Big Bang Flashcards
Big bang theory
most plausible theory of the origin of universe
13.8 billion years ago
entire universe was compressed into a very small ball with infinite density and heat
singularity expanded so fast it appeared as an explosion
separation of strong nuclear force
what resulted from singularity
space, matter, time, energy
Formation of Matter and Antimatter
Equal amounts of quarks and antiquarks or
matters and antimatters formed.
Does antimatter still exist?
no, but can be made synthetically
Why is there no more antimatter?
matter and antimatter cancelled each other. (they had a ratio of 1 billion 1 matter: 1 billion antimatter)
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
cooling of the universe resulted in quarks cooling down and allowing them to bind together, forming protons and neutrons
Elements formed from big bang nucleosynthesis
hydrogen, helium, and trace amounts of lithium
Heat death
no heat = no energy; everything will disappear eventually
Particle annihilation
matter + antimatter = energy
Quarks and antiquarks or matters and antimatters annihilate each other
upon contact. quarks survive, which will ultimately combine to form matter.
Law of charges
same charges repel, different charges attract
The universe’s temperature and density continue to fall, and ionized hydrogen and helium atoms capture electrons. Universe becomes transparent to light due to electrons being bound to atoms.