BDAE Flashcards
Conversational & Expository Speech
1) Simple Social Responses: interview questions that can be answered with elementary response phrases (yes/no, ok/fine, hope so..)
2) Free conversation: ~3 min, vital for characterizing speech output patterns, shows client’s expression with familiar, rote topics (illness, family, word, pastimes, etc.), are they on topic, tangential, non-specific, too specific??
3) Picture Description (Cookie Theft): good to see if visual stimuli will prompt (or constrain) the client with regard to their speech production
4) Aesop’s Fable: portion of extended testing: a more extensive sample of a free narrative, subtest contains a series of cartoon-strip stories, based on 4 Aesop Fables. After listening to the examiner read the explanation of each picture, the patient is asked to RETELL the story in his/her own words.
- During these subtest it is important to assess the client’s speech based on 6 characteristics (=Rating Scale Profile of Speech Characteristics)
a) Melodic Line
b) Phrase Length
c) Articulatory Agility
d) Grammatical Form
e) Paraphasias
f) Word Finding (1=fluent without content, 7=speech exclusively content words) - Based on a 1-7 point scale (1=most impaired, 7=minimum abnormality)
Basic Word Discrimination:
Auditory Comprehension test!
MC, auditory-word recognition test
Looks at 6 semantic categories (objects, geometric forms, letters, actions, numbers, colors) –> allows opportunity to observe impairment of word categories
Begins with first pointing to body parts, then point to the correct picture of the word the examiner speakers (FO4)
Auditory Comprehension subtest
Client has to follow the examiner’s oral commands of increasing complexity (multi-step, sentence level, use of objects)
Careful of limb apraxia (this would not allow pt to complete this measure, wouldn’t be impairment of aud comp)
Problem could be WM or attn…
Complex Ideational Material
Auditory Comprehension subtest
Yes/no questions (“will a cork sink in water”)
Paragraph comprehension (Mr Jones train)
Requires pt to understand & express agreement/disagreement concerning factual material that does not relate to a stimulus immediately in view
Material increases in length and in demand for reference to knowledge or inferences beyond the mere recall of words
Semantic Probe
Auditory Comprehension subtest (extended version)
Pt is shown a picture and is asked 6 yes/no questions about it and then is asked to name it
Syntactic Processing
Auditory Comprehension subtest (extended version)
a) Touching A with B: “touch the spoon with the knife”
b) Reversible Possessives: “in this picture which one is the ship’s captain”
c) Embedded Sentences: pick 1 of 4 pics that matches the sentence the clinician provides
Auditory Lexical Decision Task
Auditory Comprehension subtest (extended version)
Client is told words/non words and has to say whether the presented word is real or not (yes/no response format)
Oral Agility
Oral Expression subtest
Assess motor control of the articulators by requiring iterated movements in both non-speech and speech modes
Nonverbal Agility
Verbal Agility
Automatized Sequences
Oral Expression subtest
pt has to produce the entire sequence (i.e. days of the week, counting, etc.) in full
preservation of automatized sequences is often seen in cases of severe speech output problems
normalization of articulation in automatized speech would rule out dysarthria
someone with apraxia would do better on this because they’re overlearned phrases
aphasics could do better because its a highly context based task
Oral Expression subtest
a) Words
b) Non Word: Looks at bypass route (AAS–>PL)
c) Sentences: syntax, auditory memory/WM
* if agrammatic: may simplify grammar
*all with increasing length & complexity
Responsive Naming
Naming subtest (oral expression)
client supplies 1 word response to stimulus questions
involves auditory comprehension
Boston Naming Test
Visual confrontation naming task
Pt is asked to name items based on a visually presented stimulus
If pt is unable to independtly name the picture, a phonemic cue is given
If they are unable to name picture with phonemic cue, they are then provided with 4 choices in the form of written words on the back of the picture card
Screening for Naming in Special Categories
Determines if the pt can name letters, numbers, colors
FO4 on each card
All items on each card are to be named before turning to the next card
Probing for category-specific impairments
Basic Symbol Recognition
Reading subtest
Completely NONVERBAL subtest
Tests VAS
a) Matching letters across cases & scripts: upper/lower cases
b) Number matching: matching fingers to MC digits, matching digits to dot patterns, matching roman to arabic #
Word Identification
Reading subtest
a) Picture Word Matching: target picture appears alongside a group of 4 words that includes the name of the target and semantic/structural distractors
b) Lexical Decision: req. pt to distinguish real English words from non-words that have plausible word-like spelling. Pt is shown 5 sets of 3 words each, pt has to point to the real words in each row. does NOT require the pt to demonstrate comp or pronunciation of the word, they simply have to identify familiar letter strings.
*this subtest may reveal that the pt has words in their graphic lexicon that can be recognized visually, but which do not arouse any sense of meaning
Tests: VIL