beef production lec 7 and 8 Flashcards
what is PPAI
o post part anoestrus interval
how long does a cycle last and what is the average joining length
o 1 cycle = 21 days
o optimum 6 week joining
normal 9 week
what is the disadvantage of a longer PPAI
- increased PPAI = later calvers next year
o early joining means early calf so longer time to recover before next calf
o later calvers will conceive later and have less time to rejoin
what is the aims of a tight calving
o tight calving span and concentrated pattern
o 90% weaning rate
o preg rate of 94%
o join most cows in in first cycle
o cull cows worth more, sell them keep heifers
what affects PPAI
o Age of cow – primiparous (heifers) cows have longer PPAI
CMW, higher demand on body
have higher PPAI
pluriparous cows
• don’t need to have as high BCS
o Nutrition / Body condition
cows with better nutrition have shorter PPAI
want a BCS of 2.5-3/5 oestrus
Losing 1/4 BCS in the 90 days post-partum delays the PPAI by about 14 days, compared to no weight loss.
biggest influence BCS at calving
o Suckling (lactational anoestrus)
have calf still on them
o Breed differences
o Retained after birth – uterine infection
what BCS is needed for spring vs autumn calving and why
o autumn calving has greater variation in FS need in better FS of 3.5-4 drop in demand over winter o spring calving less variation need in FS 2.5-3
what management can be used for joining heifers
o early calving heifers become early calving cows
o The optimal strategy
Don’t join heifers only on gross conformational faults (<5%)
retain hiefers sell older cull cows
Drench retained heifers
o Weigh at weaning
target CMW, draft off ones that will achieve without help
preferential feed lighter heifers to get to CMW
o Mate to high fertility “heifer bull”
o Join for 6 weeks only
‘Overjoin’ and sell empties
sell those that didn’t go in calf over first 6 weeks as PTIC
o Join for 10 weeks
‘Over-join’ and sell late calvers
need to be preg tested
• Allows additional flexibility in culling decisions
o higher heifer retention
increased rate of genetic turnover through increased selection pressure on old cows
Higher income due to increased value of cull cows over young heifers
what affect does BCS of PPAI
increase BCS = decrease in PPAI
what conception rate does a 2 cycle ( 6 week joining) get
o So two cycles (42 days) should give 96% conception rates
what is the optimal joining rate
o AIM- 95% calving in 63 days
what is the advantage of a short calving interval
o advantage of short joining
calves at weaning are are higher as had longer time to gain weight
potentially in 10 month old weaners $80-$160 between calves.
condensed calving (from 12wks to 6wks)
• 5.9% increase in GM over base system.
why preg diagnose?
o early ID of NIC – cull – feed utilisation
o predicts calving pattern (ages foetuses) late calvers for preferential feeding
o cull late calving heifers - use early calvers as replacements
o ID abnormalities
o drought strategy
o assists economic management of production
what can be used to evaluate bulls?
what is BDE and what is measured
Scrotal circumference (cm) Physical examination Semen analysis Morphology Mating behaviour / mating ability.
what do you look for in a bulls ebvs?
• calving ease, 400 day weight, scrotal circumference, fat
what health measures should be taken before joining a bull?
3 months prior BSE, health check (drench and vaccination)
outline the annual timeline of a beef cow
gestation (9 months) 275-280 days
calve at 275-280 days
lactating PPAI 50 days
lactating and cycling 35 days (JOINING PERIOD)
lactating and preg (weaning) dry and preg (time varies)
when can a calve be weaned?
o goal 90 kg @ 90 days
o as young as 100 days
o generally 8-10 months
what factors influence time of weaning
o availability of feed
o condition and age
o type of production
o heifer calves and CMW
what are the 4 main weaning methods
o creep, over the fence, abrupt into paddock, yard weaning
which is the best waning practise and why
yard weaning • needs to be in small area • good hay • plenty of human contact • in preparation of feedlots o higher gains when enter feedlots • lower sickness %
what is the difference in carass between a high and low GR?
low GR, protein put on preferentially leaner
high GR, more fat laid down
what is the difference between restriction pre and post weaning
o restricted early restriction has severe impact on growth • <200 kg LW • don’t grow as much • higher fat put down, less muscle • little compensatory growth restriction post weaning • preferentially put on protein to fat o compensatory growth
what is backgrounding and what impact is there on carcass composition
- back grounding o from weaning to sale, e.g. for feedlots o Moderate growth (0.6kg/day) will: Increase ADG and FCR in the feedlot less fat, lower marbling more prone to rapid chilling. o High growth (>1.0kg/day) show slower gains in the feedlot cost more to feed have higher levels of overall fat and marbling. less prone to the effects of chilling rate on toughness have less connective tissue toughness
what are HGP and what is the advantage of these
o hormonal growth
o increase weight gain
o increase FCE
5-15% o increase profit $30-80/head o leaner carcasses 5-8% o used in feedlots reduces methane as makes feed breakdown more efficient o natural and sympathetic forms
what are the disadvantages of HGP
decreased fertility, some markets wont accept
want hormone free