BASICS 03 Flashcards
change screen mode:
F key
delete fill
hit the slash key
smart guides -
toggle active / idle
Ctrl + U
preview Rotate dynamically
+ superslow revolution
Transform Panel:
rotate function
hide object
Ctrl + 3
‘Save ICC Profiles’ -
what does it do?
tells other apps
what colour space
you worked in
the default end point style of a stroke is called a …
butt cap
to align a bunch of objects
to an artboard,
you need to first…?
make them into a group
save profiles - where?
Documents and Settings...\New Document Profiles
what point size is commonly
seen as a ‘hairline’?
max number of artboards in Ai
change artboard
spacing globally:
Object / Artboards / Rearrange
clone path’s stroke thinner
than original? - remedy:
Transform panel fly-out menu
/ ‘Scale Strokes & Effects’
Stacking -
travel up and down:
Ctrl + Alt + [or]
Blob Brush Tool:
where is it in the toolbox?
+ by default is set to fill or stroke?
under the paintbrush
set to stroke by default
what is distributing objects?
spacing them apart,
equidistant from one another
save all swatches used in doc:
Swatches fly-out /
Add Used Colors
you can drag an object by an anchor point if…
…the bounding box is off