Basic GI SX Part 2 Flashcards
How far on either side of a FB in the intestines do I want to milk fecal matter away from the FB before applying the doyen forceps?
10 cm
where is the longitudinal incision made for an enterotomy?
the antimesenteric border in the health intestine immediately distal to the FB
What suture type is used for an enterotomy?
All suturing is done with 3-0 to 4-0 polyglactin 910 (Vicryl), polyglycolic acid (Dexon), polydiazoxinone (PDS) or polyglactone (Maxon) on a taper cut needle.
What layers does the gambee pattern include in an enterotomy closure?
serosa, muscularis, and submucosa (not mucosa- helps to decrease eversion of the mucosa)
If the animal has hypoproteinemia or cachexic, what suture pattern should be used?
a simple continuous or inverting Cushing, Connell or Lembert pattern is performed
provides watertight seal and god serosa-serosa apposition
Why is surgical gut suture not good to use in either the stomach or colon?
stomach: acid breaks suture down too fast
colon: collagenases speed up tensile strength loss
How can a linear FB be removed with a single enterotomy incision vs. multiple?
use a red rubber catheter to detach the FB from the wall of the intestine and push it aborally toward the stomach
Ideal suture choice for closing an enterotomy?
4-0 PDS
What is the concern with using a Cushing pattern for an enterotomy closure?
eversion causes narrowing of intestinal lumen
What is a key thing to address before you start making enterotomy incisions to remove a linear FB?
relieve the anchor point (under tongue or at pylorus)
What are the Ad/DisAd to performing anastomoses?
How do you want to cut the aborad side the intestine for an anastomosis?
60 degree angle to match the dilated orad side
How many mL water do you use for the leak test?
10 mL
If a dog has an omental resection and peritonitis, how does this affect mortality?
How much vital tissue should be removed with the devitalized tissue with an intestinal resection?
1.5 cm
How much SI can be removed?
Resections greater than 75-80% may result in weight loss, cachexia, macrocytic anemia, hypoproteinemia and chronic diarrhea.