Biodiversity net gain and nutrient neutrailty Flashcards
What act is BNG under
Environment act 2021
What is the % yiu have to have of BNG
How can BNG be created
On-site creation of habitats, off-site provision of habitats, purchase of statutory biodivesirt credits
What is a SUD
SUstainable Urban Drainahe Systems
What hierachy is there in the natioanl planning polciy framework
Avoiding environemntal loss minimsing loss, resotring the loss and offsetting the loss
What is a SANG
Suitable Altenrative NAtural GreenSoace
What are the local nature recovery strategies
Manadaory system of spacial strateies for nature, covering the whole of ENgland
How is the biodiversity value calculated
It is the totral of the The post-developemnt biodivesirty value onsite and the biodiversity of an registered off-site biodivesity gain allocated to the developmentand the value of any biodiviesrity credits purchased for the evelopement
What agreement is likely to happen betweeen a responsible body and landlord
conservation covenant
What must a developer provide at the planning stage
Provide a biodiversity gain plan
What must be included in a biodiversity gain plan
Steps to be taken to avoid and minimise adverse effecs of the development on the biodiversity value, deails of the pre-developemnt and post development o biodiverity, how BNG is going t be delivered, information on statuttory biodiversity credit
When did BNG come into effet
12 FEbruary for minor devleopments and 2 APril 2024 for minor sites
what are the Acts which BNG is under
The Bioiversity gain site refster regulations, bodiversity gain requiremtn (exemptions) regulations, Biodiveristy gain site requirements (irreplacable habitat) regualtiosn, Biodiversity gain (town and planning) (modificationasadn amendment) (ENglanf) Regulations 2024,
What is included in the biodiveristy Net Gain Hierachy
Enhancement of exisitng onsite habitat, if not then creation of new onsite habitats, f not then allocation of registtered offsite and then if not purhcase of biodiversity credits
What is the alternative to a conservation covenant
What legislation are the labour government reviewing
25 year Environment Imporvement Plan