Behavioral Flashcards
What is APGAR?
A - appearance (color) P - pulse G - grimace (reflex irritability) A - Activity (muscle tone) R - Respiration
Used to predict likelihood of immediate survival (of neonates)
Normal = 8-9
Post Partum Major Depression occurs in ___ of new mothers, within ___ of child birth, and can persist ___
1 month
1 year
Criterion for premature and very premature birth
Premature: 37 Weeks
Very premature: 32 Weeks
4 Necessary infant reflexes necessary for survival
- Rooting: touch cheek –> turn toward nipple
- Palmar Grasp: grip any object put in palm
- Moro: limb extended when child is startled
- Babinski: dorsiflexion of toes when sole is stroked
3 Spheres of Development:
- Motor
- Social
- Verbal/Cognitive
How does development tend to occur (progress)? From ___ to ___
- Cephalad to caudal
- Central to peripheral
- From self to others
- From understanding to expressing
Stranger anxiety starts at ___
9 months
Social smile starts at ___
12 weeks
Separation anxiety starts at age ___
But ____always comes first
Separation Anxiety Disorder Starts at age ___
Late in first year
Object permanence comes first
7 years: school phobia/refusal
Babinski reflex disappears at ___
1 year
What milestone at age 2?
Say “No!”
Terrible Twos
Gender identify by age ___
3 years
Play progression:
Cooperative by age ___
Solitary –> parallel –> associative –> cooperative
4 years
Year 6 Milestones
- “Superego”
- Morality
- Empathy
- Lying is wrong
- Finality of death
Rett’s Disorder Characteristics:
- 4 Years of normal functioning
- Hand wringing
- Breathing problems
- Intellectual impairment
- Ataxia
- Motor and social declines,
- X-linked
Universality of death by age ___
Morality by age ___
9 years
12 years
Body image and popularity ideas by age ___
15 years
3 Predisposing factors for teen pregnancy
- Depression
- Poor school achievement
- Divorced parents
Selective Mutisum usually starts at age ___
6 years
Phonological vs Articulation disorders
Phonological: leaves out or misplaces speech sounds
Articulation: unable to make necessary motor movements for accurate speech. ex: lisp
Separation Anxiety Disorder Characteristics
- School phobia or refusal
- Starts at 7 years/stressful life event/anxious family
Autism Spectrum Disorder Findings:
- Seen before age 3
- No finger pointing (theory of mind)
- Larger head circumference (overgrowth during first year)
- More common in boys
5 Stages of Dying:
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
Bereavement (normal grief) vs. Complicated Bereavement (abnormal)
- Both have initial shock and denial
- Both include sadness and crying
- Abnormal involves suicidal thinking or hallucinations
Schizophrenia definition:
“Split Mind”
Behavior vs. thought content divergence
Hallmark symptom of schizophrenia:
Psychosis: impairment in reality testing
List 12 Symptoms of Psychosis
- Illusion
- Hallucination
- Ideas of reference
- Delusions
- Loss of ego boundaries
- Alogia
- Echolalia
- Thought Blocking
- Neologisms
- Circumstantiality
- Tangentiality
- Loose associations
Difference between Illusion vs Hallucinations
Illusion: misinterpretation of real external stimuli
Hallucinations: sensory perceptions not generated by external stimuli
What is false conviction that one is subject of attention by other people?
Ideas of reference
Most common type?
- False beliefs
- Not correctable by logic or reason
- Delusions of persecution most common
Loss of ego boundaries:
Not knowing where one’s mind and body end and those of others begin
- Lack informative content in speech
- Mute or speaks few words
“I’m very sure I’ve got the cure and I’m not pure”
- Repeating statements of others
- Associating words by their sounds, not meanings
“I have to take my…..”
Often because of ___
Thought blocking
“I’m fatigloo”
Circumstantiality vs Tangentiality
Circumstantiality: responds to questions, but presenting voluminous details
Tangentiality: beginning logically, getting further from the point, fail to answer question
“I drive a brown car. So i like brown snickers and the sun is really nice today.”
