Bethesda Cervical Cytology Criteria Flashcards
mature cells in singles or sheets
large cells with matures well-defined cytoplasm
nuclear enlargement > 3X intermediate cell
variable nuclear hyperchromasia
variations in nuclear size, number or shape
irregular nuclear contours
uniformly distributed chromatin but can be coarse or smudges or densely opaque
can have: multinucleation, inconspicuous nucleoli, perinulcear cavitation
smaller and less mature cells than LSIL
singles, sheets or syncytial-like aggregates
hyperchromatic clusters
cell size variable
nuclear hyperchromasia with variation in nuclear size and shape
variable nuclear enlargement - but always high NC ratio
Chromatin fine or coarsely granular
very irregular nuclear contour
nucleoli generally absent but can be seen
cytoplasm variable: immature, lacy, delicate or densely metaplastic or keratinised
keratinising SCC
isolated single cells and less commonly aggregates
variation in cellular size and shape
caudate and spindle cells
dense oragneophlic cytoplasm
variation in size
nuclear membranes irregularity
dense opaque nuclei
chromatin pattern coarsely granular and irregularly distributed with parachromatin clearing
macronucleoli may be seen but less common than in nonkeratinising SCC
associated keratotic changes
tumour diathesis
Nonkeratinising SCC
isolated single cells and less commonly aggregates
poorly defined cell borders
cells usually smaller than those of HSIL
markedly irregular distribution of coarsely clumped chromatin
tumour diathesis
may have prominent macro-nucleoli and basophilic cytoplasm
Atypical endocervical cells NOS
sheets ans strips with some cell crowding and nuclear overlap
nuclear enlargement up to 3-5X normal endocervical nuclei
variation in nuclear size and shape
mild hyperchromasia
may have nucleoli
abundant cytoplasm but NC ratio increase
distinct cell borders
Atypical endocervical cells, favour neoplastic
abnormal cells in sheets, 3D groups or strips with nuclear crowding and overlap
rare cell groups with rosetting or feathering
nuclei are enlarged with some hyperchromasia
occasional mitoses
NC ratio increased
quantity of cytoplasm is diminished and cell borders may be ill defined
Atypical endometiral cells
small groups or 3D groups nuclei slightly enlarged compared to normal mild herypchromasia small nuceoli scant cytoplasm occ vacuolated cell borders ill-defined
sheets, clusters, strips and rosettes with nucelar crowding and overlap and loss of honeycomb pattern
singles uncommon
cell clusters have palisading nuclear arrangement
cytoplasmic tags protruding from periphery (feathering)
enlarge nuclei with variable size
oval or elongated in shape
nuclear hyperchromasia with evenly dispersed, coarsely granular chromatin
nucleoli are small or inconspicuous
mitoses and apoptotic boides commonly seen
NC ratio increased
clean background with no diathesiss
abnormal squamous cells may be present
Endocervical adenocarcinoma
abundant abnormal cells with columnar configuration
single cells, 2D or 3D groups and syncytial aggregates are commonly seen
enlarged pleomorphic nuclei with irregular chromatin distribution
nuclear membrane irregularities
macronucleoli may be present
cytoplasm finely vacuolated
tumour diathesis
abnormal squamous cells may be present
Endometrial adenocarcinoma
single or small tight clusters
well-diff: slightly enlarged nuclei
variation in nuclear size and loss of nuclear polarity
moderate hyperchromasia, irregular chromatin distribution and parachromatin clearing
small to prominent nucleoli
cytoplasm typically scant or cyanophilic and vacuolated
intracytoplasmic neutorphils common
water/granular tumour diathesis clinging to clusters
single or small fragments of <10 cells
cells size of metaplastic cells with nuclei 1.5-2.5X intermediate but may be rather small
NC ratio approx HSIL but missing adequate nuclear abN: hyperchromasia, chromatin irregularity and abN nuclear shapes
nuclei 2.5-3X intermediate squamous cell
slightly increased NC ratio
minimal nuclear hyperchromasia and irregularity in chromatin distribution or nuclear shape
nucelar abN assoc eit hdense oragneophilic cytoplasm
able to make any non-NIL dx OR
estimated minimum of 5000 well-visualised squamous cells with endocervical cells or metaplastic cells present showing transformation zone sampling
increased cell size
near normal NC
bizarre cell shapes
degenerative changes (nuclear pallor, wrinkling or smudging of chromatin, vacuolisation)
prominent single or multiple nucleoli
cytoplasmic vacuolization and/or cytoplasmic polychromatic staining
What are some low estrogen states associated with increased parabasal cells other than menopause?
Turner syndrome
Status post bilateral oophrectomy
Features of exfoliated endometrial cells
Balls of small cells, isolated small cells Scant cytoplasm Dark nucleus Nuclear molding Nuclear fragmentation
When are endometrial cells expected? When must they be reported?
First 12 days of menstrual cycle in pre-menopausal women.
Must report at age > 40
Ddx for Shedding of endometrial cells out of phase (after day 12)?
endomeitrial polyps
Features of LUTS
large and small tissue fragments
glands and stroma
stromal cells: uniform, oval or spindle, finely granular chromatin, occasional mitoses, capillaries)
glands (tubular, straight or branching, mitoses, extreme nuclear crowding, scant cytoplasm)