Bilaminer Disc & Endometrium Implantation Flashcards
Week 2
Bilaminer disc and endometrium implantation
Review of blastula
- Day 5
- hallow ball of cells
- Morula (SOILD ball) becomes Blastula (HALLOW ball)
- Rapid series of mitotic cell divisions results in daughter Blastomeres
- By Day 6: About 100 cells
- AKA: Blastoderm or blastodisc around a space called the Blastocoel
ICM: embryo
Trophoblast: placenta
What is the purpose of the Bilaminer Disc?
- Need to set up the organization of the embryo and extraembryonic membranes
- prep for implantation into uterus
- ICM (embryoblast) gives rise to 2 layered structures (epiblast and hypoblast)
- these two layers together are flanked by the amniotic cavity and yolk sac
What are the two layered structures the embryoblast gives rise to?
1.) Epiblast
2.) Hypoblast
ICM is also called
- Bilaminer disc
- the primitive endoderm
4 extraembryonic membranes
- protect and manage nutrients and wastes:
1.) Chorion– vessels
2.) Amnion– sac and fluids
3.) Allantois– wastes
4.) Yolk sac– nutrients
Waste removal is taken over by the______
umbilical cord
Movement of cells and cavities
cells need to differentiate and replicate
ICM called the _________
Bilaminer disc
ICM differentiates further into
1.) Epiblast (dorsal)
2.) Hypoblast (ventral)
Bilaminer disc forms
- embryo proper (fetus)
- extraembryonic membranes
The bilaminer disc splits the sphere to make TWO cavities
1.) Amniotic
2.) Chorionic/Blastocyst
ICM into Epiblast into what?
- into the 3 germ layers
- Allantois
- Amnion
ICM into Hypoblast into what?
- into Chorion
- Yolk sac
- does NOT become embryo
Amniotic cavity develops between__________ and __________
Trophoblast; Epiblast