Basic Pt. Final Flashcards
Process of how infection spreads:
Reservoir (Host) Exit (cough, sneeze, etc) Transmission Entry to another person Infection Susception
Standard Precautions
Assumes ALL blood, body fluids, excretions (minus sweat), secretions, open wounds, mucous etc contain infectious agents
Sepsis is?
Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by the body’s response to an infection
Aseptic means?
“Clean” not Sterile
Syncope means?
temporary loss of consciousness (fainting) caused by a fall in blood pressure.
Bradycardia classified as what BPM?
less than 60 bpm
Tachycardia classified as what BPM?
more than 100 bpm
What is a Nosocomial aka HAI?
Healthcare associated infection, ie MRSA, C-diff, VRE
What is the average body temperature?
98.6 F
At what body temperature should therapy not be performed?
100 degrees F or higher
Name the sites for taking body temperature:
oral cavity, rectum (most accurate), axilla, ear canal, or temporal artery.
List normal pulse rate for adult, child, and newborn:
Adult : 60-100 bpm
Child (1 to 10): 70-130 bpm
Newborn: 100-150 bpm
List the sites of the body for taking pulse:
Temporal, Carotid (common), brachial, radial (common), femoral, popliteal, dorsal pedal, and posterior tibial
What is considered a normal pulse ox measurement?
What are some factors that effect pulse ox measurement?
Cold fingers nail polish artificial nails long nails poor circulation movement
Technically what is Systolic pressure measuring?
Contraction of the left ventricle
Kortocoff’s sound 1
What is diastolic pressure measuring?
The rest period of the heart between beats
Kortocoff’s sound 5
What is a normal RR for an adult and infant?
Adult: 12-18
infant: 30-50
Alert =
Awake/attentive to normal stimuli
Lethargic =
NOT CONFUSED, pt. arouses with stimuli
Obtunded =
CONFUSED, needs constant stimuli, difficult to arouse
Stupor (Semi-comatose) =
pt. unable to interact with clinician, only responds to strong noxious stimuli.
Coma =
pt. can’t be aroused, may/may not have reflexes
Delirium =
pt. behaves offensive, loud, talkative. Disorientation characterized by irritability, agitation, paranoia, hallucinations
Dementia =
Alt. mental process secondary to org. disease that is not accompanied by change in arousal
Cognition =
Process of knowing and includes both awareness & judgement. Cognitive testing includes; assess attn., orientation, memory, abstract thought, ability to perform calc. or construct figures, judgement
What four thigs asses a pt.’s orientation and alertness
person- do they know their name
place- do they know where they are
time- what day of the week it is?
Name three mechanisms for medication to be delivered to pt.’s
IV-immediate response, 15-20 seconds or so but only lasts 10-15 min – 1 hr;
IM- takes effect in 20-30 min or so and lasts up to 4 hr;
Orally- slow response, begins to take effect in 30-45 min and will last 4-6 hrs
What is the purpose of draping?
- expose area to be treated
- provide modesty
- maintain comfortable body temp
- protect skin and clothing
What is the purpose of changing positions?
- prevent contractures
- relieve pressure to skin
- relieve pressure to subcutaneous tissue
- relieve pressure to organ systems
how often should a pt.s position be changed?
30 min to 2 hours
transfemoral amputation avoid?
avoid hip flexion
transtibial amputations avoid what?
avoid knee flexion
What are righting reactions?
responsible for orienting our head in space and keeping our eyes and mouth horizontal. It occurs when our center of balance is shifted; we correct (or right) our head and trunk when we get off balance
Romberg Test
Pt stands w/feet together, eyes open unaided for 20-30 seconds. If pt. becomes unstable or sways, test is over. If pt. is ok, then he is asked to close his eyes.
Timed up and go
10’ Healthy adults can complete the test in less than 10 seconds
Berg balance scale
Consist 14 functional everyday tasks
What is the Valsalva maneuver?
pt. holds their breath while performing physical activity
Best lift to use for getting stuff out of the vehicle?
straight leg lift
Levels of Assistance
Minimal asst – pt performs 75% or more of the activity (you are doing 25 % of the work)
Moderate asst – pt performs 50-74% of the activity (you are doing half the work)
Maximum asst – pt performs 25-49% of the activity (you are doing almost all the work)
Dependent (Total) asst – pt is not able to assist with the activity at all (you are doing ALL the work) and/or you need additional assist from someone else or equipment to complete the task
What is a Modified Independent level of assistance?
pt can perform an activity without physical assistance from you but requires an assistive device or adaptive equipment (ie. walker, bed rail, grab bars, furniture)
Describe the levels of assistance starting with minimal:
Minimal asst – pt performs 75% or more of the activity (you are doing 25 % of the work)
Moderate asst – pt performs 50-74% of the activity (you are doing half the work)
Maximum asst – pt performs 25-49% of the activity (you are doing almost all the work)
Dependent (Total) asst – pt is not able to assist with the activity at all (you are doing ALL the work) and/or you need additional assist from someone else or equipment to complete the task
What are the total hip precautions?
usually avoid hip adduction, flexion more than 90 degrees, internal rotation
What are the low back trauma or discomfort precautions?
acronym is no BLT w/pickles (no bending, lifting, twisting, or pulling)