Bio Unit 1 Flashcards
Process of respiratory system
When you inhale air enters through the nose or mouth pass the Naval cavity or oral cavity larynx trachea bronchi and into each lung where it enters the bronchioles and alveoli
Where does gas exchange take place and what is the process (2)
- The air enters the bronchioles and goes down into thousands of alveoli where gas exchange occurs.
- gas exchange is when oxygen moves into the blood and carbon dioxide moves out of the blood the tiny blood vessel that’s surround each alveolus are called capillaries
What is circulatory system made up of (4)
Three smaller systems of the circulatory system
Systemic circulation
pulmonary circulation
cardiac circulation
How many times does your heartbeat in the day
What does the digestive system do
Digestive system breaks down food into smaller pieces mechanically and turns them into nutrients that your body needs chemically
Which organs are involved in mechanical digestion (2)
Which two organs are involved in chemical digestion
Small intestine
large intestine
What structure is used to store food
The function of the coronary circulatory system is to
Move blood through the heart
Gas exchange occurs here
Label diagram of respiratory system
See paper
What three-part is respiration divided into
Mechanical respiration/ventilation
gas exchange
What is mechanical restoration/ventilation (5)
- The act of breathing
- Lungs fill with air(inhalation) and then expel air (exhalation)
- inhalation rib cage is pulled up and out by intercostal muscles and diaphragm moves down
- creates more volume in chest cavity which creates vacuum seal and air rushes out of lungs
- exhalation rib cage moves down and diaphragm moves up causing positive pressure in lungs which forces air out
What is a hiccup caused by
Diaphragm is irritated and air is trapped in the respiratory system
What is diffusion and how does it work (3)
- Random movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
- diffusion continues until molecules are randomly dispersed
- diffusion is important because it allows vital gases such as CO2 and oxygen to exchange in the alveoli
How does gas exchange work
- Oxygen moves from an area of high concentration in the alveoli to an area of low concentration in the capillaries
- carbon dioxide moves from my area of high concentration to an area of low concentration in the alveoli
How many breaths does a person take a day on average
What process is vital for you and your blood
That CO2 gets taken out and oxygen gets put into your blood
Where does gas exchange occurs
True or false contraction of the intercostal muscles causes the rib cage to expand
contraction of the intercostal muscles causes the rib cage o expand
True or false net oxygen diffusion occurs from the capillaries into the alveoli
net carbon dioxide diffusion occurs from the capillaries into the alveoli net oxygen diffusion occurs from the alveoli into the capillaries
What happens when your blood is spun in the centrifuge (4)
- It separates all the components
- the heavy parts like the right blood cells fall to the bottom
- less dense parts of the blood stay at the top
- top portion of it is called plasma it makes a 55% of the blood
What is plasma (2)
What does it carry (7)
Straw yellow color
made up of 90% water
plasma carries, glucose, vitamins, minerals, blood, proteins, waste products, and dissolved gases such as carbon dioxins