beef production lec 9 and 10 Flashcards
what animals are most at risk of internal parasites and why
- 6-12mths of critical for CMW
* older cows built resistant
what is the potential gain of drenching
potential gain of $120 to drench
• need to gain 8.2kg to break even
when should cattle be first drenched
drench at weaning
• and move to new worm free pasture- increase weight gain by 30-60 kg
what are the 2 types of stomach worms and what do they cause
• stomach worm (ostetargo) o cause scouring and weight loss o Type I typical winter /spring problem ◦Poor growth rates + scouring in most young animals o Type II Larvae inhibit (lay dormant in intestines) from mid-August on Resume around autumn break Severe weight loss in few animals
what are the 2 main internal parasites
stomach worms and liver fluke
which animals are most at risk of liver fluke
more coastal regions in summer
- increased grazing pressure, eating lower to ground
o Younger cattle <3yrs most at risk
important to test for- makesure present and not resistant to current practises
what are the 2 main external parasites
Lice • Rarely economic to treat • Maybe in severe stress environments Cattle Tick • Spread disease, tick fever. • Restricted to Nth Aust, treated by dips,vaccine
which animals most at risk of internal parasites
at risk • Age o Under 20mths • Under stress o Nutrition (drought) o Lactating, esp 1st calf heifers • Bulls o drench <3 months to joining
how are internal parasites managed
management • long rest of paddocks o conserve for forage o short rotation • grazing o above ground level (less access to worms) o use species mix •
what are the 5 clostridial diseases controlled by 5 in 1
o anaerobic bacteria o 5 in 1 vaccine prevents Black Leg Black disease Tetanus Enterotoxaemia (pulpy kidney) Malignant oedema
what is botulism
o clostridial disease
more in north
not covered in 5 in 1, developing vaccine
what are 3 repro associated diseases
pestivirus, leptospirosis, vbrosis
what is leptospirosis
o leptospirosis
causes abortion and sickness
covered in 7 in 1
what is vibrosis
o vibrosis campylobacter bacteria causes infertility 46% of beef herds with fertility problems bulls remain infected • treat by vibrio vaccinating bulls
what is pestivirus and how is it managed
Pestivirus o causes repro loss, abortion, deformed calves • subsequent calves persistently infected can use to develop resistance in herd ill thrift respiratory diseases supresses immunity o management test, identify carriers to sell vaccinate 80 % effective
what are 2 common nutritional/metabolic conditions
bloat, grass tetany
what is bloat and how is it managed
o bloat cause • grass and frothy bloat • associated with lush legumes, • gas build up management • treat orally, prevention better o ensures up to date • in on new paddock, make sure already have full belly so don’t gorge o transition feeding • mixed pasture best • identify ‘risky’ pastures
what is grass tetany and how is it managed
o grass tetany cause • low blood Mg o pasture with high K interferes with Mg absorption from fertiliser management • feed high in Mg o clovers • Mg supplement prevention o causemag • autumn calving herds o provide cows (4 yrs +) with clover/legumes dominated provide mixed pastures o provide salt + MG sup+hay o switch calving time
what is pinkeye and how can it be managed
Pink eye o cause associated with dust and flies, long grass and bacteria young calves weaned high risk • dust and low immune system o management vaccine or treat with ointment • only affective if treating right bacteria sprinklers in yards good nutrition
what is BRD and what are its signs
bovine respiratory diseases (BRD) o cause more in feedlots multi-causal • stressors, compromised immunity, viruses, bacteria • secondary thing to supressed immunity o signs mild cases • discharge from nose and eyes • fever, coughing, weight loss severe cases • fatal pneumonia • off feed, reluctant to move, difficulty breathing
how can diseases be managed
drenching and vaccination
what can drench be used to control
stomach worms, live fluke
how can a vaccination program be used
o vaccination program 5 in 1 ($.50 a dose), 7 in 1 ($1.20 a dose) 2 doses at 6-8 weeks and at weaning vibrio pestivirus breeding cows • before calving bulls • annual vibrio booster young cattle • steers, 5 in 1 booster at start of joining
what are 5 things to consider when managing during a drought
o plan for each stage o Pasture types that are drought resistant o Water supply o Financial reserves o Off farm investments o Government financial assistance o Farm design o Critical survival weight o Nutritional requirements o Alternative sources of feed and chemical residues
how can a dry period be prepared for
- preparing for dry periods o fodder conservation utilise spring flush o Early drought action plan conserve, sell stock o Plan your economic survival! when in peak debt, have loan reserve so can still borrow o Consider past events crop, replace stock sheep to cows
what are 6 things to actions for a drought
o ID main decisions Eg. Opportunities such as – leasing land, replacing stock with more hardy animals(goats), changing breeds. o Act quickly to reduce risk I.e. sell cull stock in good condition while the market is still strong sell early • reduce SR to conserve pasture o Assess your position Stock, finance, feed o Make sound livestock decisions +ve cash flow make sure all drenched and vaccinated o Keep you options open ability to sell o Stay productive: best done by reducing grazing numbers Sale Agistment Culling Lot feeding
what is the drought impact on animals
- drought effect on animals o CS –CMW fertility of cows and subsequent income o Early weaning o early sale of fat cattle o Cull non-productive cows (preg test).
