biodiversity Flashcards
a group of organisms with similar morphological, physiological, biochemical
and behavioural features, which can breed together naturally to produce fertile offspring,
and are reproductively isolated from other species
a relatively self-contained, interacting community of organisms, and the
environment in which they live and with which they interact
the role of an organism in an ecosystem
can be defined as the degree of variation of life forms in an ecosystem,
considered at three different levels:
biodiversity at 3 different levels
-The variation in ecosystems or habitats
The number of different species in the –ecosystem and their relative abundance
The genetic variation within each species
The number of different species in the ecosystem and their relative abundance
Species diversity takes species richness (number of species in a community)
and a measure of the evenness of the abundance of the different species
Ecosystems with high species diversity tend to be more stable than ones
with limited diversity (more able to resist change)
The genetic variation within each species
Genetic diversity is the diversity of alleles within the genes in the genome of
a single species
Important in providing populations with the ability to adapt to changes in
biotic (caused by living organisms) and abiotic (physical characteristic of a
habitat) factors
Sampling can be
random or systematic
Random sampling using
frame quadrats:
A quadrat is
a square frame that marks off an area of ground, or water
Samples must use
random sampling technique to avoid any bias
Results can be used to
calculate species frequency (measure of the chance of a
particular species being found in a particular quadrat) and species density (measure
of how many individuals per unit area)