beef production lec 11 and 12 Flashcards
what is profit
revenue - cost
how long does a bull last
2-3 years
what are overheads
- electricity, rates
* costs that will continue regardless of production
what are the 4 main costs in production
pasture, animal, fixed and loans (rent, depreciation)
what is market compliance
market compliance
• identify most profitable markets
how do you increase profit
want to increase kg/yr and price
what is the biggest driver of profitability
SR biggest drive of profitability
• match SR to feed supply
how does soil moisture limit production
• soil moisture
o rainfall
o limits feed supply
what is CoP
Cost of Production
• cost to produce 1 kg
• ideally around $1
what are 7 managements that affect profit
CoP SR fertility herd structure production system nutrition genetics
how does SR impact profit
Stocking rate
• many producers understocked (all/some of year)
• individual animal performance
o increase production/ha not /animal
how does herd structure impact profit
Herd Structure
• genetic rate of change with younger herd
• influence on fertility
how does production system impact profit
Production system – time of calving
• autumn calving has a higher SR
how does nutrition management impact profit
Nutrition management
• avoid sup feeding=cost
define SR
- number of livestock on a paddock or a whole farm
- number of a particular type of animal per unit area.
o usually (DSE) per hectare (ha) or cattle per unit area
what is the DSE of a weaner
approx 6
what is the DSE of a yearling
what is the DSE of a dry cow
what is the DSE of a preg cow last 4 months
what is the DSE of a cow with a 0-3 month old and 4-6 month old calf
15 and 17
what is the top producers SR for mid winter
12 DSE/ha
how much can be produced per 100mm rain
top producers 43kg/ha/100mm rain
average can produce 31kg/ha/100mm rain
what is RoC
- return on capital
for how much they have spent how much are you making off it - aim 6%
what is the target for pregnancy rate
- Target 96% pregnancy
o 90% good
what is the target for calving span
- Tight calving span and concentrated pattern (9wks max, with 60% in first 3wks)
when should a heifer calve
2 years
what is the impact of pregnancy rate on calves
o lower PR= more late calvers
o high PR= more calves born from first cycle
what is the impact of calving date on profit
- calving date
o lower calving interval = increased weight of calf
o late cow is consistently late
what is the negatives of having an older herd structure
- Older cows generally: o Poor average growth rates o younger herds are changing in value rapidly- better genetics o increased risk of health problems higher risk of grass tetany
what is the target herd structure
- Target
o Max 4-6yrs Old cows, cull older
o Use cull cows as source of income rather than heifers.
what are the targets of a production system
- Match pasture growth/quality with animal requirements
- Peak pasture production = lactation/joining/calf growth
what is the affect of the age of the animal at sale
- Affects herd structure and SR
o Requirements for rapid growth per animal will mean less animals - Keeping sale animals to heavier weights, generally is more profitable
o if utilising available feed
how does nutritional management affect profit
- Influences income
o Sale stock – price discounts for not meeting market specs
o Replacement stock – heifers not meeting CMW - Costs
o Supplementary feeding only when a profit
o Set nutrition/animal condition targets
how does genetics impact profit
Genetics - Sets the production limits. - Buy GOOD BULLS o Use EBV’s - Cross-breeding o Growth + fertility + whole of life gains in breeding herd
what are the top producers CoP
- Top 20% of producers
o relatively low CoP
o Spend more on fixed costs, pasture improvement, less on supplementary feeding
what is the difference between economics of scale and SR
- Economy of scale important BUT increasing stocking rates will spread costs over more production units
where can the greatest profit be achieved
- profit when CoP decreases AND productivity increases
o can’t just chase one
o increased labour efficiency significant potential to decrease CoP
what BCS will cows be in mid winter to achieve optimal SR
- Increase stocking rate until cow condition mid-winter = 2.5
what impacts on $/kg
buyers and market demand
what impacts on the weight at sale
age and growth rate
what impacts on growth rate
health, genetics, pasture growth, pasture utilisation
how is pasture utilisation determined
SR and pasture energy intake
what impacts on SR
location, soil fertility
plant species
soil moisture
what impacts the number of cattle sold
calves weaned and cattle
what impacts on calves weaned
calves produced, number joined
what impacts the number of calves produced
fertility of bull and cow, calf survival, dystocia
what impacts fertility
BCS, BSE, health
what are the 2 major impacts on no. of females joined
quantity and quality of breeders
no of breeding females
what impacts on quantity and quality of breeders
culling rate
joining period
age of weaning
what impacts on no of breeding females
pasture budget
calving date
target markets