Behaviorism Flashcards
- rejects spiritual, focuses on behavior
- most prod. decipline 1960s
- rejects subjective psychology
George John Romanes
- continued Darwin’s ideas (neodarwinism)
- introduced objective measures
Lloyd Morgan
- follower of Romanes
- Morgan’s canon: we only presume the existence of the thinking of animals when it is inevitable
Edward Lee Thorndike
- tested animals intelligence
- animals behavior needs to be studied not consciousness
- 2 laws
1. Law of effect: reinforced behavior will be stronger
2. Law of exercise: more trails will lead to more connections
Problem with animal mind
- dual observation: behavior and consciousness
- how do we determine what’s mechanical and mental in animals
20th century, wanted to find criteria - structural: nervous system
- functional: ability to learn
John Boradus Watson
- best animal researcher
- founder of todays marketing strategies
Behaviorist program
- 13th Feb. 1913: Watson started lectures that became printed
- goal: end dual observation, get rid of introspection
- either psych studies behavior or new science needs to be created
- behavioral psych needs to be a natural science
Objections against introspection
- empirical: cannot answer simplest questions (how many senses are there)
- philosophical: not in line with methods of natural sciences
- practical: only observation in animal psychology
- social: does not provide answer to social problems
Principles of behaviorism
- behavioral adaptation, both humans and animals strive to adapt
- reaction due to stimuli, no spontaneous behavior (deterministic)
- goal: manipulation of behavior
Methodological behaviorism
- interested in behavior, doesn’t deny existence of conscious phenomena
S-R behaviorism
- no central processes, brain switches stations (black box)
- all psychological data can be explained physically or physiologically
- thinking is implicit behavior
NOT A PSYCHOLOGIST. physiologist
His discoveries and methods
- Classical conditioning
- conditioned responses: unconditional response (reflex)
- conditioned responses, part of behavior
Study of learning
- central aspect of behaviorist research
- little Albert and the white rat
- conditioning
Dilemmas in Watson program
- Watson was against brain research
- consciousness is apparently all physical phenomena, no subjective experience