps are used to crush their heads and bodies inside the uterus. The bodily parts torn into pieces pass through the cervix and are removed.
Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)
____ is also called “intra-amniotic injection” or “saline solution method”
Saline Abortion
Saline abortion is done during the ____.
2nd trimester and early 3rd trimester
Different Methods of Surgical Abortion
Withdrawal of 200 milliliters of amniotic fluid from amniotic sac. The said fluid is replaced with saline or
urea solution. The baby breathes in and swallows this concentration and dies painfully from salt poisoning,
dehydration, brain hemorrhage and convulsions. While dying, the baby suffers extreme pain brought about by the salt solution as it burns off the outer layer of his/her skin.
Saline Abortion
____ is also known as “partial-birth abortion”
Dilation and Extraction (D&X) Abortion
Dilation and Extraction (D&X) Abortion is done during the ____.
Late 2nd and 3rd trimester
Different Methods of Surgical Abortion
Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist uses forceps to twist one of the baby’s legs and pull it out through the birth canal and delivers the entire body except the head. Afterwards, puncturing the back of the baby’s head with a sharp scissor. Finally, a suction tube is inserted to suck out the brain of the baby causing the skull to collapse.
Dilation and Extraction (D&X) Abortion
Prostaglandin abortion is performed during the ____.
Late 2nd and 3rd trimester
Different Methods of Surgical Abortion
A prostaglandin hormone containing about 8 milliliters is injected into the uterine muscle which contracts to expel the baby in an artificially-induced and extremely –violent premature labor that takes about 20 hours.
Prostaglandin Abortion
Hysterotomy is done during the ____.
Last trimester
Different Methods of Surgical Abortion
The uterus is surgically opened and the baby is lifted out. The baby is then either left to die or deliberately killed.
Inter-Cardiac Injection Abortion is done during ____.
16 weeks
Different Methods of Surgical Abortion
An amount of potassium chloride or some other fluid is
injected to the baby’s heart with the aid of ultrasound imagery, causing the baby to have an immediate heart attack. After a period of days, the dead baby is delivered.
Inter-Cardiac Injection Abortion
____ Is the process of assisting the reproduction of parents who are unable to conceive or bear children.
____ refers to methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy.
Birth Control
AKA Contraception and Fertility Control
Planning and provision of birth control is called ____.
Family Planning
____ is a program crafted to promote responsible parenthood.
Family Planning
____ refers to a program which enables couple, and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to have the information and means to carry out their decisions, and
to have informed choice and access to a full range of safe, legal and effective family planning methods, techniques and devices.
Family Planning
____ is a surgical technique leaving a male or female unable to reproduce.
Common Sterilization Methods
The vasa deferentia the tubes which connect, the testicles to the prostate are cut and closed. This prevents sperm produced in the testicles to enter the ejaculated semen which is mostly produced in the seminal vesicles and prostate.
Common Sterilization Methods
Known popularly as” having one’s tubes tied”. The fallopian tubes, which allow the sperm to fertilize the ovum and would carry the fertilized ovum to the uterus, are closed. This generally involves a general anesthetic and laparotomy or laparoscopic approach to cut, clip or
cauterize the fallopian tubes.
Tubal ligation
Common Sterilization Methods
The uterus is surgically removed, permanently preventing pregnancy and some diseases, such as uterine cancer.
Common Sterilization Methods
The testicles are surgically removed. This is frequently used for the sterilization of animals, with added effects such as docility, greatly reduced sexual behavior, and faster weight gain.
____ is the process of extracting the DNA out of a donor’s cell and implanting this genetic code in another cell in order to grow a being with identical genes, thus virtually duplicating the donor.
Human Cloning
____ refers to the new being that has identical genes to the donor.
____ works on the possibility of creating a superior human society and race by promoting the reproduction of populations with positive or desirable traits while controlling and prohibiting the reproduction of populations with negative or undesirable traits.
____ is an act or physical injury that degrades the appearance or function of the (human)body, usually without causing death.
Mutilation or Maiming
____ is the process of surgically removing a tissue or organ from one person (tissue or organ donor) and transplanting it to another person (tissue or organ recipient).
Organ Donation
____ is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death.
Euthanasia came from the Greek word ____ which means “easy or happy death.”
Implicit in this etymological meaning is the outright rejection and avoidance of the opposite: “a difficult or sorrowful death,” so that the condition of a dying person which is characterized by intense pain and suffering can be a reason to opt for a willful maneuvering that which paves the way to an “easy death”.
____ means an earlier death that is intentionally caused in order to get rid of a “difficult death.”
Easy death
Types of Euthanasia
- Euthanasia by Commission (Active)
- Euthanasia by Omission (Passive)
Types of Euthanasia
____ is the positive act of causing death.
Euthanasia by Commission (Active)
Types of Euthanasia
____ is a measure necessary to end the life of a suffering person is directly used.
Euthanasia by Commission (Active)
Types of Euthanasia
Example: A lethal dose is injected into the terminally ill patient to cause immediate death.
Euthanasia by Commission (Active)
Types of Euthanasia
____ is the negative act of causing death.
Euthanasia by Omission (Passive)
Types of Euthanasia
____ is a measure necessary to sustain the life of a suffering person is omitted, withheld or withdrawn.
Euthanasia by Omission (Passive)
Types of Euthanasia
Example: Food and water are withdrawn to bring about the earlier death of a terminally ill patient.
Euthanasia by Omission (Passive)
Categories of Euthanasia
____ is a measure of causing the death of the patient at his willful consent for request.
Voluntary Euthanasia
Categories of Euthanasia
____ indicates the measure of causing the death of the patient who is unable to express his will and make his intentions known as in unconscious or comatose state.
Non-Voluntary Euthanasia
Categories of Euthanasia
The decision to end the patient’s life is made either by the watchers of the patient, the health care team, or the
Non-Voluntary Euthanasia
Categories of Euthanasia
____ indicates the measure of causing the death of the patient in defiance of his expressed will and/or against his consent.
Involuntary Euthanasia
____ is a condition in which a medical patient is completely unresponsive to psychological and physical stimuli and displays no sign of higher brain function, being kept alive only by intervention.
Persistent Vegetative State
A vegetative state is called ____ if it lasts for more than four weeks.
____ is reversing the process of death, such that it involves the process of preserving legally dead human (or animal) body or only its head in extremely cold temperatures with the aim of reviving it in the future when appropriate scientific and medical advances become available.
____ is regarded as a type of conservative medicine which aims to stop body functions indefinitely and preserve the cell structure and body chemistry by cooling the body at very low temperatures.