basic concepts of animal structure Flashcards
slaughter definition
(Beef) removal of:
- gut fill
- hide
- inedible organs (lungs, spleen, pancreas, intestines)
- diaphragm and visceral fat
- edible organs (offal)
- most of the blood
antemortem inspection
within 24h of slaughter
- is the animal fit to be slaughtered?
- ID animals w disease or condition - unfit for consumption
- Id animals treated w drugs
- ID animals requiring special handling (injured or v dirty)
- inspect for illegal substances (implants in veal)
postmortem inspection
after death, checking for :
- contamination w dirt/fecies
- tumours, accesses, parasites
- lymph nodes checked for disease
lymph node inspection
-search for abnormalities + slice open for inspection.
determine the severity and incidence of disease.
3 options for livestock (sick or healthy)
1 - hold for further testing (see if carcass can eventually enter food chain)
2 - condemn carcass (destroyed or sent for further research
3) allow carcass to enter human food chain
what’s looked for in postmortem inspection - head
cysticercus Boris (tapeworm), BSE
what’s looked for in postmortem inspection - lungs
what’s looked for in postmortem inspection - liver
accesses, parasites (worms, fluke)
what’s looked for in postmortem inspection - heart
cysticercus Boris
carcass composition (beef)
~61.5% of live weight
- 10% gut fill
- 7% hide, also inedible organs
- 6% head, tail, feet
1. 6% edible organs
avg carcass weights (beef)
towards the head
shoulder is anterior to the hip
towards the tail
hip is caudal to the shoulder
towards the back bone (dorsal fin), away from the ground
away from vertebral column, towards the belly
Median plane
imaginary plane that splits body into equal left and right sides
close/towards the median plane
away from the median plane
on the limbs. towards the limb. proximal end is the one attached to the body
away from the body. on the limbs. fingers are distal
sagittal plane
divides the body into left and right parts, not as entered as median plane
situated or occurring near the front end of the body (usually used w the nose and mouth)
dorsal body cavity
located along the posterior surface of the body
spine, nervous system
ventral body cavity
front of the trunk w the lungs, heart, stomach, etc