Loose associations
- Loss of logical meaning
- No linked associations
- Illogically jumps from one subject to another
Differentiate Schizophrenia vs Medical Delirium
Schizophrenia= no clounding of consciousness: alert, oriented
Schizophrenia DSM-5 Criteria
A. Characteristic Symptoms (2+)
B. Social/Occupational dysfunction: at least 1 of work, interpersonal, self care
C. Duration: at least 6 months w/ 1 month of symptoms
D. Schizoaffective and Mood Disorder exclusion
E. Substance/general medical condition exclusion
5 Schizophrenia characteristic symptoms:
- Delusions
- Hallucinations
- Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior
- Negative symptoms
- Disorganized speech
3 Phases of Schizophrenia:
- Prodromal: prior to 1st psychotic break
- Psychogic/Active: loss of touch w/ reality
- Residual: period between psychotic episodes, in touch w/ reality, but doesn’t behave normally
Schizophrenia age of onset in men vs women
Men: 15-25
Women 25-35
Enlargement of what brain structure(s) in Schizophrenia?
Lateral and third ventricle
Brain density change in what brain structure(s) in Schizophrenia?
Lower density –> smaller
Hippocampus, amygdala, parahippocampal gyrus
What happens in frontal lobe in Schizophrenia?
Hypofrontality: decreased use of glucose
Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia:
Glutamate Hypothesis of Schizophrenia
- Excessive DA activity in MESOLIMBIC tract
- Hypoactivity of NDMA receptor in brain
2 Neuronal Pathways in Schizophrenia (positive/negative symptoms)
Positive: Glu-GABA-Glu-DA
Pathology: high DA in mesolimbic
Negative: Glu-GABA-Glu-GABA-DA
Pathology: low DA in mesocortical
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Schizophrenia symptoms
1-29 days LESS than 1 month
Schizophreniform Disorder
1-6 Months of Schizophrenia symptoms
Schizoaffective Disorder
Schizophrenia + mania and/or depression
All effective antipsychotics for Schizophrenia block ___ receptors in ___ DA pathway
DSM-5 Criteria for Neurodevelopmental Disorder
New name for ADHD
- Start before age 12
- Symptoms in multiple (2+) settings
- Must cause social disability
- 6+/9 Symptoms (inattention or hyperactive/impulsive)
- 6 Months
Versions of ADHD
- Combined
- Inattentive
- Hyperactive/impulsive
- Other specified, or unspecified
2 neurotransmitter genes most commonly associated w/ ADHD
Dopamine system
Noradrinergic system
ADHD __ symptoms tend to persist greater than ___ symptoms
Inattentive > hyperactivity/impulsivity
High dopamine/noradrinergic activity leads to ___
Very high leads to ___
Very high –> Psychosis
Low dopamine/noradrinergic activity leads to ___
Very low leads to ___
Very low –> Schizophrenia (-) symptoms
In ADHD brains, selective pruning happens (earlier/later)
3 Nonaddictive ADHD Drugs:
Side effects?
Atomoxetine (NRI)
Guanfancine ER a2 agonist
Clonidine ER a2 agonist
Less efficacy than stimulants
Often sedating
May lower BP
Class of ADHD drugs that has greatest efficacy is ___
Adverse effects?
Stimulant class
Risk of addiction
Too much –> paranoia
Stunt growth, weight loss (low appetite)
1st line ADHD treatment for preschool, children and adolescents, and adults
Preschool: behavioral therapy
Children and adolescents: Slow release Methylphenidate (MPH)
Adults: Nonaddictive (Atomoxetine, Modafinil, Ganfacine ER, Clonidine ER)
a2 Agonist mechanism of action for ADHD
Norepi a2 receptor: increase signal strength –> increase signal to noise ratio –>make glutamate function more efficient
Most common co-occuring disorder with ADHD:
Functional MRI finding in ADHD
Hypoactive Anterior Cingulate
3 Spheres of functioning:
- Social
- Academic
- Occupational
Personality traits are [immutable/circumstantial/modifiable] risk for suicide
Risk traid for suicide includes
What religions are at increased risk for suicide?
