Bethesda Thyroid Cytology Flashcards
Implied Risk of Malignancy of Benign
Implied Risk of Malignancy of Atypia of Undetermined Significance or Follicular Lesion of Undetermined Significance
Implied Risk of Malignancy of Follicular Neoplasm or Suspicious for a Follicular Neoplasm
Implied Risk of Malignancy of Suspicious for Malignancy
Implied Risk of Malignancy of Malignant
Conditions for Satisfactory
If otherwise normal constituents, IE. no abnormal dx can be made:
- 6 groups of 10 follicular cells
- exceptions:solid nodules with inflammation fitting dx for Hashimoto’s, thyroid abscess or granulomatous thyroiditis; colloid nodules
Management for nondx?
Reaspirate no sooner than 3 months later
Criteria for undifferentiated (anaplastic) carcinoma
moderately to markedly cellular
- isolated cells or variable sized groups
- epithelioid (round to polygona) and/or spindle-shaped, ranging from small to giant sized
- plasmacytoid/rhabdoid
- nuclear enlargement, irregularity, pleomorphism, eccentric placement, multinucleation
- clumped chromatin with parahcromatin clearing
- prominent irregular nucleoli
- intranuclear inclusions
- necrosis, extensive inflammation, fibrous connective tissue
- osteoclast-like giant cells, neutrophils
- mitotic figures
Criteria for poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma
- insular, solid or trabecular cytoarchitecture
- uniform population of follicular cells with scant cytoplasm
- malignant cells have high NC ratio with variable nuclear atypia
- apoptosis and mitotic activity
- necrosis
Criteria for medullary thyroid carcinoma
- numerous isolated cells alternating with syncytial-like clusters in variable proportions from case to case
- plasmacytoid, polygonal, round and/or spindle-shaped
- long cell processes
- mild to moderate pleomorphism
- rare bizarre giant cells
- nuclei round, eccentrically placed, binucleation/multinucleation
- finely or coarsely granular chromatin
- nuclear pseudoinclusions
- nucleoli are usually inconspicuous but can be prominent
- cytoplasm is granular and variable in quantity
- amyloid
Criteria for papillary thyroid carcinoma
- papillae/syncytial-like monolayers/swirling sheets
- enlarged nuclei
- oval or irrgeularly haped, molded nuclei
- longitudinal nuclear grooves
- intranuclear cytoplasmic pseudoinclusion
- pale nuclei w/ powdery chromatin
- marginally placed micronucleoli, solitary or multiple
- psammoma bodies
- multinucleated giant cells
- variable colloid, stringy, ropy
- hurthle cell/squamous metaplsia
variants described features
follicular macrofollicular cystic oncocytic Warthin-like tall cell columnar cell
Follicular variant PTC
hypercellular/syncytial-like fragments w/ micorfollicles, clusters, isolated follicles,. sheets
- some colloid, typically thick
- nuclear changes subtle
- may not have: papillary, MNGC, INCI, psammoma bodies, cystic change
Macrofollicular variant PTC
-monolayered sheets of atypical epithelium and/or variably sized follicles
-nucelar features
-convincing nuclear changes must be present
abnudant thin colloid or fragmentso f thick colloid
Cystic variant PTC
- small groups with irregular borders, sheets, papillae, or follicles
- tumour cells look histiocytoid (hypervacuolated)
- macrophages, hemosideing
- variable thin or watery colloid
- convincing nuclear changes
- powdery chromatin usually less prominent (cellular degeneration and cell swirls/onion-skin appearance and cart wheel arrangement of follicular cells are more frequent
Oncocytic variant PTC
- oncocytic cells arranged in papillae, sheets or as isolated cells
- nuclear features of PTC
- lymphocytes are absent or few in number
Warthin-like variant PTC
- oncocytic and arranged in papillae and singles
- lymphoplasmacytic background
- lymphocytes in papillae and intimate assoc with follicular cells
- nuclear changes of PTC
Tall cell variant PTC
- elongated shape
- height to width ration of 3:1
- distinc cell border
- papillary fragments
- some lymphocytes
- nuclear features of PTC
- in contrast to conventional PTC: less powdery and more granular, psammoma bodies are few, INCI more frequent and multiple (soapbubble)
Columnar cell variant
- cellular and lack colloid
