basic of quantitive research Flashcards
what should be documented
why should it be documented
how should it be documented
methods of empirical social research
quantitative quality criteria
quantitative research question
not only wants to describe but to explain something
focus on relationship and causal relationship patterns
how is x related to y
purley descriptive
what is a theory
contains statements about empirically verifiable relationships
is a system of logical and consistent statements about social phenomena
are networks o hypotheses
understand and explain empirically observable and verifiable relationships
what are hypotheses
are preliminary statements about an area of investigation
transfer theoretically assumed correlations into an empirically verifiable form
is a statement about correlation between two or more variables
more concrete than a theory
- whether a correlation exists
- the causal direction of this connection
- the conditions under which the correlation applies
hypotheses: theoretical foundation
hypotheses are derived from theory and specify correlation between dependent and independent variables
they can be verified or rebutted in the empirical test procedure
must be clearly defined using valid operational definitions
they must be specific - the relationship of the variables and the conditions under which the connection must apply must be set out
hypotheses must meet following criteria
universality: goes beyond a single case or event
must underlie the formal structure of a meaninfumg conditional sentence (if-then, the-the)
conditional sentence must be able to be rebutted
to test validity of a hypotheses, statistical hypotheses are formulated
are formulated based on statistical parameters
difference between
null hypothesis: claims that there is no relationship or the difference of H1
alternative hypothesis: is derived from theory - claims that there is a relationship
significance test
is used to check the probability with which the correlation between the variables is valid
examines two mutually exclusive statistical hypotheses
non-directed hypotheses
does not dictate direction
e.g. there is no relationship or there is an relationship
directed hypotheses
a direction of correlation or the difference is indicated
e.g. there is no relationship or there is a positive relationship
what are variables
describe objects using relevant characteristics
makes it possible to determine in which objects the characteristics are the same or different
explanation of characteristics is one of the most important parts in stat
continuous and discrete variables
continuous variables have many values in any interval e.g. weight, height
discrete variables only have finite number of occurrence in a limited interval e.g. number of siblings, births
manifest and latent variables
manifest variables are directly observable e.g. number of solved tasks
latent variables are based on manifest ones as a hypothetical construct e.g. intelligence is represented by the number of tasks solved