bible midterm Flashcards
how many gospel accounts are there?
what are the names of the gospel accounts?
matthew, mark, luke, and john
what does hagah mean?
meditate, the sound a lion makes when he is eating his food
how does hagah relate to how we should do our bible study?
we need to approach the word of God how a lion approaches his food
what is the tri-perspective view of Christ?
prophet, priest, and king
prophet + king - priest
relate to him through despair or pride
prophet + priest - king
lives look like those of non-Christians
priest + king - prophet
sinful behaviors and beliefs are blessed
what are the three c’s of the office of prophet
-confronting sin
-commading repentance
-crying out the truth of God
who is the most significant prophet in the old testament?
what makes jesus the perfect prophet?
he spoke from his own authority
define incarnation
“with flesh on”
what is reincarnation?
when you are reborn as someone or something else
what did old testament high priests do?
humbly stand between God and man as a mediator, offer sacrifices
what makes Jesus qualified to be our high priest?
his sacrifice is superior to all others
what perspective of jesus would never raise his voice at us or call us to repent?
which perspective of Jesus is bold, prophetic, and commands repentance?
what is reasoned faith?
when you know why you believe what you believe
what does john 1:1 mean?
Jesus is God and has been with God since in the beginning
what was the role of an old testament king?
to rule over the nations
what hebrew name was Jesus derived from?
what did the hebrew name joshua mean?
Yaweh is salvation
why didn’t the jews recognize Jesus as the Messiah?
because they expected a military messiah who would save them from the Roman occupation
who is peter stoner and what did he do?
a professor who calculated the probablity of one man fulfilling 48 prophecies which was 1 in 10 to the 157th power
how do we explain the prophecies the Jesus has not fulfilled yet?
they will be fulfilled in his second coming
what do scientologists believe about Jesus?
that he was an implant forced upon a thetan 1 million years ago
what is a thetan in scientology?
an immortal being or spirit, a soul
what do universalist unitaritans believe about Jesus?
that he was a great man who taught about love, healing, and justice
what is arianism?
the belief that Jesus is God’s son who is lesser than him and distinct from him
which group follows arianism?
jehovah’s wittness
who said, “I cannot ascribe exclusive divinity to Jesus. He is as divine as Krishna or Rama or Muhammad or Zoroaster.” and what was his religion?
Muhatma Gahndi, Hindu
which religion teaches that Jesus will return near the end of the world and claim that he never rose from the dead and everyone should become a Muslim?
how long did Jesus’ public ministry last?
3 years
how does the hero/villian motif relate to our relationship with Christ?
we are the vilian and he is the hero
over how long was the old testament written?
1500 years
how many prophecies in isaiah are about the messiah?
why was Jesus crucified?
for claiming to be God/ the Son of God
which group believed that Jesus was a polygamist?
which group believed that Jesus was an enlightened man?
which group believed that Jesus was Micheal the archangel?
Jehovah’s Wittness
what did it mean when Jesus claimed to be the Son of God and what was it a reference to?
it was a reference to Daniel when he would come back with messianic authority and rule over all
at what point did Jesus become fully divine?
Jesus has always been fully divine
how much of the Bible is written in prophetic form?
what does john 14:6 mean about salvation?
we can only be saved through Jesus
how many prophecies are there about Jesus in the old testament?
how many prophecies did Jesus fulfill in his life?
how do Jehovah’s Wittness build their case for arianism?
by inserting an “a” into John 1:1 so it says that Jesus is “a god”
did jewish children normally work with their parents in the NT?
what was the most important building material in Jesus’ time?
what were many jobs in the NT times related to?
the ground
what kind of relationship did farmers and shepherd’s have?
they did not like each othe
what was the most crucial task for farmers in the NT times?
providing food for their family and the community
what was the worst thing that could happen to a farmer in NT times?
define the trinity
three eternal distinctions in one divine essence known as the father, son, and holy spirit
what is the origin of the word “trinity”?
it was coined by an early Latin Christian writer although it is alluded to in the bible the word is not mentioned
why is the trinity a divine riddle?
because three makes one and one makes three
what is the definition of the unity of God?
-only one true God
-god is altogheter one
what ws the farthers Jesus traveled away from his hometown in his entire lifetime?
100 miles
good news
which gospel is the only one to call his a gospel?
the lord saves
was the name Jesus a popular name?
jesus in hebrew = what in greek?
anointed one
christ in greek = what in hebrew?
anointed one
someone who is specially set apart such as a king or priest, to anoint someone was to pour oil over their head
son of God
someone who shares a father- son realtionship with God
how did Roman infastructure help the spread of Christianity?
having good roads helped make it easier for early Chrsitans to travel and take their message wherever they went
what was the primary language of the Roman empire?
how did having one common language of Greek help to spread Christianity?
the entire NT was written in Greek, Hellenism helped spread Christianity
what is hellenization?
the spread and blending of Greek cultures and ideals to other cultures.
what is westernizatoin?
the process where societies come under or adopt Western culture
what is polytheism?
the worhsip of many gods
did romans/ greeks still practice polytheism?
Romans and Greeks probably still believed in mythology and worshipped their kings starting with Julius Ceasar
describe the death of John the Baptist?
Herod had a party, Salome, the daughter of his wife danced and everyone loved it. Because everyone loved it he promised her anything she wanted up to half the kingdom. She consulted her mother and then asked for John’s head on a platter.
what was one requirement of entrance to Judiaism?
what were the five key periods in John the Baptist’s life?
-temple in jerusalem
-jordan river
-prison at machareus
-herod’s banquet
what was John the Baptist’s key message?
the kingdom of heaven is near
what was John the Baptist doing during his time in the wilderness?
fasting, praying, and preparing for his prophetic mission
what was john the baptist’s diet?
locusts and honey
what was speacial about the honey that Johnt he baptist ate?
it was probably super sweet syrup form dates
what was the highpoint of John the Baptist’s ministry?
baptising Jesus
what happened to John’s fiath at the end of his life when he was in prions?
it started to waiver
While imprisoned, what message did John send to Jesus? How did Jesus reply?
“Are you the Messiah?” He told him that the blind saw, the deaf heard, the lame were walking, and the kingdom of God was being restored.
List the key details (from class notes) of Jesus’ baptism below.
The Spirit came down, the heavens were opened, God said he was his son whom with he was well pleased.
What happened to Jesus after he was baptized?
He was sent out into the wilderness to be tested for forty days by Satan.
What is the significance of the number “forty” in the Bible?
It is often used for a period of testing.
How did Jesus overcome temptation from Satan?
He used scripture.