- papillae, clusters and flat sheets with small tubular structures
- nuclei elongated and stratified
- nuclear features of PTC
- -in contrast to conventional PTC: nuclear features can be focal(grooves, INCI), chromatin hyperchromatic rather than pale and powdery, colloid and cystic change
Hyalinising trabecular tumour
- cohesive neoplastic cells radially oriented around amyloid-like hyaline stromal material
- INCI and nuclear grooves numerous
- occasional psammoma bodies
- cytoplasmic paranuclear yellow bodies
Suspicious for PTC, Pattern A
Patchy nuclear changes
-moderately or highly cellul
-benign follicular cells (macrofollicle framents)
mix of cells with nuclear enlargement, nuclear pallor, nuclear grooves, nuclear membrane irregularity and or nuclear molding
-INCI rare or absent
Suspicious for PTC, Pattern B
Incomplete nucelar changes pattern
- sparsely, moderatly or highly cellular
- generlised mold to moderate nucelar enlargement iwth mild nucelar pallor
- nuclear grooves are evident but nucelar membrane irregularity and nuclear modling are minimal or absent
- INCI rare or absent
Suspicious for PTC, Pattern C
Sparsely cellular Pattern
-features of PTC but sample is very sparsely cellular
Suspicious for PTC, Pattern D
Cystic degeneration pattern
-hemosiderin-laden macrophages
-scattered groups and sheets of follicular cells have enlarge, pale nuclei and some have nuclear grooves but INCI are rare or absent
-occasional large, atypical, histocytoid cells with enlarged nuclei and abundant vacuolated cytoplasm
rare calcification that resemble psammoma bodies
Suspicious for medullary carcinoma
sparse to moderately cellular
- monomorphic population of noncohesive small or medium-sized cells with high NC ratio
- eccentric nuclei
- smudged chromatin with no cytoplasmic granules
- small fragments of amorphous material - colloid vs amyloid
Follicular neoplasm, Hurthle cell type
exclusively Hurthle cells
- abundant finely granular cytoplasm
- enlarged central or eccentrically located, round nucleus
- prominent nucleolus
- small cells with high NC ratio
- large cell with at least 2X variability in nuclear size
- Hurthle cells dispersed as isolated cells in syncytial-like arrangements
- little or no colloid or lymphocytes
- transgressing vessels
Follicular neoplasm
- moderately or markedly cellular
- alteration of follicular cell architecture, characterized by cell crowding, microfollicles and dispersed isolated cells
- follicular cells are normal-sized or enlarged and relatively uniform, with scant or moderate amount of cytoplasm
- nuclei are round and slightly hyperchromatic with inconspicuous nucleoli
- some nuclear typia may be seen with enlarged, variable sized nuclei and prominent nucleoli
- colloid scant or absent
FLUS/Atypi of undetermined significance
most common scenarios:
- population of microfollicles that does not fulfill criteria for FN
- predmoniance of H cells in sparsely cellular sample with scant colloid
- sample artifact hinders follicular cell atypia interpretation
- hypercellular specimen exculsively H cells, yet clinical setting suggests benign nodule (MNG, Hashimoto)
- focal features of PTC
- cyst-lining cells atypical with PTC features but otherwise benign
- minor population nuclear enlargement with promient nucleoli and: hx rads, thyroid altering drugs or reparte due to involution/cystic degen
- atypical lymphoid infiltrate
Benign follicular nodule
- sparse to moderately cellular
- copious colloid thick or thin
- follicular cells are monolayered sheets and honeycombed
- some intact spheres
- rare microfollicles
- scant or moderate amounts of cytoplasm
- nuclei are dark, round to oval, size of rbc
- granular chromatin pattern
- anisonucleosis but not significant pleomorphism/atypia
- lipofuscin or hemosiderin
- H cells, macrophages can be present
- focal reparative hcanges
hypercellular, unless fibrosed
- polymorphic lymphoid population with large reactive and small mature lymphocytes with occ plasma cells
- background or infiltrating lymphocytes into epithelial cell groups
- intact lymphoid follicles and lymphohistiocytic aggregates
- oncocytes arranged in sheets or as isolated cells
- abundant granular cytoplasm, large nuclei and prominent nucleoli