Basic Immunology Flashcards
When macrophages eat, they make signaling proteins that are called what?
What proteins are always in the blood?
Compliment proteins
In order for the immune system to do its job it must be able to do what two things?
- Recognize “self” from “non-self”
- Know what’s dangerous and what’s not
What term means to “prepare for eating”?
What are the secondary lymphoid organs?
- Spleen
- Tonsils
- Appendix
- Lymph nodes
What are the primary lymphoid organs?
- Bone Marrow
- Thymus
What are the types of T-cells
- Killer T cells
- Helper T cells
- Regulatory T cells
How many T-cells are there?
What are the 5 classes of antibodies?
- IgG
- IgA
- IgM
- IgE
- IgD
How many classes of antibodies are there?
What are the two types if immunity?
- Active
- Passive
With this type of immunity, you are given the immunity response from mother to child or from blood transfusion
Passive Immunity
What are the two types of immune systems?
- Innate Immune System
- Adaptive Immune System
With this type of immunity, you make the immune response through vaccination or exposure.
Active Immunity
Where are neutrophils developed?
Bone Marrow
what signals other immune cells that there is a battle going on and attracts other “professional Phagocytes” from blood to infected tissue to help out?
What migrates to the site of infection within a few hours of the entry of microbes.
What components make up the Innate Immune system?
- Physical and Chemical Barriers (such as the skin)
- Phagocytic Cells
- Blood Proteins (Complement proteins)
- Cytokines
Examples of this type of immune disorder include Lukemia and lymphoma.
Immune system is overactive and cannot shut down.
Immune Proliferation
Examples of this immune disorder include lupus, diabetes, cancer and Allergy
Immune system attacks itself
Immune Aberration
Examples of this immune disorder include HIV, Bruton’s, and Bubble Boy
Lack of an immune system
Immune Deficiency
Blood contains three major types of cells that float in the liquid plasma. What are they?
- Red Blood Cells
- White Blood Cells
- Platelets
What waits in the tissue under the skin; engulfs invading bacterium and destroys it?
What makes up 20% - 25% of the total WBC count and are very important because they provide immunologic “memory”?
Along with the neutrophils, they also serve as the first line of defense against infection and perform the same functions as monocytes
WBC found in very small numbers in circulating blood and nasal secreations.
make up 60 - 70% of WBC and are part of the organism’s first line of defense against infection
These lymphocytes mature in the Thymus and are responsible for cell mediated immunity?
T- Lymphocytes
Mature in the bone marrow and are found in the blood stream?
B - Lymphocytes
Specialize in presenting parts of the organisims to other cells in the immune system, such as T cells, and are thus known as “antigen presenting cells”
When an allergen binds to and cross-links the IgE, the __________ releases chemical mediators from its granules
Mast Cell
The __________ immune system is the sytem that is always ready and does not need to depend upon specific recognition.
The Innate Immune System
What is the process of engulfing bacteria and taking it inside a macrophage for destruction and breakdown?
make up 1 - 3% of WBC’s and are increased in allergic disorders and parasite infections.
The _________ system is made up of a number of protien that circulate in the body and are harmless until they are activated and attach to bacteria. Once they attach they either punch holes in the cell membrane or make it easier for the phagocytic cells to engulf and destry the cell
How long do macrophages stay in the blood stream before patrolling the body’s tissues
3 Days
Once a T-cell becomes excited and multiplies it goes through a process called what??
Colonal Expansion
How many protiens is a T-cell designed to recognize?
What type of T-cell directs the immune response by sending out various signals which help other cells get excited about defending the body?
Helper T-cells
Which type of T-cell kills abnormal host cells?
Killer T-cells or Cytotoxic T-cells
Which immune system is the body’s first line of defense against infection?
Innate Immune System
Which antibody created by the B-cell is the first antibody produced?
Which antibody created by the B-cell is found in the highest quantities int eh blood stream?
Which antibody created by the B-cell is the allergic antibody?