Basic concepts of functional assessment Flashcards
Freud - Centered on seeking pleasure in avoiding pain
Represents a person’s conscience and tells the person what he or she should do
Centered on the reality principle, meaning that it balances the demand of the id and restrictions of the superego in order to meet the realities of the situation.
RSV -Respiratory syncytial virus
Contagious respiratory virus that can have serious health consequences for infant.
Symptoms are common cold but can Progress to pneumonia
Cross eye
If untreated can lead to reduced visual acuity in one eye
Reduced visual acuity
can be caused by cross eyes or refractive errors like myopia.
3 types Of failure to thrive and their differences.
Organic FTT: Physical cause Such as aids, chronic renal failure, heart conditions or neurological lesions.
Non-organic NFTT: psychosocial factors
Idiopathic FTT: form of NFTT that is unexplained by organic or environmental etiologies
Freud’s psychosexual theory-
List 5 stages:
Oral stage- birth to 1yr
Anal stage- 1-3 yr toilet training
Phallic stage 3-6yrs. resolution of Oedipus and Electra complex results in identifying with same sex parent. Development of the superego.
Latent 6-12 libido is quiet.
Genital stage 12+ pursue biological goal of reproduction
Erickson’s psychosocial theory
List the stages
Trust vs mistrust birth to 1yr Autonomy vs shame and doubt 1-3 Initiative vs guilt 3-6 Industry vs inferiority 6-12 Identity vs role confusion 12-20 Intimacy vs isolation 20-40 Generativity vs stagnation 40-65 Integrity vs despair 65+
Piaget’s cognitive development
List stages
Sensorimotor: birth to 2 yr- sensory organs and muscles become more functional.
Preoperational: 2-7yr- emerging ability to think with use of symbols and mental images
Concrete operations: 7-11yr- learn to reason about events in here and now- cooperation and sharing
Formal operations: 12+ able to see relationships and reason in the abstract
Moral development according to Kohlberg
List the stages:
Level 1- preconventional: birth to 9 yr- selfish, dependent on others
(Punishment, obedience, right is defined by what is acceptable)
Level 2- conventional: 9-13- interpersonal relations (approval is sought through actions, authority respected)
Level 3- postconventional: 13+ understands the morality of having democratic laws.
What kind of development theories did each of these people come up with? Freud Erickson Piaget Kohlberg Gillian Fowler Gould
Freud: psychosexual Erickson: psychosocial Piaget: cognitive Kohlberg: moral Gillian: moral Fowler: spiritual , faith Gould: adult development
Developmental tasks are
age related achievements.
What is the name of the model that Emphasizes and individuals believe in being personally capable of performing the behavior required to influence one’s own health?
And who developed it?
Self-efficacy theory
Developed by Bandura
What model/theory was based on extensive Research about smoking cessation?
Transtheoretical model
What is the primary objective of social marketing?
To change behavior