this is the study of normal tissues of the body
the study of changes in microscopic structures of tissues
4 basic types of tissue
epithelial tissue/epithelium, connective tissue, nervous tissue, muscle tissue
Cover body surfaces and line the cavities of
hollow organs, tubes of the body, and cover internal organs
epithelial tissue
this is the most cellular type of tissue
epithelial tissue
TRUE OR FALSE: the epithelium is avascular
what are the 2 components of the epithelial tissue
epithelial cells (very cellular and compact) and intercellular cementing substance (binds ep. cells together)
these attach/bind epithelial cells together
cell junctions
functions of epithelium
protection, absorption, secretion, sensory reception, excretion, lubrication
what are the 2 structures associated with epithelial tissue
basement membrane and lamina propia
Provides structural support for the epithelium and binds it to neighboring structures
basement membrane
The thin layer of loose connective tissue
immediately beneath the epithelium; underlying the basement membrane
lamina propia
membrane specialization of epithelia include:
intercellular surfaces and luminal/apical surfaces
these are attached to the lateral surfaces of epithelial cells and consists of multiprotein complexes
cell junctions
what are the types of cell junctions
adhering junctions, tight junctions, gap/communicating junctions
type of cell junction that mediates intercellular communication, permits the passage of substances between adjacent
gap/communicating junctions
hold cells together to prevent lateral tearing of tissues and provide mechanical attachment (maybe cell-to-cell or cell-to-basement membrane)
adhering junctions
impermeable junctions; most apical junction; principal function is to form a seal that prevents the flow of materials between epithelial cells in either way
tight junctionsw
what are found on the apical surfaces of epithelial tissues
microvilli, cilia, stereocilia
minute finger-like extensions or
folds that increase the cell surface area available for absorption
elongated, motile structures have a rapid back-and-forth movement that is frequently coordinated propelling surface films of mucus and fluid
long, nonmotile structures that increase the cell surface area and facilitate the movement of molecules into the out of the cell.
single layer of flattened cells with bulge where nucleus is located, cytoplasm is very thin and touch to see
simple squamous epithelium
epithelium can be classified into 2:
lining/covering and glandular/pyramidal
3 components of connective tissue
cells, extracellular matrix/ground substance, protein fibers