Battle Focused Training (FM 7-1) Flashcards
Which FM covers Battle Focused Training?
FM 7-1
What does FM 7-1 cover?
Battle Focused Training
What is the number one principle of peacetime training?
Replicate battlefield conditions
Primarily, there are three methods used to present training. What are they?
Demonstration (Most Preferred Method), Conference, and Lecture (Least Preferred Method)
What does effective training require?
Effective training requires the personal time, energy, and guidance of commanders.
What is the Army training standard?
The standard for the Army is to train and maintain to the published standards in Technical Manuals (TMs) -10 and -20.
Once soldiers and units have trained to the standard, how do they maintain proficiency?
They maintain proficiency through sustainment training.
What does METL stand for?
Mission Essential Task List
How do commanders determine their units’ METLs?
Commanders determine their units’ METLs based on war and external directives.
What do leaders use to assess soldier, leader, and unit proficiency?
Leaders use evaluations and other feedback to assess soldier, leader, and unit proficiency.
What is a Battle Roster?
Listing of individuals, crews, or elements that reflects capabilities, proficiencies of critical tasks, and other information concerning war-fighting capabilities.
What is a TEWT and where is it conducted?
Tactical Exercise Without Troops. The TEWT is conducted on actual terrain with unit leaders and staffs, without soldiers.
What is the FCX or FTX?
A Fire Coordination Exercise or Field Training Excercise that can be conducted at platoon, company/team, or battalion/taskforce level.
What are STXs?
STXs are mission-related Situational Training Exercises.
What drives the M.E.T.L. development process?
Battle Focus
What is an AAR?
An After Action Review
When are FTXs conducted?
FTXs are conducted under simulated combat conditions in the field.
What type of training excites and motivates soldiers and leaders?
Training that is tough, realistic, and mentally and physically challenging.
Training schedules are developed at what level and approved by whom?
Developed at company level and approved by the battalion commander
In the military structure, what is the lowest level that has battle tasks?
Battalion level
What is a low density MOS?
A MOS within an organization or unit that is required but applies to a very small amount of soldiers
What does effective training require?
Effective training requires the personal time, energy, and guidance of commanders.
What is a battle drill?
A battle drill is a collective action rapidly executed without applying a deliberate decision-making process
Name the four elements of TADSS.
- Training aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations.
What is a crew drill?
A crew drill is a collective action that the crew of a weapon or piece of equipment must perform to use the weapon or equipment
What are training devices?
Training devices are three-dimensional objects that improve training.