BioChemistry Flashcards
Why is carbon extremely versatile?
- it has a large structural diversity and therefore also a large functional diversity (bind to different receptors)
the shapes/volume in which electrons are distributed
S, P, D, F
Explain a covalent bond in terms of orbitals
1 orbital for each atom (carrying an unpaired electron) fuses into a molecular orbital which now contains 2 electrons
Triple bonds are…
Chiral center
region in a molecule where C is bound to 4 distinct chemical groups
(achiral, also 4, but 2 are the same)
2 different configurations of a molecule, with a chiral center (mirror images of each other)
different forms/projections of molecules (e.g. single or double bonds)
Double bonds don’t allow…
for a rotation to take place
Single bonds allow…
free rotation
Staggered conformation has … potential energy
Eclipsed conformation has … potential energy
the (potentially flexible) spatial arrangement of atoms around fixed bonds in molecules
- can readily be interconverted
the FIXED arrangement of atoms dictated by the bonds of molecules
- cannot easily be interconverted
the conversion of potential energy in food -> energy used by cells to work
- generates energy and waste
the synthesis of biomolecules from building blocks
- uses up energy
require inorganic molecules for fuel
the capacity to do work
1st law of thromodynamics
- constant amount of energy in the universe
- energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can change its form
2nd law of thermodynamics
- energy is transferred in a way that increases the randomness (entropy) of the universe
Gibbs free energy formula
G = H - TS
G - free energy (the energy that is available to do work)
H - enthalpy
T - temp. (kelvin)
S - entropy
total energy of the system (including bonds)
a system with a lot of free energy is
Spontaneous process
decrease in free energy (between substrate and product) as the system moves to a more stable state
delta G is negative
negative change in enthalpy, heat is released
positive change in enthalpy
Non-spontaneous (endergonic) reaction
products are less stable than substrates because they have a higher potential energy
Characteristics of a reaction:
- spontaneity
- equilibrium constant
- directionality
- velocity
Equilibrium constant (Keq)
when there is no net change in the concentrations of P or S
most directions are reversible (move in both directions)
- determined by Le Chatelier’s principle: when a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed, it changes to counteract the disturbance
Le Chatelier’s principle
when a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed, it changes to counteract the disturbance.
a linear polypeptide of amino acids linked by peptide bonds
What are the 4 groups coming off the central carbon in amino acids?
- hydrogen group
- amino acid group
- carboxylic acid group
- r group/ side chain