Bio test1 Flashcards
6 structural organization of human body
(c c t o o o)
- Chemical level: (atoms) h2o
- Cellular level: (smallest functionnal unit of organism)
- Tissue level: (assembly of similae cells working together to fulfill specific fonction
- Organ level: differet types of tissues regroup together to form organ
- Organ system level: organs join with other organs to work + accomplish greater function
- Organism level: All work together organs systems allow an organism to live healthy
the 3 organ systems:
1.Nervous system
- Brain, spinal cord
2.Endocrine system
-thyroidgland, pancreas, adreanal glands
3.Reproductive system
- produce sex hormones + gamètes
Transport accross cell membrane (2):
carton 5-6
- Passive: omosis, diffusion, facillited diffudion
- Active: cell membrane movement, pumps
Strucure nervous system:
2 nervous systems
-Central nervous system (cns)
-peripheral nervous system (pns)
types of cell making the nervous tissue (2):
Neurons: fontional units for communication unique, high spicialized cells
Glial cells: provide support, structure, protection to neuron
nervous tissues:
difference btw gray/white matter
white: Axon covvered by myelon + increse speed at which nerve impulses travel along axon
gray: cell bodied and dendrites
nervous system functional divisions: 3 (sir)
-body senses its external/internal environment, react to stimuli
-internal sensors monito changes in body’s equilibrium
-Analysis of info by CNS
-Before final response produced = stimulus is compared to similar ones seen previously, witth memories/emotional state of a person
-adapted to stimulus perceived by sensory division
-responses triggered can be volontary/not (somatic and autonomic)
cells parts:
- send electrical signals
-convey infos
-produce movement
-produce thoughts
2.receive info from other neuron
-transmit info to cell body/soma
cells parts:
1.receive signal from dendrites
-decide to generat A.P/not +sends it trough axon
-contain nucleus (DNA)
2.1 per neuron
-axon terminal gets into contact with other neuron by the synaptic bulbs
4. nodes of ranvier
1.electral impulses travels down neuron btw neuron where neurotransmitter are exchanged
3.glial cell wrapped around axon creat insulation sheath in myelin, protect + increase transmission
what is multiple sclerosis
-autoimune disease
-antibodies attack mylin
-destruction of mylein in CNS
s-omatic+autonomic deficits
Cell membrane
4 passive transport
1 active transport
-keeps things in/out cell
2.Open gated channels
3.Mechanically-gated channels
4. Voltage-gated channels
- Ions pumps
types of channels: 4
1.Ligand-gated channels
2.Open-gated channels
3.Mechanically-gated channels
4.Voltage-gated channels
Ligand-gated channels:
-ligand binds to channels + causes it to open
-ions can go trhough following the concentration gradient
Mechanically-gated cahnnels:
-Channels opens following a change of shape of cell membrane (temp/pressure)
-ions flow through following concentration gradient
1.Membrane Potention (MP)
Voltage-gated channels
1.electrical state of cell membrane/varies in time.
MP comes from charges in/out of cell
2. sensitive to chance in voltage of cell membrane (-70)
if inner voltage varies, gates removed + channels opens
1.Leakage channels
- They open/close freely to let ions in/out
-important in setting the resting membrane potential
2.using energy from cell, it shuttles Na+ and k+ against their concentration gradients
how to reset Membrane potential:
Leakage channels works
NA+, k+ pumps are active
all other types of channels close
1.Spatial summation
2.Temporal summation
- Multiple graded potential from multiple dendrites, add up over period of time (several neuron to one)
2.multiple graded potentials from SAME dendrites, add up over period of time (1 neuron sending repeated signals)
synapses: 2
junction btw 2 neurons
Chemical synapse
Neurotransmitters are release from presynaptic element (neuron) into synaptic clef
Electrical sysnapse
Ions pass from 1 neuron to other causing second neuron to depolarize, pursuing transmission of signal