benign tumours Flashcards
RF for myoma
afro carribena women genetics nulliparity ( NB)obsesity - increased levels of oestroegen early menarche FH VItamin d deficiency ?
tx myoma
gnrh agonists - antagonises estrogen which is needed for growth
classication of myomas
submucosal - peducntulated
subserosal- peduncultated
what does the texture of the myoma tell you
more hardness- more fibrosis
more soft- mote muscle
a lot of times its aympotmatic
dysfunctional uterine bleeding - prolonged menstraul bleeding mennorrhagia
pain - does not usually occur in uncomplicated myomas
feeling of pressure
indications for surgery for myoma
- excessisve bleeding
Protrusion of myoma through cervical os into vagina
Rapid growth (may be leiomyosarcoma rather than benign leiomyoma)
Repetitive pregnancy loss
Enlarged uterine size (>12weeks pregnancy size)
Progressive hydronephrosis
which type of fibroid is assoiated with heavy bleeding
submucosal because now you are interfering with the cavity of the uterus and also interstiaial
what would hysterocopic removal be best for which fibroid
how do know ehere the fibroid is
physical exam bi manual exam
ultrasound and MRI
- degenerative
- vascular changes
- inflammation
- malignant transformation
degenerative changes
hyaline (most common) , fatty, red, calcification, atrophy , myoxomatous degeneration , pseudocytsic degeneration
msot common symmptom of fibroids
bleeding, menorrhagia prolonged menstraul periods duratiron or heavy
when would you experience pain
if the uterus is contracting to deliver the nascient myoma or if you have torsion or infarction of pedunculated myoma
what is the tumour made up of
smooth muscle and fibrous tissue and its texture depends on the compositions between the 2
which is the most common type
the 2 most common causes of enlarged uterus
fibroids and adenomyosis
what is adenomyseos and symptoms
endometrium moves into the muscular layer
it’s a diffuse thickening of uterus . When this happens in a small area, or is localized, it is called an adenomyoma.
symptoms very similar to fibroids, pain during sex, dysfunctional uterine bleeding (heavier periods) , and also painful periods
rf dor adenomyoma
usually occurs in women who have had children
women who have had uterine surgery inc c - section
other causes of enlarged uterus
endometrial cancer , cervical cancer
which types of fibroids are likely to cause symmetrically enlarged uterus
whats the caution with gnrh agonists
not more than 24 weeks - risk of osteoproesis
non conservative tx 1.
- Abdominal myomectomy:
- Hysteroscopic myomectomy
- Laparoscopic myomectomy:
- Uterine artery embolisation may provide a targeted degeneration of the fibroid. This may also preserve fertility.(not commonly done due to complications)
- laser ablation use heat to cause necorise
- cryomyloysis
- defintive - hysterectomy
what can a speculum exam shows you in general
allows you to see the cervix
test for any infections like STD
any cancers
insert an IUD, or empty the womb (if open)