bible test 3 Flashcards
how many apostles did jesus appoint?
from who did jesus appoint his 12 apostles?
from his many followers
why is the number 12 significant when talking about the disciples?
because it represented the 12 tribes of israel
who did the religious leaders oppose?
jesus and his apostles
what is the beelzebub controversy?
when the religious leaders/ scribes accused jesus of driving out demons/ healing because he was beelzebub
how does jesus refute the leader’s claim that he was casting out demons through beelzebub?
he said “how can satan drive out satan?”
of whom/ what did jesus accuse the leaders of blaspheming?
the holy spirit- he said they were giving God’s power to Satan whihc was unforgivable
how old were jesus’ disciples?
young- 18 to 15
were the disciples married?
no, except for one (peter)
why do we think the disciples were younger?
-there is no indicator in scripture that tells us their age
-when we look through the lens of jewish culture and clues in scripture its clear that they were young
when did jewish men get a wife in this time?
why do we think peter was one of the older apostles?
-he had a wife (his mother in law is healed by jesus
-he had to pay a temple tax
when did education for jewish children end?
when they were 15
what did higher education of smarter or wealthy children consist of?
studying under a local rabbi
what did children do if they couldn’t get higher education?
they entered the workforce (under their parents)
were the disciples already apprenticing in their trades?
when did rabbis take on students?
when they were 30
when did jesus begin his public ministry?
around age 30
why was jesus not considered a “normal” rabbi?
-he didn’t teach in the synagouge, but the at the sea and on the mountains
-considered anti-religious and had a radical message
-he also stated that he was the son of god and that the only way to god was through him
were jesus’ disciples known as christians?
no, probably as followers of jesus the rabbi
what was the early christian movement called?
“the Way”
when did the name “christianity” occur?
in antioch
what other disciple (than peter) could’ve been older?
how were james and john related?
they were brothers
what was james and john’s mom’s name and what was she like?
salome, she was pushy (which wouldn’t make sense if they were old)
what did jesus nickname james and john and why?
“sons of thunder”, because they were probably either loud or bold (which are characteristics in youth)
what is a parable?
a short story with symbolic significance
what are jesus’ parables like?
-use memorable scenes from everyday life
-teach profound spiritual truth
when and why did jesus start speaking in parables?
-after the beelzebub contrevorsy
-because only the people who want to hear the message will understand it
what are parables like?
what are parables designed to do?
-catch you off guards
-get an immediate response
-capture listeners and get them to think about their world view
what happens is a parable is explained?
it looses much of its force like a joke
why does jesus teach in parables?
-to reveal and conceal
-to those who want to hear the mesage, they REVEAL the secret of the kingdom of God
-for those who don’t believe, they CONCEAL jesus’ true message
what pace is mark’s gospel?
fast paced
how does mark describe events and people?
what location is prominent in mark as the location of jesus’ early ministry?
what does mark place a strong emphasis on about jesus?
-his authority in teaching (often shows amazed reactions to his authority)
-his miracles
-challenges that he overcomes from the forces of satan
what is the “messianic secret”?
when jesus would heal someone or cast out their demons but tell them not to reveal his identity as the son of god/ messiah
in what two ways is jesus portrayed?
-as an authoritative messiah and son of god
-as a suffering servant who will sacrifice his life for the atonement of our sins
what does mark hint at in his gospel in regards to conversion?
-outsiders become insiders
-hints at gentile conversion
how does mark portray the disciples?
-as an example of how NOT to follow jesus
what different narratives does mark include in his gospel?
-passion narrative with an emphasis on jesus’ death
-ressurection narrative