what is drought impact on pasture/soil
- drought effect on soil o Pastures/Soil o Consider erosion control o Resting paddocks o Maintain fertility + pasture composition
what is the option of confinement feeding
o Confinement feeding
create mini feedlot
allows rest of property to be rested
only have to resew one paddock
what actions should be undertaken during early drought
o Selective and progressive reduction of stock
worst first, pregnant animals, aged cows and steers, finally sell breeding cow herd
o Purchase feed early – before prices rise.
need plenty of dry feed and protein
o lot feeding
some income
o agistment and leasing
potential costs, distance to travel, disease etc
o sell all stock
loose production but avoid maintenance costs
what actions should be undertaken during a full drought
o critical min weight- when cattle cannot afford to lose any more weight
o supplements are insufficient to maintain weight
o Review your program
Feed budget
Resources required (finance, labour equipment)
Monthly costing
what is a critical minimum weight what is the problem with reaching C min W
critical min weight
body reserves nearly depleted
• have to feed lots before change
• better off maintain BCS 2
- british breeds med maturity
- Weaners - 150 kg
- Yearlings – 225kg
- Adult dry stock – 300kg
- breeders – 350kg
how can animals be prepared for full hand feeding
• drench, vaccinate • parasites, deficiencies • low stress • e.g. dehorn early • potentially delay joining • better off selling • preg test • monitor • calves • maintain growth of .2kg/day prevents future repro and growth problems • troughs • feed/ water • sufficient space • transition feeds
what is transition feeding and how is it done
• transition feeds • increase by .5kg/day • start high hay low grain decrease hay increase grain over time • ideally feed daily
what is the advantage of feeding grains
• grains low in Ca • add limestone higher risk of acidosis most economical - high energy
what is the advantage of molasses
• molasses carrier for minerals andproteins high in energy • 70% ME of grains feed with fiber
when would a protein meal be used
• Protein meals
Special case feeding e.g. young stock
Too expensive to feed in large quantities
what is a prepared ration
• Prepared feed
Cattle nuts
ME slightly lower than grain
Convenient but expensive
what is the nutritional value of hay
• Hay
Lucerne / good quality cereal hay are adequate
3kg = 2kg grain
Can be too fibrous and limit energy intake
what is the advantage of silage
• Silage Good for self feeder Lucerne and clover Silage have higher CP Most have comparable ME (DM basis) DM varies from 15-50%
when is the nutritonal content of scrub
• Scrub
Similar nutritive value to poor quality hay
Adequate protein and ME
Deficient in P and S
Best for dry stock
Spray with molasses to make attractive?
what is the potential problem when feeding by products
• By-products
Eg. Cotton trash, cotton seed hulls
Low in ME and CP
Provide some assistance to growth or roughage in a feedlot
• Beware Chemical residues
Other by-products
Apple pulp, citrus pulp, plenty of others
what is creep feeding and when is it used
supplementing the diet of young livestock, by offering feed to animals who are still nursing want to wean 90 days at 90kg feed for growth • requires high protein (expensive) over 5 months • add protein 2-5 months • calf pellets balanced under 2 months • wean only if cow at risk • need milk replacers
what are the DPI’s recommendations for drought management
- Reminders – DPI NSW
o decide early review them regularly.
o Paddocks with poor water grazed first.
o routine procedures for maintaining animal health, particularly drenching against worms.
o Wean calves – feeding cows with calves is expensive.
o Consider changing from hay to grain – cost hay against grain.
o Pregnancy test
o Condition score your stock.
o Mouth older stock.
o Assess the structural soundness
o Cull stock