Bio Lab Quiz 2 (Labs 10, 4, 11) Flashcards
What is taxis?
Movement toward or away from a stimulus
What is kinesis?
A change in activity rate in response to a stimulus
How many isopods were used and what was tested for the isopods?
- 10
- Effect of Moist vs. dry and light vs. dark
What was the null hypothesis?
That the experimental treatments will have no differential effect on the behavior of he isopods
How long was each isopod experiment ran?
20 minutes
Is an isopod that remains in the middle of the tray counted?
How many Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches were used?
What were the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches tested for?
Light Vs. Dark and open vs. edge
How was the square in the box in which to place the cockroach determined?
Coin toss
When is the trial for the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach over?
When the cockroach has not moved for 30 seconds
What test was used to analyze the data from the Anthropod Behavior experiment?
chi-square test
If the anthropods showed that the conditions had no effect on them, what would the expected results be?
half in each condition, having distributed at random
What are the degrees of freedom?
The number of categories, minus one. So if light vs. dark is being tested, there are two categories, and one degree of freedom.
What does the p-value mean, and what was the p-value in the anthropod experiment?
The probability that the experimental results could have been due to chance alone, .05
What was the critical value used in the anthropod experiment, and why was it significant?
- 3.84
- If the chi-square value was less than 3.84, I failed to reject the null hypothesis
- If the chi-square value was greater than 3.84, the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternate hypothesis was accepted
What is the chi-square equation?
X^2 = (observed-expected)^2 / Expected
What are angiosperms?
Flowering plants
What are the distinguishing features of eudicots?
- net-like system of veins
- tap root
- flower parts in multiples of four or five
- ring of vascular bundles in the stem
- can form wood
What are vascular bundles?
localized collections of phloem and xylem, the cells responsible for transporting nutrients and water, respectively
What are the distinguishing features of Monocots?
- Parallel veins
- fibrous root system
- flower parts are in multiples of three
- vascular bundles are scattered
- cannot form wood
What is an example of a monocot and of a eudicot?
Monocot: Corn/grass
Eudicot: Carrot/ African Violet
What is wood made of?
Xylem, the part that transports water
What is the spring wood?
light, large-celled wood
What is summer wood?
Denser, darker, small celled sectios
Where is the heartwood?
At the center of the cross section
What is the bark made of?
Cork and phloem
From the outer to inner sections, what is the order of the phloem, xylem, and cork?
Cork, phloem, xylem
What is the outermost layer of a flower that serves to protect the developing bud?
What is the layer of a flower just inside the sepals that serve to attract pollinators?
What are the sterile parts of the flower?
Sepals and petals
What are the reproductive parts of the flower?
Pistil and stamens
What is the male part of the angiosperm and what is it composed of?
- stamens
- composed of a filament and an anther
What does the anther do?
produces pollen wihich carries the male haploid cells
What is the female part of the plant?
What is the pistil composed of?
The over, style, and stigma
Which part of the pistil is receptive to pollen?
How does pollination occur?
When pollen is transferred from the anther to the surface of the stigma
What is the fruit composed of?
the ripened ovary plus the enclosed seeds
True or false: The sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil compromising a flower are modified leaves.
What part of the plant are the buckeyes that are worn on necklaces?
According to Robert MacArthur and E.O. Wilson and their theory of island biography, what were the two biggest contributors to the diversity found on islands?
- Size of the Island
2. Distance of the island from the mainland
McArthur and Wilson viewed the flora and fauna of islands as an equilibrium between what two forces?
immigration of new species to the island from some source area and extinction of those that have already arrived
What is the area effect?
A larger island should have more species at equilibrium between immigration and extinction than a smaller island the same distance from the source area
What two things dealing with island theory did the Island Biography and Conservation experiment look at?
Lake Eerie and Forest Frogs
What did the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project do?
investigated questions associated with the destruction of tropical rain forests by setting up a series of islands of rain forest habitats amongst cleared land. The forest habitats ranged in size and the forest dynamics were monitored.
What is autecology?
The branch of ecology that concerns itself with the individual organism or the individual species.