Basic exam questions Flashcards
Name Maylor’s seven characteristics of projects (for one point, name the three that are common to
most definitions of what constitutes a project).
The most common:
- Temporary
- Unique
- Focused
The seven:
- Aspects of uniqueness
- Change
- Mission focused
- Temporary
- Integrating
- Social construction
- Emergence and uncertainty
For each of (a) and (b), name the 4D phase that contains it:
(a) improving project performance
(b) supply chain issues.
Define it:
- Stakeholders, stategy and success
- initial planning
Design it:
- Time planning
- Rethinking time planning
- Cost and benefit planning
- Stakeholders and wuality
- Risk and opportunities management
Do it:
- Project organisation: structures and teams
- Management and leadership in projects
- Control
- Supply chain management
Develop it:
- Project completion and review
- Improving project performance
Describe the stage-gate system
Project activities is divided into phases. These phases are separated by “gates”. To be able to go from one phase to the next it needs to pass the gate. At the gate there are some requirement that needs to be fulfilled for the project to continued in the next phase. A decision is made at every gate if the project should continue.
Explain the differences between performance and conformance.
Performance: ?
Conformance: ?
Commonly used activity-on-node linkage is the finish-to-start linkage, but there are also three
others. Name and draw those three.
Finish to Start
Start to Start
Finish to Finish
Start to Finish
Which are the necessary components in a business case?
Predicted cost
Gantt charts may also be called… what?
Gantt chart dependency is marked… how?
Gantt chart is also called linked-bar chart.
Dependence is marked with an arrow just like activity on node linkage.
What is the Pareto principle and what is Pareto analysis
The Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule or the law of the vital few) states that, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.
Pareto analysis provides a guide as to which problems to tackle first. It objective is to find which 20 % of causes that are causing 80 % of the problems.
What is cost-plus, also known as reimbursable pricing? When is it typically used?
Find out the cost and add a percentage.
Previously used in military and procurement projects.
Describe the 4D model, and identify which phase is typically the most expensive one.
Define it: Goal definition, strategy Design it: Planning, modeling, resource analysis. etc. Do it:
What is the iron triangle and why would it be of interest for project managers to know about it?
Time performance,
(Zone of no-brain)
Quality perf. Cost perf.
Of interest because it’s important to know were they can make trade offs.
What is an aggregate resource plan and who would be the most interested in using it?
A aggregated resource plan provides a concise statement of the resource requirement of the expected activities on the project.
It i s important for the programme management.
What is a pilot study, modelling and benchmarking, according to Maylor?
- Pilot study: Small scale study of the coast and benefits prior to launching a full-scale project.
Modelling - Build a simulation of the proposed changes and use data from these. - Benchmarking: Comparing to others who has made the similar projects before.
Some professors might think they are bodies of knowledge. What is it according to Maylor?
Bodies of knowledge is a set of general/universal set of standards and tools for PM. Maylor though, thinks it’s more like points of reference and guidelines that can not be applied directly to all projects.
Describe the Student Syndrome?
When tasks are pushed in time and not done until the last second, despite gien extra time.
Historically, students at Chalmers have shown interest in beer drinking, and have recurrently proposed the
construction of a pipeline from a local brewery. Would a linked-bar chart be of interest for such an endeavour?
Why, or why not?
Linked-bar chart = Gantt chart.
It could be useful for the planning of the project and highlight the relation between the activities. It gives an overview of the tasks and the timeframe of the project.
You can organize purchasing in two distinct ways, according to Maylor. Which are they, and which are the
respective advantages?
Centralised and Localised.
Name the four parts of the agile manufesto
- Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
- working software over comprehensive documentation
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Responding to change over following a plan
The items on the wight is important, but the ones on the left is MORE important.