Binkert 1.0 Flashcards
Todays cities are responsible for…
… 60% of total waste production
… 70% of global emissions
… 75% of global CO2 emissions
… 80% of GDP production
… 50% of world’s population concentration
… 75% of total energy consumption
What is development?
developers are intermediary for
What are the tasks of the developer?
- optimization for the four project partners (user/tenant, architect/planner, investor/client, public)
- optimization of the tenant mix vs. investment costs
- considering all risks (real estate cycle, vacancies, external ifnluences, etc.)
- choice of suitable organizational form
We have no space in CH: how can you solve this problem?
- Efficiency
- Consistency (constantly improve how we do sth)
- Sufficiency (we can live with less squaremeter)
Intermediary’s benefits to User / Tenant
- Experience - conducting of complex development processes that would otherwise overwhelm the user if left on his own
- Research
- Analysis foresight of market needs
- Mindset
- development of product
-> the problem with the “users” is that the developer does not know them personally, as they usually appear in the process only at the end
Intermediary’s Benefits to Investors
- creation of sustainable value through creative development strategies
- target-oriented implementation of long-term planning horizons
- yield maximazion
- positioning and marketing
- budgeting and schedulling
What types of investors do exist?
- active - passive
- institutional - fund - private
- Swiss - Foreign
- Investors for buy and sell / buy and hold
Intermediary’s Benefits to Architects / Planners
- initation of construction projects
- Acquisition of investors for projects
- definition of program for competitors and study contracts
- promotion of high-quality architecture
- leadership of planning process
- budgeting and schedulling
-> the developer must have sufficient understanding to architecture and planning to gain the trust of the specialists
Intermediary’s Benefits to the General Public
- ecologically, socially and economically sustainable investments
- foresight of future social developments
- initialization of high quality planning
- solving of complex urban planning tasks
- cooperation with authorities, organizations and interest groups
How does the hierarchy of the planning process look like?
Welcher Plan auf welcher Ebene?
- Sachplan auf Bundesebene (federal)
- Richtplan auf kantonaler Ebene
- Nutzungsplan auf gemeinde Ebene
How did the population change in Switzerland from 2000 to 2002?
- CH is growing due to immigration
- Peripheral cantons lose population due to emigration to the metroplitan regions
How does the population development look like by municipality type between 1970 - 2000?
- Urban (Zurich)
- Suburban (Oerlikon)
- Periurban (Hinwil)
- lesser growth in suburban communities
- slight decline in inner cities
- strongest growth in outer agglomaration belt
Population: What are the trends today?
- rural (ländlich) de-population
- return to cities
- concentration along suburban train corridors
- loss of attractiveness of peripheral locations not offering excellent public transport connection
- Cocooning (close up your little community)
What happens if we expand to peripheral (Rand-Ort) centers?
- commuter-compatible expansion of the transport infrastructure
- Increasing mobility of the population
- increasing unbundling (Entflechtung) of home and work
What is the catchment area?
How is the future development going to be?
- upgrading of urban locations/ inner cities
- site conversions (Umwandlung) in suburban centers (densification with functional variety)
- new central functions through city simulation in periphery (Rand-Orte)
- Draining of peripheral regions, furthering “social loss” potential
- optimization of urban grid (centrality and connectivity)
- protection of natural sources
What development strategies do exist?
Development Strategy: Creating Value with Facts
- Complexity of the legal framework and exogenous conditions increases
- Neighbors and NGOs/Organizations can block projects
- Economic viability is a prerequisite
-> Optimization of all process parameters
-> constructive communication
-> creative Real Estate Bill
Development Strategy: Added Value through City repair
- historical development shapes the cityscape
- historical ruptures in development prevent growth
- imprudent planning in the past has consequences for the present
-> repair as an opportunity for the future
Development Strategy: Added value through city simulation
- combination of shopping and leisure = experience
- concentration around suburban train stations/ well accessible peripheral centers
- high-quality architecture as an attractor
-> WESTside
What are some facts about WESTside and who are the uses?
- prime location - A1, S-Bahn, tram, bus, bike
- World class architecture - Daniel Libeskind
- New concept - 40% leisure / 60% shopping
- 150’000m2 gross area, CHF 400 million investment costs
- opened in 2008
- Large adventure pool and relaxation bathing area with fitness
- multiplex cinema with 10 screens
- hotel with 125 rooms and 10 seminar and banquet rooms
- 70 speciality shops and boutiques
- migros supermarket
- restaurants, bars, takeaway stalls for culinary world trips
- Own children’s world with professional care
- recreation zones indoor and outdoor
- gas station with convinience shop
- senior residence