Being Insulted Flashcards
Youre so ugly
I thought its whats on the inside that counts. But i guess you cant depend on that
Youre so dumb
Still better than you
Many insults on your work in a row
So aside from that its fine?
Joy says youre boring
arms behind head slowly and thinking Joys been thinking about me?
Being insulted by a new person
Well you certainly dont disappoint
You screwed him over
It was business not personal
He doesnt have any brains
Well ofc. People only have one brain
You’re not very confident
The meek shall inhereit the earth
Youre not good at excel
Ill take it off my cv
Come on karl make a decison
Isnt that contrary to how this place operates
Somebodys been naughty (implying its you)
I wonder who that could be
You dont look so good
I think i have saturday night fever
after terribke phone call
Maybe he prefers to text
Do you even know how to use that
Its different to xbox but i think yes
Youre being too slow / youre driving too slow
Patience is a virtue
Multiple people criticising you
Everyones a bloody critic around here
Youve caused so many problems
I would do it all again
Karl remember when you did embarrasing thing
I have chosen to forget
Be a man
I dont wanna. Id rather be like you
Dont underestimate me
Is that even possible
Someone insulting you after stressful day
Bad day huh
Very hostile comment from someone who has bad qualities
Do you like yourself taurus
Youre fired
You cant fire me i quit
Youre average
Thats mean
Not your best work
Is the bar set high around here
Youre so rude
I deal in facts dude
Its wrong
If this is wrong then i dont wanna be right
Hed be turning in his grave
I think he was cremated