- Jewish or protestant
- Highest in protestant
Highest risk demographic for suicide:
Middle aged
Top 3 leading causes of death for adolescents 15-19
- Accidents
- Homocide
- Suicide
Age and gender pattern for suicide risk
- Increases substantially after 55
- Decrease for old women
- Increase for old men
- Men ALWAYS higher risk than women
Top suicide method in US vs. elsewhere
US: firearms
Elsewhere: hanging
[Short/long] allele for serotonin transporter gene (SERT) associated with increased MDD and suicide risk
Short allele (ss) –>highest risk
Long allele (l/l) –> protective
Antidepressents [raise/lower] risk of suicide for what group of people?
24 or younger
Why increased suicide risk initially after being put on antidepressants?
-Increased energy and clear thinking improve before lifting of depressed mood –> More energy to act on suicidal thoughts
Greatest predictor of suicide risk:
Past violence
DSM-5 Major Depressive Disorder Criteria:
- 5+/9 Symptoms during 2-week period (at least 1 is depressed mood or loss of interest/pleasure)
- Symptoms cause distress or impairment in functioning
- Not attributable to physiological effects
Sleep disturbance Interest/pleasure reduction Guilt, worthlessness Energy loss, fatigue Concentration/attention impairment Appetite changes Psychomotor symptoms Suicide Ideation
How to differentiate normal sadness vs. depression?
S.W.A.G Have at least one of the following in depression: Suicidality Weight loss Anhedonia Guilt
Atypical Depression likely findings:
- Weight gain, hypersomnia
- Leaden paraysis, carb cravings, rejection sensitivity
Medical conditions that mimic depression:
- Hypothyroidism –>tired
- Cushing’s
- Anemia –>tired
- Vitamin deficiency (B12, Folate)
- Obstructive sleep apnea –> poor brain perfusion at night
2 Biological Theories of Depression:
- Monoamine deficinecy
- Monoamine receptor excess
-Reality= combination of both
(Genetic/Environmental) factors more important in depression
Functional Neuroanatomy in MDD:
- Hypoactive dorsolateral prefontral cortex
- Hyperactive amygdala
Gender difference in MDD
- Lifetime prevalence: women > men
- Women more likely to seek help
2 Common comorbidities of MDD:
- Substance abuse
- Generalized anxiety
3 Frontline treatment classes of MDD:
Less severe side effects than MAOIs and TCAs
Increasing cortisol in brain does what to make depression more likely?
Decrease brain neurotrophic factors
What is Delay of Reinforcement Gradient?
- Individuals w/ ADHD are MORE sensitive to IMMEDIATE reinforcement
- LESS sensitive to DISTAL reinforcement
- Compared to normally developing individuals
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Criteria:
How to define severity?
- 4+ Symptoms (3 groups: Angry/Irritable, Argumentative/Defiant, Vindictive) for 6+ Months
- Negative Impact
- Not during course of other disease (psychotic, depressive)
- Severity based on number of settings (1, 2, 3+)
Conduct Disorder (CD) Criteria:
Violate norms or rights of others
- 3+ symptoms for 12+ months (agression, destruction, deceit/theft, violate rules)
- Functional impairment
- If 18+, criteria not met for Antisocial personality disorder
Limited prosocial emotions is:
Specific manifestation of Conduct Disorder
-2+ findings for 12+ months in multiple relationship/ssettings
1. no remorse/guilt
2. no empathy
3. unconcerned about performance
4. shallow/deficient affect
Development impairment characteristics of Autism (4)
- No babble or coo by 12 months
- No gesture (point, wave, grasp) by 12 months
- Doesn’t say single words by 16 months or 2-word phrases by 24 months
- Loss of language or social skills at any age
Asperger’s Syndrom is Autism with high ___
Diagnosis of Autism based on:
- Autism Diagnostic Interview-R (ADI-R)
- Observation (home, school, video analysis)
3 Criteria for Intellectual Disability Diagnosis:
- IQ
Academic level achievement in Mild vs Moderate ID:
Mild: 6th grade, minimal supervision
Moderate: 2nd grade, under supervision
Examples of “essential” vs “associated” feature of Autism:
Essential: repetitive behavior, flapping, body rocking
Associated: self-injury, aggression, pica
3 Diagnostic criteria for Pica
- > 1 month eating non-nutritive substancces
- Eating is inappropriate for developmental level
- eating is not culturally sanctioned
Medication use in Autism
~27% of children take >1 med
Increase use of meds with age
CAM treatment decreases w/ age