Binkert 7.0 Flashcards
What is the ideal city?
- urban planning concept
- city is designed from the outset under uniform aspects such as economic, social and political organization
- often combined with socially utopian ideas and an aesthetic program
- city = large or important town
What do we need for the ideal city?
- food
- connectivity
- security
- work
- culture
- leisure
How big should the population be according to Jean-Jacquel Moll to be an ideal city?
from around 1150 an organized expansion of the system began. How were the first cities?
geometrically created “planned cities”
in the middle ages, a second type of city developed. Which one?
- the irregular city
- layoout of which one can clearly detect the history of development from an older core to several rings or extension
When came the most important change in urban development? and what happened?
with industralization:
- construction of railways -> cities were redefined
- cities that oppened up grew rapidly due to the labor requirement
- cities that closed up, lagged behind in their growth
Athens Charter: Le Corbusier -Cité Radieuse
How should a city look like?
- residential district must have the best locations
- lining up residential building should be prohibited
- raise buildings
- more green areas
- distance work - home reduce to a minimum
- industry separated from rest
- industrial areas on the railroad, canal and high way
Why did suburbanization and urban sprawl (Zersiedelung) happen?
- new broad middle class, which built their own individual homes outside the city
- mass motorization + better rail network to cover greater distance between home and work
- ongoing suburbanization has economic, ecologial and social consequences:
-> urban sprawl into previously rural areas
-> continual growth of car traffic, commuting, congestion (Stau)
-> social segragation (Abtrennung) of the population
What does the habitat humanum (Man kinds to live) says?
- people live where they were born
- they only migrate to other nation if they were chased out
- people want food security, work and connectivity
- purpose is functionality: affordable and efficient
How many place does a car, bike, public transport and walking need?
car: 140m2
bike: 41m2
PT: 9m2
walking: 0.95m2
Smart Connectivity: What do we need for good connectivity?
- pedestrian cities
- optimal motorized connections between cities
- functionalities in the central locations must be improved to fulfill daily, periodically, and qualified needs
- living and working must move closer together again
The UN member stated in 2015 to adopt Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). What are some examples?
- make urban development more integrative and sustainable through participatory planning
- stop the loss of biodiversity
- include climate protection measures in national policies
- expaned renewable energies
- protect and restore water-based ecosystems
What is the strucural change? and how does the growth of
- agriculture production
- industrial sector
- average of all sectors
- service sector
change towards more services, while industry and agriculture continue to lose importance
- agriculture: -1.8%
- industrial: +23.2%
- average of all sector: +28.4%
- service sector +31.8%
What are leading indictors of a location’s attractivness?
- political stability
- a high level of education
- available and well-trained workforce
- reliable infrastructures
What kind of neighboring cities does a city need?
- metropolitan region shape todays economic and social development
- nuclei of innovation and their added value
- due to globalization they are in direct competition with each other
- they must be connected internationally, nationally and regionally
- measure themself a gainst good solutions from competing location, participate in initiatives and projects, thus develop constantly the quality of the location
New efficient forms of coorperation are necessary:
- compensate for disparities (Ungleichheit)
- link centers and peripherals in functional spaces (connectivity)
- create identification
- promote integration
- complement and support each other
- be open to change
- stick together
Sustainable Urban Development is the new ideal, the new Visions. What are some findings?
- energy act and Spatial Planning Act(RPG= define the framework
- we now must implement new structure plans, zoning plans, traffic plans, based on a universally acceptable strategy
- to this end, the legislature must work together with the private industry
- analog and digital world must be harmonized
- we need incentives and penalties so that we can adhere to this vision
How many m2 does a Swiss person occupy? How many squaremeter do we need?
100: 50 living, 20 working, 30 leisure
at a density of 1.0, this would correspond to an area of 800km2 or 800’000’000m2
since we build less densely 0.3, 40’000km2 is needed or 6% of the toal land area
How did central locations look yesterday, today and tomorrow?
- we have to stop the pull to the metropolises
- we need to reverse segregation (Abtrennung)
- we have to encourage mixed use
How many people live in primary, secondary and teritary node?
primary: 1’000’000
What are UHI?
Urban heat islands:
- aggravates heat stresses
- it is severe in urban environment
- urban areas are warming up more than rural areas
you can combine green with living = better influence on the climate there
What can the cities of the future do better?
- make cities less stressful and more livable
- allow social interaction and private retreat
- offering new forms of living and collaborative space
- service offers
- enable homeoffice or co-working space
- sharing trategies
- new city ideas for the aging society
- integrative urban structure
- everything in walking distance