Basic Components Of Female Repro Tract Flashcards
1 = Ovaries 2 = Oviducts 3 = Uterus 4 = Cervix 5 = Vulva & Vagina
(1) What do ovaries undergo?
Profound morphological changes during reproductive cycles which are associated with changes in physiology and behaviour
(1) Ooctyes
Enclosed in ovarian follicles which go through stages of growth called folliculogenesis
(1) Primordial
Single layer of flattened cells, ovarian reserve is made up of these follciles
(1) Primary
Single layer of cuboidal cells
(1) Secondary
2-3 layers of cuboidal cells with a zona pellucida (ZP)
(1) Antral/Tertiary
Characterized by a fluid-filled cavity, these follicles produce E2 and inhibin
-development of FSH and LH
-follicular fluid is derived from plasma
(1) Ovulation
Rupture of dominant follicle and release of oocyte induced by LH peak
(1) Corpus Hemorrhagicum
Follicle after bursting, ruptured blood vessels in this structure give it a reddish colour; develop into CL
(1) Corpus luteum (CL)
Follicular cells differentiate into luteal cells that secrete P4
(1) Corpus Albicans
Whitish, regressing CL composed of connective tissue
(1) Hilus
Formed by mesovarium (part of BL) is the channel through which ovarian arteries and veins reach the ovaries
(1) Theca externa
Loose connective tissue that completely surrounds and supports follicle
(1) Theca Interna
Layer beneath theca externa, has LH receptors and produces androgens
(1) Granulosa Cells
Layer beneath theca interna (separated by basal lamina). Differentiate into large luteal cells and produce ~85% of P4
-basal lamina forms a blood-oocyte barrier
-these cells have FSH receptors, convert androgens to E2 and produce inhibin
(1) Corpus Luteum
Endocrine gland formed by follicular cells after ovulation, all have LH receptors and produce P4
(2) Oviducts
Transport cumulus oocyte complex (COC) towards uterus and sperm towards ovary
(2) Infundibulum
Terminal, funnel-shaped opening (ostium) of oviduct that captures COC after ovulation
(2) Ampulla
~50% of oviduct length, thicker layer with a larger outer diameter
-contains mucosal folds of ciliated epithelium which aid in fertilization and zygote transport
(2) Isthmus
Smaller in diameter, thicker muscular layer with fewer mucosal folds
-muscular layer pushes sperm towards COC
(2) Ampullary-Isthmic Junction
Distinct (gradual histological and morphological change) but represents site of fertilization (halfway down tube)
(2) Mare Ovulation
Unique: cortex is internal and medulla is external; ovum enters oviduct via ovulation fossa
(3) Degree of Development in Uterine Horns
Inversely proportional to amount of fusion of paramesonephric ducts during development
-more fusion = less developed horns, bigger uterine body
(3) Uterus
Responsible for secretion of prostaglandins for control of luteolysis and transport and capacitation of sperm
(3) During Pregnancy….
Uterus provides optimal environment for developing embryo
(3) Endometrial Sloughing
AKA menstrual period: occurs in non-pregnant primates and humans
(3) Maternal Caruncles
Highly vascularized, non-secretory bumps protrusions of tissue in uterine lining that attach to fetal placenta during gestation
(3) Uterine Folds
Increase placenta surface area, occur in sows and mares
(3) Placental Scars
Occur in female cats and indicate previous pregnancy (previous placental attachments to fetal placenta)
-number of placental scars indicate number of fetuses present
(4) Cervix
Thick-walled canal composed of single or multiple layers of rings/folds of connective tissue, smooth muscle and secretory tissue
(4) Secretory Tissue
Composed of mucosa that secretes mucus that lubricates the vagina and flushes out foreign material
(4) Viscous Mucus
Provides a barrier for protection of fetus against foreign material
(4) Interlocking Projections
Crypts/folds that act as a sperm barrier or resevoir depending on circumstance
(5) Vagina
Copulatory organ, birth canal, expulsion of urine
(5) Cranial Vagina
Derived from paramesonephric ducts, composed of columnar epithelium and has a high degree of secretory activity
(5) Caudal Vagina
Derived from urogenital sinus, composed of squamous epithelium whose secretions and thickness changes with stage of cycle
(5) Vulva
Provides closure to vagina and minimizes entry of foreign material; composed of folds of skin
(5) Dorsal Commissure
Upper part of labia, below perineum
-commissure = meeting of lips
(5) Ventral Commissure
Clitoral fossa containing clitoris which is composed of highly innervated erectile tissue
(5) Skin of Vulva
Sebaceous and sweat glands, hair follicles, and adipose tissue