bible test 2 Flashcards
which gospel was the shortest?
which gospel was believed to be written first?
which books are the gospels?
matthew, mark, luke, and john
why is it important for us to recognize the difference between Jesus’ time period and ours?
because it was around 2,000 years ago
what have most people done throughout human history (for work)?
they worked the ground
why don’t we work the ground anymore?
because of modern day technology
what affect does not working on the ground have on our lives?
the changing of the seasons doesn’t have as big of an impact on our lives
what other invention affects our daily lives (how long our days are)?
artifical light- we can stay up later
what was the farthest jesus traveled in his lifetime from where he was born?
100 miles (2 hour car ride)
when were all our major transportation vehicles invented?
less than 200 years ago
what major things were invented in the last two centuries?
telegraph, radio, gramophone (record player), and television
how did people communicate before modern day inventions like the telephone?
in person
how has technology affected manual labor?
it’s decreased working hours, increased leisure time, and increased an interest in sports and entertainment
what does pax romana mean?
roman peace
-after expanding for a long time, rome stopped their efforts which resulted in a time of relative peace which was during jesus’ time lifetime
what did pax romana mean for the jews?
they could practice their religion freely, but Rome placed a heavy tax on them which was offensive to them because they believed they had a divine right to the land
(this is seen in how jesus enemies tried to trick him by asking if they should pay the tax)
what are the three characteristics of pax romana?
-good infrastructure
-one common language: greek
explain what good infastructure was in relation to pax romana and the NT.
-romans built high quality roads
-made it easier for the first christians to spread the message
explain what having a common language of greek was in realtion to pax romana and the NT.
-it became the “lingua franca” because of Alexander the Great’s conquests
-the spread of greek culture and langauge (Hellinsim) helped the early Christian movement
-the New Testament is written in Greek
explain what slavery is in relation to pax romana and the NT.
-25% of the Roman Empire’s population was enslaved due to war and debt
-instructions for slaves and masters are written in the NT
what is westernization?
the process of societies adopt western culture, ideas, laws, politics, lifestyle, technology, education, economics, clothing, language, values, traditions, religion, etc. some people equate westernization to modernization because of its growing influence
how is westernization similar to hellinism?
they are both the influence/spread/merging of one dominant culture and others. other cultures adopt their culture and make it their own.
what is polytheism?
the worship and belief in/of many gods
were the first-century greeks and romans polytheistic? is there proof in the bible?
they probably still gave lip service to mythology-
-in acts 14 people think barnabus is zeus and paul is hermes
-in acts 19 there is a riot at the temple of artemis
-rulers were also seens as dieties: starting with julius ceasar and nero enforcing self-worship
how did scholars determine the dates of the gospels?
through internal and external clues
who wrote the gospels?
the gospels are anonymous, but there are speculated authors
which gospels are the synoptic gospels?
matthew, mark, and luke
what does synoptic mean?
common point of view
what is an example of an internal clue for dating the gospels?
in mark and luke jesus prophesies the destruction of the temple, which happens in 70 A.D., so we know it was before then as this event was very important and would’ve been mentioned
what were the gospels written on?
greek scrolls
why was it crucial for the bible writers to decide beforehand what to write?
because they wrote on scrolls and you can’t just add another sheet of paper to scrolls- there is limited space
which gospel writer acknoledges the fact that he chose his stories carefully?
where did the gospels writers get their information?
matthew and john were two of jesus’ disciples, mark traveled with peter, and luke carefully investigated everything
what kind of (storytelling) culture was jesus’ culture?
an oral one- they entertained each other by telling stories
how were the gospels orginally read?
out loud in large portions
what does gospel mean?
good news
which of the four gospels calls their recount a gospel?
what does Jesus mean?
the Lord saves
which greek word is the same as the hebrew word “messiah”?
what did the “anointed one” mean in the old testament?
a person who was officially set apart for special service such as a priest or king, official recognition was done by pouring oil on someone’s head
what does “son of God” mean?
the one who shares the nature of God and has a father-son relationship with God
(doesn’t mean God gave birth or fathered someone)
who prophesied about john the baptist?
isaiah (1:2-3)
where did john baptize people?
in the desert region
what was his baptism of?
repentance for the forgivness of sins
was john the first person to baptize?
no, it was a requirement for judiasm
what did john the baptist wear?
camel’s hair clothing with a leather belt
what did john the baptist eat?
locuts and honey
what was john the baptist message?
someone was coming after him who was:
-more powerful than him
-more worthy than him
-going to baptize people with the Holy Spirit
what were some key moments in john the baptist’s life?
-the temple in jerusalem
-the wilderness
-by the jordan river
-in prison at machaerus
-the banquet hall of king herod antipas
describe the major life event of john the baptist at the temple in jerusalem.
-zechariah the priest was burning incense
-gabriel, the great angel, told him he was going ot have a child
-he told him that the baby was to be named john (yaweh is gracious)
-zechariah didn’t believe the angel, so he couldn’t speak until God’s promise was fulfilled
describe the major life event of john the baptist in the wilderness.
-john is living in the jordan river valley
-he spends years there fasting, praying, and preparing for his prophetic mission
describe the major life event of john the baptist by the jordan river.
-“The kingdom of heaven is near” (Matthew 3:2) is his message
-the high point of John’s ministry is when he baptizes Jesus
describe the major life event of John the Baptist in prison at machareus.
-john’s courage begins to waver in his cell and he sends his disciples to ask if Jesus is the messiah
-“the blind see, the lame walk, those with leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor” (Matthew 11:4-5 NLT). is Jesus’ response
describe the major life event of John the Baptist at the banquet of King Herod Antipas.
-Herod holds a banquet
-Salome, the daughter of Herodias, Herod’s wife, dances and pleases Herod and the guests
-Herod promises her anything she wants, up to half the kingdom
-after consulting her mom, she asks for John the Baptists’ head on a platter
-John’s disciples find his head and body and bury it properly
-Jesus is sad and removes himself from people when learning of his death
did john the baptist really eat locusts and honey?
yes, but the honey was probably super-sweet syrup from dates. it was common to eat bugs
what happened after jesus’ baptism?
he was sent into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan for forty days
in the bible, what number is often used of a time of testing?
how did Jesus overcome the tempting and testing of the devil?
while Satan did misquote scripture, Jesus used scripture to prove him wrong
Jesus is the _______ who has a _______ prepared for him according to the ________.
Lord, path, prophecy
Jesus is the one who is more ____________ than John.
Jesus is the one who _____ acknowleged as his _____.
God, son
Jesus is the one who is ____ by the Spirit.
Jesus is teh one who ____________ Satan in the wildnerness.