bio Test 2 Endocrine system Flashcards
Endocrine vs Exocrine glands
Endo: Secrete hormone directly in suroundings
Exo: Secretion delivered to body cavity/outside body (sweat)
secretion = pas Hormone
similarity to nervous system
both are communication system
2 differences from nervous system
- Produces respond that take longer time to be seen
- produces respond that are less specific
2 chemical classes:
Derived from amino acids
derieved from Cholesterol
2 chemical classes:
1. derieved from amino acids
- Extracellular receptor (on cell membrane)
- Circulate freely in blood
- Hydrophilic
- CANNOT go across cell membrane freely
2 chemical classes:
2. Derieved from cholesterol
- Intracellular (in cell)
- Circulate in blood with help of transport protein
- Hydrophobic
- Can go across cell membrane freely
What is an Extracellular receptor
hormone (amine, peptide, protein) bind to a protein receptor on the cell’s surface
signal sent inside cell causing chain reactions
protein receives a phosphate group + gets activated
What is an Intracellular receptor
homone (steroid, thyroid) and receptor enters nucleus + attach to DNA
gene activated + protein produced
What is downregulation
Target cells DECREASE # of receptors due to HIGH hormone concentration
What is upregulation
Target cells INCREASE # of receptors due to LOW hormone concentration
Goal of regulation loops
maintain body conditions within acceptable range by setting up dif. mechanisms when deviations happen
3 components of a loop
Sensor: receptor monitors the conditions
Control center: Compares signals from sensors to norms+ activates effector if needed
Effector: gland/organ that work bring conditions back in normal range
What is a positive loop
Release of hormone + its increasing concentration lead to more productions of the hormone (ex: oxytocin, birth)
What is a negative loop
Release of hormone + increasing concentration to PREVENT more production of the hormone
3 Endocrine glands stimuli:
Non-hormone chemicals
electrical signals
- Non-hormone chemicals: receptors on gland sense environment + trigger hormone secretion = respond
- Hormone: Many homones produced by hypo + pituitary regulate prod. hormone by other gland
- Electrical signals: parasympatic/sympatic divisions of PNS, activate release hormones
Hypothalamus-Pituitary complex:
what does it do (3)
1.command center of endocrine sys
2.produce hormone
3.Physically linked by infundibulum
Hypothalamus-Pituitary complex:
Anterior pituitary(4)
-produces hormones (controlle by hypo hormones)
-hypo hormones circulate inside blood vessel down to pituitary gland
-hypo release hormone = increase secretion of pituitary hormones
-hypo inhibiting hormones = decrease of pituitary hormones
Hypothalamus-Pituitary complex:
Posterior pituitary
-Ectention of hypo (share neurons)
-store hormone produced by hypo
Thyroid gland:
where is it and what does it contains
- located neck region, wrappend around trachea, 2lobes in which parathyroid glands embedded
-contains Follicules cells filled with Colloid
-TH produce by Colloid
Parathyroid gland:
where and what does it do
- Back of thyroid gland
participate in regulations of bolld, calcium level with PTH
Parathyroid gland:
2 Disorders
1. hyperparathyroidism
2. Hypoparatyroidism
- PTH overproduction excessive calcium remover from bones, weak bones, fractures
2.PTH deficiency, very low concentration of calcium in blood, muscle twitching, cramping, spasms
Adrenal glands:
what it is and where
Masses of cells sitting on top of each kidney
Adrenal glands:
2 layers
Cortex: outer layer, releases steroid +regulated by anterior pituitary hormone -ACTH
Medulla: inner layer, release amine, controlled by nerve impulses
where and part that releases hormones
Behind stomach
Apha-produce glucagon
Beta-produce Insulin
Growth hormone:
Where, fonction, disorders (3)
1.Pituitary anterioi
2. Regulate growth + repair body
3.Gigantism children
Acromegaly in adults
pituitary dwarfism
Thyroid-Stimulating hormone:
where and fonction
Anterior pituitary
stimulates secretions of TH
Adrenocorticotropic hormone:
where + fonction
anterior pituitary
stimulates hormone release by adrenal cortex
Antidiuretic hormone:
where, fonction, desease (1)
posterior pituitary
stimulate water reabsortion by kidneys
Diabetes insipiduc: underproduction of ADH= chronic dehydration
Triiodothyronine hormone:
where, function, deseases (3)
regulates body’s basal metabolic rate (energy for vital functions)
Iodine deficiency: impaire prod. t3/t4 Overproduction of TRH and TSH
Hypothyroidism: inflamation of thyroid lead low levels TH blood: low metabolic rate, weight gain…
Hyperthyroidism: Elevate concentration of TH blood caused by tumor on pituitary/thyroid: increase metabolic rate, weight loss…
Calcitonin hormone
where, fonction
C cells of thyroid:
reduce blood CA2+ level
Parathyroid hormone:
where, fonction, deseases (2)
parathyroid gland
Increase blood CA2+ levels
Hyperparathyroidism: PTH overproduction excessive calcium remover bones, weak bones, fractures
Hypoparathyroidism: PTH deficiency, very low concentration calcium blood, muscle twitching, cramping, spasms
Aldosterone hormone:
where, fonction
Adrenal cortext
increase blood NA+ levels
Cortisol, Corticosterone, Costisone
Where, function, desease (1)
Adrenal cortex
increase blood glucose levels
Cushing’s disease: too much cortisol produced= high blood glucose level + lipid dispisitits (face/neck)
Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
where, fonction
Adrenal medulla
stimulate fight or flight response
Insulin hormone:
where, function
reduces blood glucose levels
Glucagon hormone:
where, fuctions
incres blood glucose levels.