Behavioural Med Refs Flashcards
Transtheoretical model
Prochaska and DiClemente 1982
Theory of reasoned action
Fishbein and Ajzen 1967
Theory of planned behaviour
Ajzen 1985
Health belief model
Rosenstock et al 1966
Health education definition
Tones and Green 2004
Health promotion definitions
Who and nice
Health promotion key principles
Who 1984
Rainbow Model
Dahlgren and Whitehead 1891
Health promotion different approaches
Kelly and Charlton 1995
COM-B model
Michie et al 2011, 2014
GP role in health promotion
Boyce et al 2010
Pace up
Harris et al 2017
Owen et al 2017
Steps to promotion/intervention
Sutton 2010
General promotion steps
McKenzie and Smelter
Cognitive theory of depression
Beck 1967
Albert Ellis 1955
CBT emphasis
Freeman 1995
Relapse prevention model
Morlatt and Gordon 1985
2 stage model of sleep
BorbΓ©ly 1982
Actigraphy as gold standard of sleep measurement
Chesson et al 2000
Stimulus control theory
Bootzin 1978
3P model
Spielman and colleagues 1991
Insomnia 9-15%
Bootzin et al 1998
Narcolepsy 0.5%
Schacter et al 2012
Sleep apnoea m: 3-7% f: 2-5%
Punjabi 2008
Somnambulism m: 10.4% f: 3.5%
Mume 2010
Sleep paralysis 7.6%
Sharpless et al 2011
Night terrors children: 1-6% adults: <1%
Nightmares 5.1%
Shirley et al 2010
U.K. Highest teen pregnancy in Europe
Jamal et al 2015
1st sexual experience early and negative health outcomes
Abma et al 1998
Causal hood ups 47%, 33%
Paul et al 2000
Texts short term effects
Lim et al 2012
Online info 41% anon
Skinner et al 2003
60% uni students condoms
DiClemente et al 1990
3 star theory of contraceptive use (natural, peer prescription, expert)
Lindemann 1977
Sexual behaviour sequence model (tpb plus arousal and emotional response to sex)
Byrne and Byrne 1977
Shift in view of sex - pleasure and masturbation
Kinsley 1948
Medical definition of addiction
Rosenhan and sleighman 1989
Psychological definition of addiction
Orford 2001
Smoking 1/5 deaths
Peto et al
Psych patients twice as likely to smoke
Hodgins et al 1992
Operant conditioning, cage experiment
Skinner 1938
Classical conditioning, dogs
Pavlov 1889
Little Albert
Watson 1920
Affect theory
Tomkins 1956
Smoking and lung cancer
Doll and Hill 1954
Alcohol and effects e.g. Liver cirrhosis
White at al 2002
Half of smokers who quit relapse within first year
National statistics 2005
Rats and bdnf
Yeh et al 2015
Bdnf and dementia
Alhskog et al 2011
Recommended hours of activity per week
Department of health 2004
Longevity extended by 2.5 years with recommended exercise
Paffenbarger 1986
Chronic illness associations
Department of health 2004
London bus study
Morris 1949
Self perception of obesity study
Johnson et al 2014
Parents perception of bmi
Black et al 2015
WHtR for screening
Ashwell et al 2012
Pancreatic and prostate cancer obesity link
Guh 2009
Weight change predictions
Swinburn and colleagues
Development model of eating
Ogden 2010
Surgical methods effective
Sjostrom 2007
New foods (neophobia) 8-10 times minimum
Birch et al 1982
Twins 66-70% obesity link
Stunkard et al 1990